Wolf RPG - Completed - MY… [v1.05] [dyupariyahonnpobekkan]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    - Probably one of the better h games out there. Is it a godly NTR game? Not really. But as an H game, it is fucking good. Not without it downside however, one of which is how grindy and time based it is.

    - It's a time-based, stat locked events. Time is actually pretty forgiving-ish. If you only try to grind out stats. H scenes give stats as well but I think the jobs give more of them. It has QTE that are both easy and hard. Its also linked to one of your stat that makes it "easier" the higher it is. Easier here means slower. Which is why the grind becomes a pain when you are in the latter chapters. Oh and you need a total of 1500-ish yandere points to not get a game over by the end of it. Grindfest.

    -its both good and bad. It's locked by stats as well as a "likeness" stat for the character. Some of it is animated, which is good but overall some of them is also just repeating the same art for different characters. The NTR and """corruption""", I say that term lightly, is pretty meh. The NTR is not really part of the main story as much as you would expect. Same with corruption. But the art is pretty nice imo. Oh, you CAN avoid NTR if you want. Aside from some groping, you could probably go for a pure route as well. Just expect to know the game very well.

    - The main reason why I rated it this high. It would have been a 5 if it wasn't for the grindy gameplay. The story is about someone manipulating everyone, with the boyfriend knowing something about it that made him distance himself from FMC. It's a mystery that is interesting enough and the yandere, which is FMC is not a force of nature and CAN lose if you don't grind your stats or get all the requirements that you need to pass is a pretty nice touch as well. Aside from the really side characters, the main cast is enjoyable enough to read. Chapter 4-6 is probably one the better ones when the delinquent group isn't the enemies.

    tl;dr - Hgame with a great story, but a grindy and weird gameplay loop. Ending song is pretty great as well. Game is the first chapter, it is still not done.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    The best way I can describe this game would be "untouched 11/10 game if it were released in 2013".

    -Yandere FMC is a surprisingly refreshing take. Bonus for having her be NTR'd. Not everyone's cup of tea, but at least its new.
    -Decent amount of fetishes and scenes
    -Open world with "live time", where time moves as you move. It's pretty cool.
    -Resource management???? You have to manage her sanity and hunger???? It's genuinely thought provoking, but not too impossible where you're stuck on certain things.

    -Corruption doesn't feel like corruption. FMC will just "do" things once she hits a certain level, but it never feels like she's getting corrupt
    -No sense of direction, for the most part. You're best left roaming around the map looking for H-scenes without many roadmarkers.
    -It's flat out impossible to "unyanderify" the FMC, making the whole point of her "yandere" meter kinda moot as she will gain so much "yandere" points to the point where you don't need to worry about it.
    -The day moves along as the player moves, but there isn't enough things to "do". So, you'll run around the map a few times before giving up and manually skipping time with your bed. Plus, the "main" story progresses by sleeping, so you'll constantly feel like you're doing something wrong as the story doesn't "progress". I spent a good few minutes on my first day, and got utterly confused when the "day 1" cutscene played.

    All in all, a breath of fresh air, but doesn't feel like it's been "modernized". Still, I would love to see more games like this!
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    This is pretty good.

    Psychological thriller. The gameplay and plot elements are original and interesting - it focuses on corruption/NTR. Scenes are good too and the art is well done (edit: nvm it is censored but I didn't even realise till later, eg pussy and asshole is uncen while spread pussy, dicks and penetration are censored). Gameplay uses a calendar mechanic but it is easy to get scenes due to hints for the most part.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    She's in love with you. The 5cm penis boy. But rejoice! It's not a fling, she's seriously obsessed with you, she's ready to lie, cheat perhaps even kill to become the sole object of your desires. Also your local doctor found the cure for microschlongitis. A woman has to work to invest in her boyfriend's manhood, it's only natural! 1 centimeter at a time! The only problem is, everyone around you is perverted, and you're gorgeous.

    Some gameplay elements are not very well thought out. It's sometimes unclear how the "shape" and "mood" influence our interactions or how you can reach them to begin with. You could be "very good" shape and "fun" mood, but depending on what you intend to achieve in the game, it might sometimes be wiser to be "vaginal bleeding" and "anxiety". It's... New and original, but I feel like the "mood" statuses would've been enough. "Breast tension", "Drowsiness" or "Vaginal Bleeding" is not very exciting to me I guess? I'm only a brute interested in shallow matters such as boobs and ass.

    Despite the criticism, it's out of the box stuff, I want more.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Very high production quality, very bad execution. If the translation would be a bit more straightforward maybe the gameplay would be more clear, but as it is, it's a horrible chore to have a pure run in the game which would mean avoiding NTR. I personally hate NTR. I view it as porn for psychopathic women.

    Would definitely recommend for those with this main fetish. For folks with normal tastes, not so much. I guess the game is not bad but for us it is a grind fiesta and for that it can only deserve a 3 star from me as this shit like many like it, is already review inflated to perfection here. For the damned NTR folks a 4 star is a more realistic score.

    I guess it is the Dyatlov case: Not great, not terrible. Don't blame the score on me, blame it on god for allowing NTR to exist. Or another way to put it: don't hate the player, hate the game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all, I would like to say that it is extremely well made. I can only say that this is amazing even if the story is not complete yet.

    Let's talk about the features of this work
    *This is a simulation game, and the status changes quickly depending on the heroine's actions. One action can change other behaviors.
    *The heroine herself has a lot of darkness, and it is interesting that this darkness is also involved in the gameplay.
    *The story is very well told, and the chapter development is like a guessing game. (So, I recommended using a guide only when truly necessary).
    *The part of preventing a tragedy as well as eroticism is very appealing.

    I recommend you try the previous game (if you know Japanese).
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Since most new games uploaded here are the definition of ''slop'' I didn't expect much out of this game but apparently good games are still getting uploaded. Honestly the best game I've played in months especially on the story and corruption parts which usually get overlooked or half-assed. A very solid 4.5/5 for me even pushing 5.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally this game makes its way to F95.

    While I personally rate this a 5/5, I also want to say that this is not meant for everyone and definitely not if you are looking for a quick fap.

    But if you are here to play something new, something you haven't seen in other 9999 RPGM games, then I would recommend you giving this a try.

    • A yandere FMC. Like seriously I thought she's bout to stab someone 15 minutes in.
    • NTR Corruption
    • interesting game mechanics
    • Pretty decent scenes with voice effects + some animation
    • Actually need to try and plan your strategy for virgin run

    • Some mechanics are a bit too complicated
    • Scenes are imo spread out over too many NPCs, so there is less development per NPC
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly I'd really like to give this game 3.8 out of 5, but since it has no decent competitors at all - I give it 5/5 without hesitation.

    Now, don't be deceived - this game is totally NTR oriented. You can make virgin run, but you lock yourself out of 90% of the game.

    - Slow corruption: the heroine is crazy yandere but she is not a whore.
    - Different types of NTR: You can choose whether to whoring the girl by her will or be raped by other man. Not much games have this feature
    - Kind of deep personalities for main characters (as for rpgm game) and motivation slightly above braindead.
    - Sex scenes are rather non-existing in terms of images but they are properly implemented and collide well with narrative. Therefore they are "enjoyable" to watch
    - The game is stunningly well polished and runs smoothly even at my old PC for such a large amounts of scripts it has.

    - Illusion of choice: again - whore yourself out or see no any erotic content.
    - Even though this game has a LOT of events, each of them lacks deepness and has 2-3 images in the best case scenario.
    - The story itself... I can't say it's bad, but rather it's just not my thing. Yandere girl tries to please his cuck boyfriend while being constantly harassed and cuck boyfriend tries to pose as the real man, but has 5cm dick and is complete imbecile

    In conclusion, if you like NTR games and can tolerate RPGM engine - you MUST play this game as this is one of the best in it's genre at the moment
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This one deserves a 5/5. The production value is definitely high. A ton of scenes available. The drawings are good. The story is well packaged.

    I think the first time playing this game would be hard, so the good news is that there is easy mode, and even if you lose, you can start new game with stats carried over. etc.

    Definitely one of the best game you can find around here.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is amazing

    Excellent FMC, interesting history have mistery, drama there are a lot of events, the bad part is if you miss one it's gone, and you can struggle in some things. I have to say I haven't finished yet, but just for the hours I played it is totally worth to buy, Really hopes to get to steamshop. the dev have other game, wish also was translated.

    The way of corruption is not a rush can be a little slow if you want to get sex quickly but as a game it's excellent, have several things you have to read the good part is not so extensive and they all are easy to read, great translate. a lot of pantyshots in the menu fantastic*. Delete the file "config.exe" have bad experiences with the file and the game really don't need it

    The bad? With so many things you feel the time in a rush, and the day is sometimes not enough while you are discovering the map, there's also some status that rush the time even more, and I haven't found any hint of the "status" you have to discover it by yourself. Just don't get to hiped for this description is a porn game better than others but at the end a porn game, if you play it with out expecting nothing will be a great surprise