4.40 star(s) 159 Votes


Forum Fanatic
Nov 18, 2019
The reason he brings Anna up more often is because all the memories returning involve her. He still has amnesia and Anna has been the one constant thing after the accident that he can count on. His feelings don't lie, he loves Lena and Sabrina just as much as he loves Anna, and the memories with them will also return. But for this part of the story arc, it evolves around Anna more, since she is the one who can help him become whole again.
I'm starting to think that it's still not clear enough how much Anna is a central figure in the game, while the MC definitely love every girl with all his heart and mind Anna is his polar light, nothing would have been the same without her ( and some things would have been almost impossible).
Their relations goes beyond everything, is something so strong that even in her state she can still communicate with him, this is clearly a sign that they are soulmates, they share so much that they are able to break a physical barrier like her being in a coma not something light.
My personal opinion is that the relation between Anna and the MC is the real centerpoint of the entire game, and while I'm sure he will love all the girls with great intensity ( and with scenes for all of them) Anna will always be his first and last thought, every single scene until now point out in that direction.
This is not to downplay the other girls, I adore everyone, but she's truly special and I love how you Killer are portraying this in the game, I'm a sucker for the concept of love as the force that move everything and both in MNF and MNM this is the aspect I cherish the most, you did a fantastic work and I can only thank you for that. :)


Jul 2, 2022
The reason he brings Anna up more often is because all the memories returning involve her. He still has amnesia and Anna has been the one constant thing after the accident that he can count on. His feelings don't lie, he loves Lena and Sabrina just as much as he loves Anna, and the memories with them will also return. But for this part of the story arc, it evolves around Anna more, since she is the one who can help him become whole again.
I think sometimes people don't take into account that this game is still early in development hell I'm not even sure we are halfway through the first story arc. Also, it is story/romance driven not lewd scene driven. Luckily you are a man of resolve though, so I know I'm gonna get the story you want to tell and not what other people try to pressure you into telling.


A New Level In Pleasure
Dec 17, 2019

Hello there you wonderful and very attractive people!

Another week, another progress update!

First, thanks for the nice feedback on the teasers. I know they don't show much, but that is exactly what I had in mind. Just
some overall areas and girls you will interact with. The interesting part are the dialogues after all, right?

Work on My New Family has been going okay the last week. I planned the fifth day out and decided to give the little sunshine a very nice and wholesome event again. I feel like Sun has been cut short lately, especially after her short visit at the vacation house, so I planned something cute with her that involves other people of the household as well. Still, it will be mainly about her. This day will also be pretty packed in terms of things the MC has to do - Especially because the wedding is the day after. He will get some help regarding his suit from two women you would have never expected to help him together.

I know that my initial plan was to focus a lot on sidegirls this update, but I feel like with the wedding coming up, that would feel kinda weird. So I will do what I said a few weeks ago, after this update is done and we saw the wedding, I'll make kind of an "Epilogue" Update which will tie up all the lose ends we have with girls like Celeste and other women we didn't quite get to date yet. I think this is the best way of doing things, while still giving the main cast the love they deserve ( especially when they are all sitting around with big bellies, right?). Like I said a few times now, with the end of My New Family coming up, I want to do it right and feel like a proper ending for this game. Especially since it will serve as the intro to My New Family 2, which will release sometime next year!

Now a message only for people that follow me on patreon: As you can see, I had to censor the render of Bethany. She is wearing a low cut dress there and you see A LITTLE BIT of cleavage. Yet, Patreon decided it's against their TOS to post it in public. You can find the render uncensored on Discord and basically everywhere else.

Okay, now let's talk about My New Memories. I've still been digging around for new assets and setting up scenes to make the rendering progress easier. To be honest, I can't wait to start working on it again, I have so many ideas for this Chapter and even the Chapters that come after it. The "Amnesia" arc will come to an end with Chapter III because I don't want this to be a permanent thing in the game. Not going to say more regarding it, but you will see what I mean once you play Chapter III. Todays render is Bethany and the MC having a serious talk - at least if you decided to end the evening with her in a special way. She doesn't look too happy, but I'm sure the MC can find a way to put a smile on her face again...

And I think thats it for now. I'll do my best to release a beta this weekend again, chances are pretty good. There will 100% be a beta 5 this month, so I can at least promise you that! If anything comes up I'll let you guys know!



Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2018

Hello there you wonderful and extremely wholesome people!

Another week, another progress update!

As some of you may have noticed, Beta 5 for My New Family released yesterday. That means we are only one ingame day away until the update is complete! And from what I heard so far, people liked this day a lot, especially because of a certain event involving two ladies you would not have expected to do something together!

The last day of the update will of course focus a little more on the wedding, which will happen as the afternoon/evening event. You will get some time with Maddie before, though, and if you are still not on the "true ending" path, then this day will be very short and weird for you, I think! But you can of course always replay 0.22 and pick the "True ending" prompt in case you are missing a girl or two. In any case, the day will be very wholesome and emotional, especially regarding the things that happened the day before. I'm also pretty sure some of you will be surprised who will hold the wedding ceremony...Not going to say anything, but feel free to speculate! I personally can't wait to release this update, mainly because it will serve as the "start of the end", if that makes sense. Work on the next day has already started, no release date for the beta yet, but 0.23 will 100% release in the middle of december.

Speaking of release, I'm pretty happy that I was able to release 2 betas this month again. I know that doesn't sound like much, but for me it's a big accomplishment again after the rather slow and painful start of the year.

Now, let's talk about My New Memories. Just like last week, I've been mainly preparing scenes for easier rendering once I fully go back to writing for it again. I also outlined some more special events that will happen towards the end of the Chapter. There will also be some wholesome and rather spicy event with a girl you didn't expect yet. Mainly because she heard from a certain Japanese woman what she did with the MC...Well, if you decided to end the date properly, I guess. Let's just say she really wants to see if she can experience something similar with the MC. That is all up to you to decide, of course. And just fyi, neither her nor the MC is sure about their feelings yet. So this is not a situation like you had with Sabrina - This will be a relationship that didn't start yet, and it's up to you to decide if you want to. Just like with the other girl you dated on the last day...Todays progress update render is Lina and Olivia in the hospital with the MC, a rather wholesome and a little funny event with those two gingers.

And I think thats it for now. Thank you again for the amazing support, you guys really are the best people out there. If anything comes up, I'll let you guys know. Stay awesome!


Active Member
Apr 12, 2020
Finally played the game from zero to the current update.

Gotta say, Killer7 does live up to the wholesome standard. Lots to read, which I love, well written and definetely a well made game. You should be proud of that. But I'm not going to "brown nose" you saying the game is the best thing ever, I hope you are okay with that. Just trying to be a real fan. And, of course, this is just an OPINION, I know many disagree and I'm fine with that. Just trying to give some feedback since it seems Killer7 is going to be a mainstay name in this community and I know for a fact this isn't going to be his/her last game. Maybe my feedback might help in the next one?

The story is very interesting and a GREAT read, but I must confess I didn't really connect with any female character (with the exception of Sarah). It always feels like we never talk to them and, when we do, we are always in an hurry to move on to the next talk with the next girl.

I didn't feel any romance, I hope you don't get sad reading this, but it's just my feelings. I truly believe that in order for these relationships to feel real you really can't have the girls making a joke or talking about things unrelated to the moment all the time (examples: talking about "how they are crazy germans", or "oh, I licked cum off your wife's face" or "anna would want this", or "you are so small you little gnome" or "yes, and Sarah's tits are so big", or just random girls from other points of the house yelling random things like how they like taking showers together or how they hear MC and Lena talking about sex - which also ruined quite a few romantic and endearing scenes with her for no reason).

Also, even though Anna is a perfect wife to have in the real world, in a game like this it ruins the romance for me. Sure, it would've been a super interesting game if we started just with our wife and then she tells us about her Incest / Sharing kinks and we go off to seduce/fall in love with women in our lives. It would make for great romance because these girls wouldn't be a sure deal, we would get to slowly know them better and develop feelings of love with the characters.

But the way the story is right now it's just... We basically say yes and it's done? The girls throw themselves at us, we know absolutely nothing about them, we spend no time with them, we don't talk with them, we aren't romantic with them, but then we fuck them.

I felt kinda the same regarding the Main/First girl in My New Family. Even though she was supposed to be the number one, she immediately says yes and then we almost never spend time with her again (except when we have to fuck her, this unknown woman we spend no time with). At least with Lucy and Alice, we spends LOADS of time with them and we REALLY get to know them.

I think we need more of that in these games. Actually spending time, like a whole day, without having to pay "doctors visits" to every single girl for 5 minutes per day.

Sorry if it started sounding like a rant at the end, really like your work (I criticize, but I always play them) and I hope you never stop doing this.
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My New Family / My New Memories
Game Developer
May 14, 2019
I feel like you missed a very important point there - The girls you end up getting intimate with at the moment ( Except Lisa, I guess ) all have been in a relationship with the MC before. Lena and Sabrina are already "established", it just happened before the accident. There are no real romantic things with any of the other girls yet.

Once you get to actually romance a girl, there will be the romantic stuff. For now they are all trying to cope their own way with the accident and what happened with Anna.

The only girl "throwing herself" at you was Lisa. The other girls still have to explore their feelings ( if you went on the date with Yukiko you know this ).

I also feel like the things you say regarding MNF are not true. We spend plenty of time with Sandra, get to know her better and we even find out a few things none of the other girls know about her - Especially regarding her father.

I feel like you are nitpicking on the wrong ends there. Sabrina and Lena were already a thing before, every other romance you start will start from 0. Just look at how Bethany reacts if you decide to give her a real kiss.


Active Member
Apr 12, 2020
I feel like you missed a very important point there - The girls you end up getting intimate with at the moment ( Except Lisa, I guess ) all have been in a relationship with the MC before. Lena and Sabrina are already "established", it just happened before the accident. There are no real romantic things with any of the other girls yet.

Once you get to actually romance a girl, there will be the romantic stuff. For now they are all trying to cope their own way with the accident and what happened with Anna.

The only girl "throwing herself" at you was Lisa. The other girls still have to explore their feelings ( if you went on the date with Yukiko you know this ).

I also feel like the things you say regarding MNF are not true. We spend plenty of time with Sandra, get to know her better and we even find out a few things none of the other girls know about her - Especially regarding her father.

I feel like you are nitpicking on the wrong ends there. Sabrina and Lena were already a thing before, every other romance you start will start from 0. Just look at how Bethany reacts if you decide to give her a real kiss.
Yes, but that's what I'm saying - they are already established as a couple (MC with Lena and Sabrina) and that takes 95% of the fun out of it. We never actually have a normal conversation with them, half of the time it's filled with fodder (ex.: insults, jokes, quick mentions of things they did with the MC without elaborating). I really feel like Lena and Sabrina were robbed of a romance.

And the date with Yukiko was not enough at all. It lasted for less than 5 minutes and it was just her talking about how she talked to Anna about being with the MC, there was no real conversation between them just more "yeah, let's do this because we are a crazy family and Anna wants us to do this". You say "explore their feelings", but then they are constantly talking during side-conversations with each other how they want this and hinting at the player they want it. I think they already decided long ago.

And about MNF: I must've stopped playing well into the game, almost everyone was pregnant already and we went to the house on the snow. And I have to disagree with your perception about your own game, we do not spend time with Sandra at all, specially real time. Time with other girls talking about unimportant things, time sleeping, and time off-screen doesn't count. We spend a lot of time with Lucy on the beach, talking about each other, we do not do that with Sandra. She spends more time off-screen cooking and doing things (shopping or whatever) with the other girls.

I really wished we didn't have to talk with every girl, every day, for five minutes at most and just say nothing relevant.

I know almost nothing about these girls. And I binge played this game for the last 2-3 days, and I don't skip dialogue.

With the exception of Sarah, we don't have any real conversations with the girls.
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My New Family / My New Memories
Game Developer
May 14, 2019
You disagree with me on my perception of my own game? Did you...Did you read what you typed there? :D

I can pull up my script and show you the amount of Sandra events we have, and the only character that outweights them is Lucy. I have the statistics right here.

I feel like you're grabbing soooo much stuff out of context here as well, nitpicking things that are not really existant? Sure, if you think that the fact that Lena and Sabrina already have a relationship takes away 95% of the fun, that is your opinion. Doesn't change the fact that the MC had a past that he just can't remember yet. You're also wrong in regards to Yukiko, the date lasted quite longer and you also had other events with her where you "get to know" her better. The girls making jokes about the MC being good looking apparently went over your head.

No real conversations with girls... Hm, again, you're wrong there. We have two very meaningful events with Morgan, we have very meaningful events with Sabrina, with Bethany etc...I feel like you're either just seeing what you want to see or you didn't really play either of my games fully.

All in all I can say that you might say you like my games, but the things you say show a very different picture. From your subjective view, things might be like that. But I, as the creator of the games, can tell you that it's not like that. I mean, you literally say that everyone has five minutes event where nothing important is being said except Sarah. I think we can stop there :).


Active Member
Apr 12, 2020
You disagree with me on my perception of my own game? Did you...Did you read what you typed there? :D

I can pull up my script and show you the amount of Sandra events we have, and the only character that outweights them is Lucy. I have the statistics right here.

I feel like you're grabbing soooo much stuff out of context here as well, nitpicking things that are not really existant? Sure, if you think that the fact that Lena and Sabrina already have a relationship takes away 95% of the fun, that is your opinion. Doesn't change the fact that the MC had a past that he just can't remember yet. You're also wrong in regards to Yukiko, the date lasted quite longer and you also had other events with her where you "get to know" her better. The girls making jokes about the MC being good looking apparently went over your head.

No real conversations with girls... Hm, again, you're wrong there. We have two very meaningful events with Morgan, we have very meaningful events with Sabrina, with Bethany etc...I feel like you're either just seeing what you want to see or you didn't really play either of my games fully.

All in all I can say that you might say you like my games, but the things you say show a very different picture. From your subjective view, things might be like that. But I, as the creator of the games, can tell you that it's not like that. I mean, you literally say that everyone has five minutes event where nothing important is being said except Sarah. I think we can stop there :).
Hey man, it wasn't my intention to make you mad. Sorry if I annoyed you about that.

When I say "I disagree with your perception of your own game" I'm just saying that you might be too close to the project to see things from the player perspective, that's all I'm saying. Maybe you took many more hours writting dialogue for Sandra then you did for Lucy or Alice, but to the reader the dialogue with Sandra felt "empty" while the dialogue with Lucy felt more real and alive. So yes, I did read what I wrote there.

I know they already had a relationship before the accident, I'm just trying to tell you that's boring as fuck without spelling it out xD

Look, most conversations are "I talked to this girl, I'm talking to you know, is grandma making breakfast, oh I wasnt there for breakfast, I need to talk to you tomorrow, I'm going to talk to the next girl" and nothing real is said in the middle of that.

There are exceptions, that's why I write most, but gosh darn it most of the game is this annoying smalltalk that leads to nowhere.

I won't bother you anymore, I really do think you are a good dev with your heart in the right place. Maybe it's a cultural thing.


My New Family / My New Memories
Game Developer
May 14, 2019
But...You're just describing the morning stuff, which doesn't count as an event? The events are with Anna in the hospital, or visiting the doc with Morgan, having tea with Yukiko...Those are events. The stuff you describe is the transitioning between events. Like the MC returning home, having small talk with a girl, before going to the next event.

And you didn't make me mad, it just doesn't make a lot of sense what you're saying, especially regarding Sandra. Did you overread every visit to Kiara with her? Or the talks we have with her when we are alone with her? But now that I think about it...You also counted the MNF transitions as events, so maybe that is just a wrong start to begin with. Those are just "my thing", a routine before the actual day starts. Don't count these as events or anything "meaningful".


Active Member
Apr 12, 2020
But...You're just describing the morning stuff, which doesn't count as an event? The events are with Anna in the hospital, or visiting the doc with Morgan, having tea with Yukiko...Those are events. The stuff you describe is the transitioning between events. Like the MC returning home, having small talk with a girl, before going to the next event.

And you didn't make me mad, it just doesn't make a lot of sense what you're saying, especially regarding Sandra. Did you overread every visit to Kiara with her? Or the talks we have with her when we are alone with her? But now that I think about it...You also counted the MNF transitions as events, so maybe that is just a wrong start to begin with. Those are just "my thing", a routine before the actual day starts. Don't count these as events or anything "meaningful".
I think the "visiting the doc" thing with Morgan might be my fault, because I'm playing the Transgender disabled, so the only "event" like you put it was taking her to the library and then the park.

I think I understand now, if you disregard the transitions it might seem like there is a similar number of events for each character, but when the transitions are so much of the text we actually end up reading...The transitions end up having more weight than the actual events, since there are so very few events.

The visits to the hospital are quite good to get to know the girls. But the 200 lines during hospital events (made up number) compared to the 50,000 lines of transitions...

Again, sorry about all this.


My New Family / My New Memories
Game Developer
May 14, 2019
But it's the complete opposite. Transition is usually 100-150 lines of code. Events are 300-500 lines of code. The events are always longer than the transitions you have in the morning etc. Maybe you're just reading too much into this? I mean, it could be that those things are just not for you, but I personally like writing these short things in the morning, they add a certain amount of humor.


Active Member
Apr 12, 2020
But it's the complete opposite. Transition is usually 100-150 lines of code. Events are 300-500 lines of code. The events are always longer than the transitions you have in the morning etc. Maybe you're just reading too much into this? I mean, it could be that those things are just not for you, but I personally like writing these short things in the morning, they add a certain amount of humor.
Okay, if you say so :ROFLMAO:
4.40 star(s) 159 Votes