Heh, I didn't mean to drag it out with multiple scenes of them crying on each others shoulders about it. Just like a single scene where they discuss, maybe then hug, then kiss, then agree to go on a date. Maybe instead or additionally, just have a scene where Sarah see the same shrink as the MC is currently seeing. That might even lead to some additional kinky stuff down the road with the good Doctor Love.
It's a fair point, but from a game/story writing perspective, much more complex. Humans are funny creatures with a lot of individual cognitive abilities (and follies), and what improves something for one may just as easily be to the detriment of another. Some people are far more literal than others, and if something isn't expressly mentioned, they won't imagine it happened and just wasn't covered. Others hate the statement of the blindingly obvious as unnecessary and even patronizing.
Sensible readers/players already realize that
debriefing, trauma counselling, etc is all an integral part of the job for a police officer involved in a shooting, and don't need it mentioned at all because it is so obvious. Likewise, we already know that the MC is regularly visiting a shrink already and it would almost certainly come up. Unless there is a specific point of interest in the way that conversation happens, covering it is unnecessary and only leads to more complaints of too much repetitive exposition.
Non-sensible or insensible readers/players should simply be ignored. Most of them either aren't reading at all, or don't comprehend any of it, and complain just to have something to
complain sparkling whine about (thanks
Dragon59 ) for some attention (and shouldn't be given any). Never cater to the trolls and idiots, it only draws more of them and/or rewards such behaviours.
[added for clarity]
The old saying (with great truth) goes: "You can please all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you cannot please all of the people all of the time"
A writer has to make hard decisions and compromises at times, just to get what is perfect in their own head, to work at all in the heads of an audience. The nature of those compromises can vary. Sometimes you have to choose whether to go with something that really pleases a set type of reader/player (some of the people fully pleased) and risk losing some of the rest of the audience entirely, or whether to go with something that 'works' for the most possible people, but less pleasingly. It's not easy.
I guess, ultimately, you simply say "Well, K7 has told a great story thus far, and I'm going to trust whatever he decides", or at the very least, we wait and let him make his magic happen before we start interfering and 'back-seat driving' his vehicle.