This game has a a couple of issues in my opinion:
The beggining is sort of slow, but seeing naked woman is super easy with the Xray button. (You will actually get a notification everytime you can use it, you will be prompted to use it)
The first handjob is super easy, its only 150 dollars what you can have the 2nd day. The character performing it its supposed to be the Tsundere, but i guess that trait lasts 2 minutes, after that she will be nice to you.
The incest option is cool that is there but it just doesnt work, is not well written into the game. When the mother is leaning on MC shoulder he says "i have never seen her so close"....Really? The "mother" talks with him about "my husband" and "my daughter" instead of other formulas where the mc can be part of it like "your sister". The incest is already setup when she mentions her husband. The aunt tdoes the same with her husband and her daughters whne the incest is already established, so its not well written.
And the husbands are a thing of their own. The sisters is divorced and maybe a virgin, The aunt is divorced, the mother i guess is also divorced? Why you know exactly the age of the MC and dont know the age of any of the girls? Apaprently they could all be 40, its hard to imagine a 20 year old divorced (well, conviniently bad writing i guess)
Another issue that i have with the game is the MC. He is a virgin white knight, speaks like one, and flirts like one. (yeah, knights havent been around for hundreds of years, so yeah he kind of talks like some Hamlet wannabe, its pretty cringy) "Your eyes are like sparkling amethyst pools, a man could drown in them"? CRINGE
People likes him or falls for him in instants, there is no much sense of achievement. They even call him smart for doing nothing, well its for something that happens off-screen. (Tell without showing, not good writing here)
Another issue that i have is that Eleanor that looks 18 XD or so is actually the mother of Clara, who looks older than 30 and much older than her according to koikatsu overall rules to determine age.
Another issue that i have is that most of the 2 option choices are actually 1 option choices so the game is pretty much linear, the sandbox so far is useless since in order to progress with some character you need to progress with the other, you can not chose one character and complete everything atraight away. This means that you will have to agree to pursue sometone you may not like, but the MC loves wholeheartedly.
Another issue that i have is that the Dev wont leave me alone for the first 40 minutes at least, he always has something to tell you, its making it really hard for me to get inmersed in the story.
The groundbreaking mini h scene player wasnt activated for the first handjob, which is as usual ,a default animation right after a small transition, but not enough to build up anything, since this Tsundere girl agreed to a handjob just like that, it doesnt even feel rewarding.
Another issue that i have is BIG TIDDIES everywhere, I mean, i like big tittes, but cmon, give me something different, every girls looks already pretty much the same with different face.
So this game is good on paper, but the satisfaction when playing it, it is so far very very low, its a big pile of issues interactin with eachother.
I was gonna leave it at 2, cause the overall feeling is bad, but i an still play it hping for some changes. But it had to happen, THAT THING. It happened 2 times in a row with 2 different girls. SUBVERTED EXPECTATIONS. You try to have sex with her, but it turns out, you wont. And then again with the next one and it finishes with the enxt thing in the tier progression.
The first one was in the bowjob level, so the enxt thing was a boobjob, the last one was in the handjob, so next one had to be a blowjob. This blowjob costed like 1000 dollars total. An expensive blowjob i would say.
And that adds the next issue. The girl talks about her needs and stuff, repeatedly, and in the end, she is touched for some time, but she never finishes, and later she is like super happy, and the enxt conversations she talks about her needs again. This is definetly for kids, or people with criticism turned off
This game is a deep layered Dating Sim ( being the layers things that mask what i think its its actual nature). Very predictable. With the exception of the easy irl you wont get sex until you get the pet names, and even when you do, every sinelg time you will get interrpted, With every single one of the girls.
This is trash, dont play it,(well since the dev seems to be a decent guy, play it and decide for yourself) be warned its prety heavy for how short and predictable it is.