You sure found out a lot about myself, my lifestyle, my hobbies and the true intentions behind my one-sentence post just from a look at my avatar. Impressive as always, Holmes.
It was a joke. Chill and sit back down, your nerve will be just fine.
Your intentions were to be a dick, don't deny it. You could have easily not commented. You should have taken your own advice to " Chill and sit back down ". While Humor is subjective, the humor was coming from 'lol, people that know pornstars are pathetic' which is fucking ironic on a
porn website.
And I made no assumptions about your lifestyle and hobbies, you have a moe-blob anime avatar (not an assumption), which means your probably have all kinds of stupid anime characters memorized (this is an assumption, but I've never seen that character before, which means its probably obscure as hell and means you've delved deep into anime), which other people probably think is exactly as pathetic as knowing pornstar names.
But fair, let me reframe the anime discussion then: You may be a frequent poster on a website dedicated to pirating porn games and you may masturbate to games with naked cartoon characters
but at least you're not as pathetic as the people that know the names of porn stars lmao.
Do you see how absolutely idiotic you come off? You've got no cause to throw stones at anyone.
You attempted to insult people, you got called out on it and now you're going "it's just a joke bruh, don't get worked up over it". The dumbest kind of defense. Just take your loss and think before you post things about how sorry you feel for other people for retaining knowledge.