Oh, please... give me more candy... Mr. Moderator, he started... no... don't yell at me...
So, Mr. Liu,
Let's talk...
Outraged? Me? Let me elucidate you on this: I am AMUSED. Not Outraged. I am supremely entertained by the notion that a simpleton that is unable to read properly, arrives to the conclusion that anything they may say, will Outrage me.
Let's continue...
Whether this game will get the Abandoned Tag, or not, is completely irrelevant. To this conversation of ours, and to the future of this thread. Yes, it will cause some distress on it's creator, but, you don't really care about it.
Moving to the meaty part...
What is it to you where ANY of us spend their time? If the game is Abandoned or not is none of your concern. If we are gatekeeping (what that even is) why the hell do you care?
The answer clearly is that, you have nothing to do about whether I come to this thread or not. And you don't really care.
Now, you managed to misunderstand everything, not surprising for someone with your level of intelligence (the one you've been displaying here). So, I will not waste time trying to explain anything else to you.
You are, by your actions, a horrible person, with no interest and it will be an absolute pleasure to never know you.