Somehow finished game, just clicked almost anything and everyone, while cannʼt find tragedies — thus, no hints — for the last two or three (I donʼt remember) chapters, heh.
A notable problem which I found. Itʼs when a bed ending: a red-dressed girls brot your bf to the hotel.
– you should mask yourself (the tree near your house on a map or change dress in your room),
– find a man with glass with white wearing — heʼs in a shrine location and basically near the shine; and speak with him,
– then you go to police, dress into police uniform and wait 20:00 (or 22:00, I donʼt remember — you can check by trying to exit from police department),
– you should catch a beard man in green wearing; in my situation it was in the same location at center road-cross; I recommend to save just before to touch him.
In the last chapter, I donʼt know was it important, but donʼt forget to check the girl after 20:00 at embankment. Itʼs where during day an old man says that the girl come here by this time. And mask yourself and make a photo at game center — itʼs near a café — to rigth direction from WAC by vertical road.
The begin was pretty solid, but the end is strange. Is there any info when will the second part be?