I think that is a pretty normal size for an AVN dick. The games you have in your signature have similar dicksizes my dude

I think Henry's (ToN) and Max's are bigger. If a protagonist has a penis that is RL average, players complain. They even complain if it is pornstar average. It's no wonder developers tend to err on the side of big. Fewer complaints.
Lucy in MNF was in an even weaker position. Being bullied all her life, her father literally abandoning the family because of her.
Yet no one thought the MC was taking advantage.
I hope Killer7 eventually realizes that there isnt much difference between lewding Olivia than it was when Lucy or Alice were leded in MNF (Alice was literally homeless and jobless, without money and without anyone to help her)
Killer has shared recently that with Alice, he also had difficulty seeing her as lewdable when she first entered the house. The character had to develop and find her own (
Semen Demonic) voice. I expect that Lucy's progression was planned from the start, starting with protecting only and then moving on to relating more intimacy as she, herself became a stronger person. I feel the transition has to happen through an organic process in Killer's stories. He won't, and we can't rush it
In any case, it's likely to be a few chapters before any of the girls are involved in that way, We have to see their characters grow and mature until they feel they're ready. Until then, we have to "make do" with sisters, sisters-in-law, mothers (perhaps) and more worldly wise adopted daughters. People he can relate to as equals. Killer's way is to make sure the MC is
not acting from an abuse of power position. It's why his stories are so wholesome!