VN - Ren'Py - My Time with You [Book 2 Ch.25] [EoloStudios]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Did think this game just another salmon hentai game just for fap , but i was horribly wrong, this really a masterpiece for this kind of games i have ever played, storyline is interesting and graphic render seen detailed well and look beautiful characters, every done professionally and sexy, this worth to be release on Steam. Very good game to try, friends
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for My time with you (Book 2 Chapter 13 ) -
    Simply a wholesome romance ( Harem ) game and in this story Harem works and each female characters are well developed and have different personalities . And not single one is unlikeable and they all want the best for MC so I want them all and it is not like mindless sex with all girls in town ( I like those too ) there is slow romance developing with each character as game progresses . Main character is one of the plus points in this game , he cares about all female characters and prefers their well being more than entering a relationship with them . And the game has nice humor with MC best friend ( only likeable best friend in many games that I played at least ) . Music , sound effects and sex animations are nicely done . Avoid this game if you want all choices to make impact on the story and choices seems to change dialogues and sometimes scenes that play out and that doesn't make this kinetic novel . Play this game if you like romance or harem and for the story which is different from most games on this site . Highly recommended .
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I honestly can't recall anything else on this site that was such a clusterfuck of overused anime/VN tropes without also being a parody. That alone is not enough to get a bad review but, if you're not going to be original, you need to at least go above and beyond in some way to make up for it. My Time with You... does not. Everything about it screams mediocrity. Also, it should be tagged as a Kinetic Novel, because you could probably hold down the skip button for an hour and still not encounter any meaningful decisions.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    This game feels almost like a Kinetic Novel, the choices dont matter at all and have no influence on the story path at all no matter what choices you click it all leads to the same outcome in the story, heck you cant even chose the girls you like but i guess that is the problem with a time traveling game.
    Kinda sad because the story is decent, the characters are loveable and the humor is fine.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    First game where plot is on another level.
    Only what i want is to know what will happen next and I cant wait for next updates. I hope everyone will hear about this game and play and im sure it will be the best decision they will ever maid in this life
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4406778

    This story is very good so far, it never misses a beat, honestly my favourite character in the game is the best friend, he is a real bro who literally helps you with everything in a no question asked kind of way like you don't even have to ask and he does it for your own good, and he's actually pretty funny and is one of the best bros in any VN, the girls are all written with actual personality's and give the game its charm, I've only played up till chapter 7 and there's been maybe more content for one girl over the others, but it makes sense since relationship building actually works like that it's not a quick talk than bang,only thing I hope is that the Dev doesn't go into book 2 and begin with another girl and show little content with the ones they've already established but seeing how they write it could work, these guys have definitely started something really good and I can't wait for book 2 and well chapter 10 so I can finish book 1

    Also confirmed to me through patreon
    No NTR
    No Swinging/Sharing
    Nothing related to NTR basically so I'm sticking with them for a while
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    The game had an overall fun and enjoyable vibe. The animations are nice and the colour is vibrant. The humor is decent-funny and made me chuckle a few times. But the most important factor is it's a game with a genuine bromance that doesn't end up with your POC friend going ntr all over the place. Like finding a golden egg laying goose it's that rare.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    As of Chapter 9
    Nice Harem game with great humor and romance with a good story and good to see a Main character with personality and his humor with his best friend Dice and well written and likeable female characters , sex scenes are animated and music and sound effects are nice addition to this game .
    Overall a fun and unique story different from other games in this forum . Great job devs for this game, looking forward to future developments of this game .
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    So I almost don't want to "review" this yet, because for one, I actually like this one. And my criticisms aren't as big as my usual reviews. But I will do a follow-up later on. Provided this one still is being made because who knows when the heat death of the universe will ACTUALLY happen. Joking aside, usually the games I like either stagnate or die so I'm hoping this one stays on. And if somehow you're reading this before you try this, STOP. Just play this one, right now, then come back if you care. Anywho, welcome back. This story has some of the best dialogue I've read in a VN in a while. But not the best writing, to be perfectly honest.

    You play as MC, an orphan kid raised by his mother's adoptive sister. AND FOR ONCE THAT IS IN THE UNCENSORED STORY AS WELL. While it's still IC adjacent, it's not. So it gets points for that, but those points get taken away immediately because MC loves his sister. So here we are again, I'll never understand the fetish but whatever. I digress. You're MC, 22 and you work security for idols(?) I'm not exactly sure because they say something like that, but you do office work. Either way, you eventually become a manager for Hana. More on that in a bit. But you and your best friend, Dice, work that job together. Even though his family owns the company, so he'll be the rich plot device moving forward I'm sure. Also, can I just say, It's an ACTUAL living male other than MC in a harem VN. I'm shocked to the core.

    Moving back to that beginning of the damn game, because my brain don't do words good. You get to work and meet "the one that got away" Yukine. Dice's cousin that you grew up with after your mother died and you both love each other yadda yadda. She plays hard to get for about 2.5 milliseconds, so don't worry about that. And after you get home from seeing her again after 9 years, you meet Yumi, your supposed wife from the future. She essentially travelled through time to get you laid. Blunt and a little wrong, but true. You either died, are dying, or through strange head trauma, were stricken gay suddenly. Obviously, I'm betting on the last one. But she gathered all the girls that have ever had feelings for you for some reason, to make sure you make yourself a harem. The word is actually used in game, which is usually a red flag for me, but so far it's okay.

    Love interest number 3 is Aunt Akemi, the woman who raised you. Adoptive sister to your mother, but had feelings for her and now you. That is about all there is to her at the moment, she feels guilty, but the heart wants what the heart wants type of thing. She lived with you and your sister Hikari, the typical little sister pushing boundaries, falling for big bro type thing. That right there is one of my biggest gripes that I will talk about in a minute. But you and her are fighting and she is out of the picture for the first 7 chapters, mostly.

    Last two love interests, at the moment, are Hana, the idol you're managing that falls in love with you immediately because you were nice to her one time. And Hime, a girl you went to highschool with but you were an idiot that didn't reciprocate her feelings. Granted, most of this has been grossly oversimplified, but I don't want to completely ruin everything. That, and the last two aren't as fleshed out as the others yet.

    Now we get to my issues. This first one isn't necessarily the fault of the Dev, it's the fault of you(us) the reader/player. It's short. Very short. Like disappointingly short, to illustrate it a little better for you. I feel it might be because of the "We need to pump something out once a month" mentality that Patreon and such force people into. But whatever, quality over quantity, please. Issue 2. The writing. I'm not the biggest fan of everything needing to be funny, that's my opinion. I will, however, say that it is excused a little bit due to using Koikatsu as the visual medium because it's so "Cartoony." So it's not a huge deal. Part 3, and I will never not complain about this ESPECIALLY if anyone is making any money off these things, the DEFAULT RENPY UI takes me out of every project no matter how good it is. Sorry, but true. And finally, my last tirade, is going to be about the incest factor. Not only will I never get it, but having read both with and without TrueStoryMode, The "workaround" is a load of bullshit. Chapters 8 and 9 are essentially all about how it's wrong to be in love with your sister, but no living, sane, red-blooded human being would have a real issue dating someone that isn't actually related to you. And the "censor" makes no sense in that regard. While I understand a lot of the serious moments relate to that, you could still have just as good a story without it. But I'll shut up about that now.

    Anyway, TLDR It's good, very short, and better than most of the crap on this site. I hope the Dev keeps up the good work.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is fucking adorkable. Great pacing, great character development, and a plot with engaging (and gentle) cliff-hangers. Really great work. I'm eagerly looking forward to seeing what happens next.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Finished the current release (Chapter 8 True Story Patch) and I really enjoyed this game. There isn't a character I dislike, especially the heroines, they're all very precious and another potential legendary bromance in the indie eroge community. I think everyone is well written and their connections to each other feel real, they bounce off each other with banter, humor that you'd expect from adult friend groups, and many cute moments. The story definitely has me immersed and it seems like theres much more to tell. The chapters feel a little short compared to other games maybe around 25-45 minutes each but thats not to say anything is rushed. They do a proper job of telling the story and relaying events to the player. So far the H-scenes I feel are well done too, there aren't many, theres more scenes that feature nudity without sexual intercourse but I was honestly more engrossed in the story so the H-scenes felt more like a bonus, this is by no means a nukige, its a story driven eroge. My only complaint is that some events, mostly insignificant ones happen offscreen, so when you see the characters referencing them, it takes a little bit to understand and be like "oh what that happened? okay cool." An example would be early on a date is postponed but there isnt a scene for that so it just transitions to the next day where characters are talking about how theyre bummed about the date being postponed barely glossing over the reason why. It doesn't happen often but there are times that you feel lost for a minute playing because the characters will talk about something that happened earlier that day offscreen that made me rewind just to make sure I didnt miss anything but understood better after just advancing the story. And this is not talking about flashbacks/memories. Those are done well and helped me understand the relationships better. The later chapters so far haven't really had this issue so maybe its been addressed, but I completely understand if the reason for these events not being shown is due to not feeling the need to render images and write out some dialogue for a scene or feeling that the player is smart enough to piece things together as I dont think they truly take away from the experience. It's just something that I noticed that I haven't encountered before and I wanted to put that in this review. Overall My Time with You has a lot of charm and I'm really looking forward to playing the rest of this story. The game is also FREE for everyone, and I hope to support the developers as soon as I'm able; they seem super solid, transparent and truly enjoy making the game. Thank you!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Updated review for Ch. 20

    God damn I love this game. This is the kind of comfort harem game I live for. Nothing is ever perfect, but My Time with You is really delivering for me.

    Is this a super complex story like nothing you've ever seen before? Not really. But it's actually incredibly solid in what it sets out to do. That being, taking a quote from the overview, "sappy romantic slice-of-life crap that will have you grinning from ear-to-ear." Which it accomplishes perfectly.

    The dev has managed to create an endearing cast of characters all around. Everyone has their own little quirks and charms that you can't help but love. This includes the bro characters as well. I really do love Dice and Thonk along with the rest of them.

    The story has really got my interest too, and I don't even like time travel. There were some legitimate moments that really surprised me and had me theory crafting what might happen next. Case in point, chapter 20 where I have just finished playing.

    There are things I can nitpick about, and improvements that could me made for sure. But I'm enjoying the game so much that they really don't bother me. If you like vanilla slice-of-life harem games, this is one of the best I've played. I'm now a confident fan of the dev, and can't wait to play more of this as well as (hopefully) future projects.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

    Loved it. I'll be honest, sometime story gets confusing but that's not much of a problem, transition is little jerky a while from one timeline to another but you'll get idea of what's and when after few seconds. Direction is good, humorous dialogues, Sci fi harem theme, with pretty likeable characters and a good friend. Animations are good but the focus gets too much distant during some of the sex scenes like having a camera recording from one of the corner of house also hope that transparent textbox will be introduced in near future.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is simply just beautiful (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
    Story is unique beautiful romantic love story 10/10,
    I'm amazed how the developer manages to play around with so many love stories, and keep it romantic and make them work together.
    This is one of the first game i have ever played with this art style and i was vary of playing this game first but I'm so glad i did. So if any one reading is in doubt because of different art style than some other games, play it you will love it (hopefully).
    Charcters are beautiful both in writing and renders.
    Renders are good and animations are with time are getting really really great.
    100% recommend this game for other to play, in my opinion one of the best romantic game here. And the game has humor too which is also great.

    Good luck to the dev EoloStudios for the future development of their game. Keep it up, proud of yaa. ;-)
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I look forward to playing each new chapter as it's released.

    The story is interesting. Details are released over time, pacing feels fluid. Lewd scenes hit decently quickly but are not overloaded.

    Characters feel distinct and have a ton of personality.

    Character models are attractive and have a range of different body types.

    Looking forward to following the game as it progresses!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Gotta admit I was a little bit skeptical about this game since it's Koikatsu-based, and I don't have a good history with them, even though I like Koikatsu itself and have a collection of cards of my own... Ahem. Yet this game got me hooked right at the beginning.
    A future wife traveling back in time to build a harem for the MC is kinda surreal, but it's one of the best setups for a harem I've seen so far. It's not the only thing that caught my eye, though. The characters are loveable and look nice (Dice is charming in his own way xd), the dialogues make the characters seem alive, some moments made me smile and laugh a few times.
    Overall it's a wholesome story, and I'm glad really I've stumbled upon this game. Keep up the good work!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the more interesting premises I've seen on this site, supported by charming, genuinely funny dialogue, interesting characters, and fantastic presentation. Absolutely deserves more attention, which is why I felt I had to write my first review on this site.

    As far as lewd scenes go, there's a fair few, full of solid HS animations and many really well-done stills. I found all of the scenes to be properly emotional and hot, none of the scenes were just "porn game so heres sex", or like some games where it's all build up, and then just Position 1, Position 2, Cum Animation- it all feels really natural and well paced. All the scenes are pretty vanilla, but with enough passion and attention to it to feel sufficiently steamy.

    But this is definitely a story first game. Despite the slightly NTR-y premise, this is a super duper ultra cute, mostly kinetic VN that can flip between heart-meltingly sweet, to actually hilarious, to uncomfortably, realistically depressing with ease. I was surprised by how emotional some of the scenes were, I have to tip my hat to the developer for creating
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    . This is a game all about people dealing with feelings for people they shouldn't or wish they didn't, and it handles it all very well. And points for a refreshingly assertive, yet non-rapey MC.

    The only issues I noticed were some slightly jarring transitions, and the fact that, your choices don't really seem to matter so far. It's mostly just flavor text that changes the next few lines (which is fine, you play a game like this to interact with the characters), but there are some choices to avoid sex scenes, or even to avoid some character development scenes, but later the game will reference them as happening anyway.

    Not a huge deal so far, but worth noting. Even despite that, there's enough flavor choices that I mostly felt as though I was PLAYING a VN, and not just reading one. Natural-feeling writing as well, I didn't notice any serious typos or anything. The use of random japanese terms is a littttle cringe but there's gonna be a patch for that because the dev is super cool.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great game that I hope will get more recognition because it deserves it. The animations are good and the render quality is also good.

    In terms of writing, the storyline I find to be interesting and I want to know more. The English itself is great with only very few typos being in a release which the devs listen to feedback about and fix. There is a lot of humor in the writing and while it's dumb humor, it's also fun, which makes it an enjoyable experience. Definitely one to try out and keep an eye on if you enjoy harem, vanilla, fluff, and humor.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely the best I've played, although it's still progressing, this is the best one I've downloaded on my phone, hoping for chapter 7, and also... CNA you add a gallery? That would make my life so happy :> thx again!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    As of Ch 6

    Interesting game with amazing characters and nice humor where i laughed a lot with unique well written story which is different from what we normally play in this forum .

    And it's a " HAREM:love: " game which is a bonus for me , till now I think there are about 6 Love Interest and all of them have quality personalities and I love them all and being harem i don't have to worry about choosing 1 LI .

    The only thing I dislike ( very mild ) about this game is usage of family relations in Japanese ( not all people know Japanese ) like Oni san , Otto san , Oka san where I have to google to find their family relations . I love the story so much I don't mind too much about it , but some players may dislike it . I hope dev will add option / patch to change family name to English like Aunt , Brother and even if he doesn't I'm fine with it .

    Kudos dev to the wonderful game so 5 STARS for me , Added to watchlist will wait until next update .