Narrow, broad, no matter. It is the literal definition of the term. As I mentioned before, I am a keen writer and reader. Language, used well, is a very precise tool. Misuse of language blunts that tool for everyone. If you are going to use a word, please at least try to understand its correct meaning, that way, you might even select the right word(s) for what you intend to convey.
You are still missing the point. You are presenting your personal opinions and perspectives as though they are universal truths. As if you have some ultimate authority that makes your viewpoint or opinion more special, more important than that of others. Well, newsflash for you - it isn't. You are not speaking 'universal truths', just one more person with an opinion. Not even an especially credible or authoritative one, given that you are talking about media, about story-crafting, yet are so proud about not even knowing exactly what a 'cliff-hanger' actually is. So yeah, it is relevant to mention.