Alright, I found the cheat codes. (Side Note: If you see any of the commands that I put in have a capital in them make sure you do include it because it will lead to the command prompt not registering it.)
To start press F5 or tab to open the prompt menu and it will be at the top of the screen.
You can copy any of the text cheat below and it will go through.
- Money and Crystal Command:
Add gold: " sweetgold " this will add 1000g.
Custom gold amount: " setgold " input the amount of gold that you want.
Custom crystal amount: " setcrystal " input the amount of crystal that you want.
- Reset and Turn on Command:
" resetbugcatcherbilly "
" resetbugcatcherxavier "
" resetmonsterlust "
" turnonlust "
Custom Monster Lust: " setlust " input the amount of lust you want.
Random Monster Battle: " strangeMonster "
Spawn Mafia Grunt: " spawnMafia "
Mafia Grunt Powder Defeated: " powderDefeat "
- Unkown or Unsure Command:
" naelatwins " (I'm not sure how this works at all and I try almost about everything but with no results.)
" influence " (When looking through the code about this it claims to change the influence stats to Mafia Intercourse, Clay Intercourse, Inn Keeper Intercourse, and Monster Intercourse. I don't know how much the value changes for influence since I can't find any number on my current influence, and I will try to see if I can find any results.)