VN - Ren'Py - Completed - My Pleasure [v0.39 Elite] [Tasty Pics]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    v0.39 Elite

    Kind have mixed feelings about this game.

    It was really, really good in the early game and towards the beginning of the mid game. There was passion in the affairs, especially with the aunt, your mom's friend and also your bestfriend's mom. It was decadently lustful & a forbidden fruit but also emotionally charged, heavy in romance. The affairs were very passionate. The main plot had a lot of mystery to it and MC has to go investigate the pieces and link them together. MC himself is also learning adulting and it was a coming of age phase where he learns responsibility.

    Once you're pass mid game though, it just falls apart. In a sense that it became mundane and monotonous. It lacks the passion in the relationships and romance once everything is out in the open. The coming of age becomes stagnant. The main plot was basically just droning on and on. Overall the writing just plummets. The follow through with late game was very boring, sex scenes are for the sake of it and character scenes feel pointless with useless chatter that lacks emotion and substance. End game was rushed and unsatisfying.

    The first half of the game is a solid 10/10. The later half is a 4/10.

    As for the models and renders, i feel that its an acquired taste. I initially didn't like it cos its so "doll-like", with the big glassy eyes and faces devoid of any emotion and facial expressions. They're beautiful but again unless you're into that kinda visuals then you'd need some time to grow into it.

    The sex scenes are also mixed feelings for me. The first half had hot & kinky sex scenes. Its lustful and also romantic cos there's passion in the choreography and writing. The second half was basically just a porn shoot, cringy and just going through the motion.

    I really want to give this a 5/5 but man, the 2nd half of the game was a huge disappointment. It felt very draggy, i guess the writer lost interest or ran out of ideas and rush to end it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Let me preface by saying there is a distinct difference between the first 85% of the game and the last week of the game where everything is obviously rushed in order to complete it.

    For the most part (first 85%) this is by far the best game on this site. The flow and LIs are perfect. To be honest the story doesn't even matter. The relationships and constant action is incredible.

    The animation may be weak, but the models are superb and you will even find details like pubic hair on some of the models. But the way the sex plays out and the intermingling of those relationships is special.

    I highly suggest the mod that lets you increase your points. I'd just add 20 to everything at the beginning so you don't miss anything in the game. Also if you are into the IC patch that comes with the mod, this game is unbeatable with that kink.

    This is a hall of fame game for me. I just wish it wasn't rushed at the very end.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Frustratingly mid game, because I wanted to like it more. It's weird because the renders are good, but as other reviewers have said the story gets progressive boring towards the end.

    So the core audience are visual only players, and you can fast forward through most of the text to fap.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Best game and I've just played it under a hour its already good can't resist I already fapped, good different types of girls but for my taste it's julia and daphne top milfs if you wanted to be a baby by a milf go with julia and if you wanted to be dominated by a milf go with daphne
  5. 2.00 star(s)

    Degen Man

    Wanted to give this a 1 but the renders earned it an extra star. Couldn't even get past day one with how unreasonably aggro the MC was, while simultaneously being annoying as well. The annoying porn trope with the aunt immediately jumping MC's dick without any cause or effect was reason enough for me to hit Uninstall.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Started off pretty well.
    The ladies are all beauties and you'll get to have plenty of fun with them.
    Story is intriguing at times but nothing special or deep. The dev seems to have had a change in design philosophy at some point, as the game goes from ridiculously tight Love/Lust requirements in the early game, to a kinetic novel in the mid to late game.
    The game limps to its conclusion with story threads left unfinished and very middling scenes with the cast of beauties.
    The harem ending barely deserves the name. It's just the solo endings with slight script changes.

    I would of given this a 4/5 just for early game Julia and then Cassie being awesome, but sadly a lot of this games sex scenes were ruined due to lack of choice and seemingly endless forced anal. Virtually every scene from the midpoint on seems to be fixated on it. Fun for those that like it but not for me.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Beautiful renders and animations, the women are all damn hot, especially the MILFs, and don’t worry, you get a lot of sex scenes with each of them (rather repetitive ones though), but…

    What makes a good Adult Visual Novel for me is not only the hotness of the girls or the sex scenes involving them but the STORY. And story-wise this AVN started with a good plot filled with dark secrets, but it didn’t last unfortunately, after the first half of the game there was no story anymore, just some random chit-chats and some sex, followed by more sex. It was as if the game was extended and extended for months and then for years without anything new to add to the main story, the MC goes from banging one girl to banging another one, no more romance, just coldness, a soulless fuck-fest till the endings. And talking about the endings, they are just filled with, again, a few random sentences and more banging, they are not what could be qualified as Happy Endings. And all of them end with a sad and beautiful Lillian who has no ending for herself. Same goes for Natasha, she is totally abandoned after a talk with her husband. And all your previous choices regarding pregnancy and lesbianism are also totally abandoned, the only variables that are taken into account in the end are about which girls did the MC bang in the past, and surprise! The MC gets to bang Daphne even if he rejected here ALL THE TIME! (I know because one of my playthroughs was dedicated to my favorite woman only: Julia, and to my big surprise the MC bangs Daphne towards the end of the game, no fucking choice).

    Renders/animations/models 5/5
    Story 1/5
    Overall rating 3/5
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    It's ok I guess.
    It started out fun, but quickly became "magic cock savior" and i began to skip all dialogue.
    Whilst this could be fun in and of itself, there are several section where the dialogue keep going on and on with characters you've got no interest in.
    Now this might be personal bias, but the story was meh, so i couldn't be arsed to read it.
    Still a good wankfest when you want it!
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    a bit not what i expected, but here it is
    5/5 for render damn this is the only good stuff, they are really fine n most quality ones, they are really are a good stuff but there is still bit of lack like the angle of pov n other perspection

    3/5 i wouldn't recomended for reader who looks story complex, n i don't wanna spoil much bout this, basicly from beginning was on fire then when reach mid till late story line my taste becaming less n less, well thats why the inside content sex was helping to make me stay on playing

    4/5 for character/model/etc, they all are great and a fine pieace of models, my fav daphne but not really like her twin pig hairstyle,

    3/5 UI, the interface for menu n main screen was simple but for gallery interface damn thats a mess,

    this game very recomended for ppl who always get horny n looking for a good fap material :KEK:
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    A good game,
    I really loved the smooth flowing and beautiful renders and animations and save to say there a lot of them,
    On another note thats like the 95% of the game, just fucking everyone everyday,
    The story of the game was strong in the beginning but as the game progressed the story got weaker and weaker and in the end it got all but abandoned and we got a rush ending story wise,
    Although there were 7 different endings,
    One harem and rest each with different girls, again with beautiful renders,
    It seems like in the rush to end the game they even abandoned the preggo route for barb , lori and others with no kids but just sex in the end which was already as i said 95% of the game,
    Overall a good experience.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Awfully mediocre, would give it a 2 but at least it has a good amount of content and the art is good so that earns it a 3. The rest is bad/mediocre, decisions mean nothing most of the time, even though the game makes it seems like they matter (they dont). Honestly, I didn't even get to finish it, just got boring after the first hours and seeing how the decisions I made were meaningless just made me roll my eyes. Didnt like the girls (just their appearance) or the story.
    Want advice? get the gallery mod and just check the scenes, dont waste your time.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    JJ mustang

    I absolutely love this game and the creator is one of the best. Updates are always full and well composed regularly. The art is second to none and the story is fun. This is one of my favorites and each update offers even more sensual delights. Sad to have the game complete but hope the next project is even half as good.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I loved this game and the ending.

    This game started quite strong with potential and it ended just as great. It's a very advisable game to play. it has replayability as well thanks for the paths to become exclusive, with the choices the player can lock down other paths and focus on the most preferred path or all of them at once.

    I played Cassandra's path only and I was very pleased to see that she got her exclusive ending.

    That sort of freedom of choice and to be able to "tailor" the game to the player's preference makes it a very worthy game to recommend and play again and to keep it in the collection.

    Playing it with all relationships open or just one in particular and the game still delivers an excellent ending with the chosen Love Interest. Great work!!!

    The dialogue was also exceptional, the script with the Incest patch, the narrative gets even hotter, never losing or forgetting what the characters are to each other. For incest fans, this is a game worth playing.

    For players who are not into lesbian content, know that it can also be avoidable unless the player wants to see it which is possible only through the choices.

    All in all an excellent game and conclusion. Take this game into consideration.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Version: 0.38 at time of writing.

    I really liked the models in this game. Julia espescially is one of my favorite Milf characters in all of Adult VN's. That said, I believe that the biggest strength for this game is the looks of its characters. They never go beyond what is believable while embelishing just enough. The biggest weakness of this game is definitely the animations themselves. Sure they are smooth, but very few of them stand out in a good way. If you are a person that needs a good animation to "finish the job" then this won't be a game for you. The only other downside (well for some at least) is that the major story beats and decisions are very front loaded in this game. As it progresses there are fewer and fewer choices with any real weight behind them. I don't mind it as much as I think if you develop a character well enough then it'd make sense that option X is the only choice the MC would make. My biggest problem is that it kind of set an expectation and then abandoned it. All that said, I think it's still a very enjoyable game and not one to be missed if you enjoy games are the more romance side of things.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    A good game in terms of sexual adventure, although in terms of the plot I can’t say anything for sure, good or bad, at the beginning of course there was such an interesting plot twist, then wherever you go there’s always “fuck and fucking...” I of course like the sex scenes especially in this game they are really very hot, but sometimes it happens quickly... (y)

    in general, what I liked most here are the milfs and the sexy twists, in "My Pleasure" there are very hot milfs, and as for the sexy twists, it's about Natasha, I liked the way she turned her husband into a cuckold, pretending that it was for her husband’s sake, it’s very interesting how this plot will continue, it’s really well created! :KEK:
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    + hot milfs, especially Cassandra and Julia
    + relaxing music, i really like menu theme for some reason
    + a lot of sex scenes and threesomes
    + mc is ok - assertive, but sometimes childish
    + dirty talk is well done
    + harem, hope we will also get a proper ending

    - I don't feel a real connection between MC and girls, it's all about sex
    - in my opinion slow burn with Cassandra it's not so good
    - illogical situations like:
    1. x girl tell you she is not into girls and moment later she eating pussy of her friend
    2. x girl tell you for some time she is yours and next day she has doubts about relationship with you, then, after one sex scene everything is ok again. Confusing

    You can't find here a deep story or a lot of drama, this is why i really like this avn - just a relaxing game
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    [Reviewed v0.36]

    For a game that was initially posted 4 years ago (December 2019), it has lost some of its shine, but if you are looking for a light-hearted, friends-and-family oriented harem game with lots of fappable content, this is a solid choice.

    The Good ((y))
    • Good diversity of girls with different personalities and overall looks (but most share the same very slim, buxom body type)
    • Renders are still high quality and the models are fantastic -- some of the most beautiful Milf characters in any game
    • A ton of H-scenes with the main and side characters -- hard to go more than ~5 minutes without a scene of some sort
    • Interesting initial story / premise

    The Not-So-Good ((n))
    • Any narrative suspense / innovation in the story has long run dry, with recent updates mostly being shallow plot excuses to show 4-5 scenes with the existing characters
    • The MC doesn't have much of a personality beyond "young hung stud"
    • Very little drama leading into H-scenes, even with brand-new characters
    In its first few years of development, this was a showcase in Daz technical rendering and a 5-star game; but more recent updates have been rinse-and-repeat without driving the story any closer to the finish line. I am not excited to keep up with this game until its conclusion but if you haven't played it, is still worth a go.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm pretty sure I already reviewed this years ago, but it seems the review was removed at some point, maybe I mentioned another game or something like that.
    So here's a new one with the perspective of the current state of the game.

    It's rather sad, really.
    For a while, after development started, this was one of my favourite VNs.
    The Julia model wasn't so over-used back then and the renders were really great for the time.

    It was great to be this visiting nephew who seduces his beautiful aunt and young, innocent cousin.

    The problem is the development has gone on for years and the game never really improved from then, rather the opposite.
    For the last 15–20 updates we've just been treading water. Basically when the MC returned home, 4-5 updates would have been enough to bring the story to an end, maybe one or two more, to make the seduction of the "landlady" a bit more believable. Instead, we have update after update were the "story" continues in the tiniest possible increments, with endlessly repeated sex scenes.
    It's just never anything new, no innovation, nothing really kinky, just the same few positions, the same few sex-acts in different places.

    For me personally the game also fails when it comes to the lesbian scenes,
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    After this short excursion, to return to the main problem, the story is developing at a snail's place, the game should have ended years ago and the dev should have started a new project.
    One of the most sexy games, with some of my favourite ladies in these games, has become so boring that instead of eagerly awaiting each update I take more and more time between playing the new stuff and often use the skip button, something I would normally never do in a game I like(d).

    The game gets three stars for three things.
    1. the renders/the ladies still look good.
    2. Julia used to be one of my absolute favourite milfs, and even now I still like her model and what's left of her personality.
    3. One star for the first one or two years of the game, back when I waited for each release, basically the story up to the point where the MC returns home.

    Without the initial love for the game, I would probably rate this with only two stars by now.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Its well written but the story dident do much for me, and it got boring pretty fast and broke more then once, also MC being a milf lover in a relationship with one whos also hes best friends mom feels worng and like MC is just a pure asshole, also the fact that its a game that uses options but still forces you to watch MC fuck some old ugly granny/milf with big tits in a flashback, is more then enough to turn me off completly and thats just not good for a AVN, never force people to watch stuff they dont want to see, if you do then you might as well make the hole thing kinetic.

    The so called love meter goes up without you doing anything, just watching Julia love goes up meaning choices wont matter at the end since game forces you to be with her.

    Story breaks apart in the BDSM scene, Daphne says The slut (barb) saw MC and her together and now barb wants to moan like Daph did, the problem is doing my playthrough i did nothing with Daphne EVER so hole story falls apart here, and if you consider BDSM a sex act then its also NTR since you see the two Daph/Barb together when you walk in, but not sure it really warrents the tag since its just a spanking.

    Also if you have not gone after Barb like slam the door in her face, it will feel more like rape if you take her virginity since its Daphne that tells MC that the plan for the day is to take Barbs virginity not barb her self, barb tells MC I then changes it to SHE meaning Daphne wants MC to take her virginity....she agrees that shes ok with it later but it feels forced by Daphne and not like a real choice from Barb keep that in mind, if you have gone after Barb from the start Barb her self will tell MC she wants him to take her virginity which is not even an animated scene....

    Extra content is also forced on you, showing scenes you might not enjoy, like milfs or granny with big tits or lesbian scenes, that kind of content should be optional in the gallery or under extra content and not be part of the main game as it is here.

    As alot of MCs in games he will make you cringe alot from hes thought process feels like a 12 year old virgin that thinks everything he sees is a perfect woman which feels off when you as the player might think the oppesit, dont know why so many MCs is like this instend of letting the players deside for them self what they think and this goes even more so for games making use of choices.

    The constant zoom in on big tits also gets annoying when its not your thing, atleast give the player the option......and this might supprise alot of devs but not everyone has a big tit also makes the MC feel childish if he constantly has to stare on big tits.....

    Also choices dosent seem to change a hole lot atleast not those that should, like slaming the door in barbs face and treating her like shit you still end out getting a footjob if you want it, and you also get a choice to take her virginity which makes 0 sense and also feels more like Barb is forced to it by her misstress since she should hate MC.....

    I turned down Julia constantly not wanting to be with her in any way, and yet somehow MC fucks her in the sauna??? overview claims choices matters but just no, this and all the forced extra content made it a 1 star game to me.

    Game is made for Milf/Granny and big tit fetish people, it might be worth playing if your into that, if not stay clear.

    Story 2/5
    Its boring for the most part and the pacing feels off or just rushed, like if you dont go for Barb you will end out seeing her go from nothing to stright up BDSM scene with option to take her virginity it just feels way off.
    Also Barb her self feels weird, in the start shes clearly a pure Dom but then in the BDSM shes 100% Sub makes no sense.

    Choices 0/5
    They dont matter, your still forced to be with people you might not want to be with, might as well be a kinetic story line.

    Animations 1/5
    Short and pretty bad, and some even skipped like Barbs virginity scene and Daphne sex after where both just picture to picture 0 animations, same with Julia in the sauna no animations.

    Music 1/5
    Heard alot better in other games, this is pretty boring standard and not mood setting and many times there is none.

    And what the fuck happened with the endings....i went 100% after lori turned every one else down every chance i had and i end up with a Daphne ending only? how can game be this shitty, choices matters? what a joke.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    I'd like to rate this higher, as the Dev is a true artist with the renders, unfortunately there is too much that I find annoying to give more than three stars.

    The Good

    Truly beautiful renders. This was especially true when the game started Dev years ago and was way ahead of the pack in term of artistic quality. As time goes on, other games have caught up with the quality, but the visuals are still quite stunning.
    Gorgeous ladies, and MILFs that actually look like MILFs. Aunt Julia and Daphne are true goddesses, and I was very happy for the time I got to spend with them.
    Music is quite good, though it could use a bit more variety, and a couple track with vocals would be nice.

    The Not so Good

    Needs erotic sounds in the lewd scenes.
    Animations are too short, and almost never show any wide shots. No boob physics in the entire game yet. Way too many close ups of genitals smashing together. Could really use more wide shots and views of the faces during sexy time. Lewds are still quite good but could really be much better with some sounds and variety in the angles. I like the dirty talk, but it got pretty frustrating reading it while watching the ladies back or legs the entire time.
    Story does not make much sense and has some pretty major pacing issues. Takes forever for anything to actually happen to move the story forward.
    MC is a certified idiot, and except the Dom path with Daphne, is way too passive. Would really be nice if he served more of a purpose than a living sex toy.
    Grammar and translation can get really rough at times. I can usually overlook this, but the number of errors that could be fixed by a simple proofreading, are pretty striking.

    Overall, well worth a play for the truly gorgeous eye candy, but don't expect much more than a really pretty fap aid from this game. (y)