Regarding the whole version number thing: this might surprise you, but generally speaking when you have vA.B.C, it's something called
semantic versioning, which is a well-defined way of treating version numbers MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. The precise meaning can vary, but generally MAJOR is only incremented when a change
breaks compatibility with older versions (so for a game, that could mean e.g. save files are no longer compatible; a breakage in how mods work; etc); MINOR is for large non-breaking changes, and PATCH is for bugfixes / small code tweaks (e.g. rewriting a small bit to make it flow better). Version 0.1 or 0.0.1 is generally the first public version, and the switch to 1.0 is generally only done when the software is nearly complete to its intended functionality, after which major version increments are made a lot more freely. (So if a change breaks software that's still at e.g. 0.3, it might just bump to 0.4 instead of 1.0). This isn't just for user convenience; software tends to go through a
lot of breaking changes in its early stages and then settle down later on, so this avoids getting a BS major version number like 919 by concentrating all the breaking changes into pre-1.0 territory.
Of course,
some people then feel the need to do MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.TWEAK and make things
more confusing....
Then you get the people who use A.B.C and it's not actually semver...
and then you have games.
Seriously though, game version numbers from what I've seen are almost always arbitrary, despite often being formatted identically to semver. This probably shouldn't be a surprise given the proliferation of e.g. v1.0 games on here that really
EDIT: just saw the "Seems like we've wandered a bit off the topic of this thread. Maybe we should just discuss the game itself, rather than debating the mathematics of game versioning."
... sorry!
In a more on-topic post, how about a flame war over which character is the best? My vote goes towards the mall janitor!