VN - Ren'Py - Name88's Triangle [Book 7 Alpha Build 4] [Q+N88 3Darts]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Recently replayed this and have to say I find it more and more disappointing with every replay (Book Seven - AB1).

    Story is a bit of a stretch, albeit quite creative and original to have a secret portal powered by sexual energy hidden somewhere (trying not to spoil too much here).

    Rendering is okay'ish, to be honest; the animated tag in my humble opinion should be removed, single chained pictures have been created via rendering, yes, but they do not make an animation whatsoever. Or better only if the frames per second are beyond the visible almost thirty'ish fps.

    The music is leaning quite heavily on creative commons from the 80s' side, but okay, one can switch it off if too much. Sound, if any, could be way better, to be honest.

    The story is playable, yes, although there are not many really relevant choices (except for one game over choice early on I can recall from the top of my head). Plus the MC feels a bit like a 'fuck boy tool' for the - I will not say LIs since it is in essence only about having sex - 'sexual intercourse interests' in the game which basically push you in the right direction most of the time, if you choose incorrectly.
    Plus this leaning on a single 'last man standing' of all the corporation leaders, basically a saviour figure, is quite unbelievable, sorry. This dude had to be the richest of all the richest in the world to be able to stand against all governments without them having him removed, if even possible at all.

    Performance and animation I will put together here, the transitions and the views into the past or background are placed at really awkward places, which makes the perfomance a little 'choppy'. Animation is more or less not really existing, see also above, disregarding that the author had to render all the pictures which by the way get reused quite often as well.

    I had a few bugs on my last replay, but then it was BookSeven-AB1, so bugs are possible. Reporting bugs here also seems a bit pointless, to be honest, since the author has not looked into the thread for quite some time it seems, but I can not be sure about that. Perhaps he is now solely focused on his Patreons and other supporters or decided to do this only in his spare time?

    Voice acting is none-existing and to be honest, I rather do not want that at all.

    The grammar and orthography at some points are making me at least cringe to some extent, I suppose the author is not a native English speaker.

    The amount of content could be way better, like said before lots of pictures get reused plus some conversations feel rather pointless and superfluous and would not change the story at all if removed completely.

    Honestly torn between one and two stars here, but first of all I want to be fair being not a supporter and second for an author's first VN it does not deserve so much slapping. So two it is.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The dev doing fantastic job,
    i just played the VN and i like it a lot , i believe its a very good VN overall.
    very good story, very good visuals, nice and strong MC and beautiful and interesting Li (faith best girl).
    furthermore i have to say that the soundtrack is of the best i have seen in any VN.
    It was very enjoyable experience for me and im gonna keep it in my VN list for sure
    ps i believe one of the strong points of the VN is that doesnt have extra fetishes and the love scenes is only with mc+li, thats truly refreshing in my opinion.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is very good. I like the MC he is not a wimp or push over or a horny teen. All the Li is so hott and sexy. I don't know what the other reviews under mine is on about, this is a great story with hot women and a cool MC. Also this is a very good romance story and i love romance. Only 2 things that bother me and that is it is all in POV which means you don't see the MC face which i usually don't like and the animations are not that great. If this game was redone i would take out the POV and polish up the animations but other than that it is a great game with awesome story and romance and Hott Women.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Disappointing is the word I would most use to describe this game. The concept is really cool, a hidden portal under the bermuda triangle that connects to other worlds? Assembling a cyberpunk-esq team that will go to other worlds and look for secrets? Having to bang hot babes to power said portal? All really nice, but horribly executed. The sex scenes with the girls are just the same thing over and over and over. There are no fetishes or kinks or whatever, you bang the girls the same way over and over and over with no choice in what happens. You don't get any variety. The other worlds all look like time periods of modern earth. I get that it's supposed to be because ancient civilizations got trapped in said portal, but you have the concept of other worlds and dimensions and you make them all look like Earth. I want to see crazy alien creatures, mysterious worlds with mysterious creatures and amazing views. Instead, the game blasts you constantly with flashbacks to events, sidelines the other worldly exploration and front and centers the girls and backstory. I don't care about what happened in the past and I don't care about this uprising about the government or whatever. If you're making a plot, especially one as interesting as this, why would you sideline it in favor of a boring story that took place in the past? Pick one or the other, don't cram both in. Also, the writing is awful at points. Ghost tries to tell his team not to take faith on a mission because he has these visions or whatever, and that's one of the reasons they bring him on this team, and they ignore him. Then, ghost gets all emo and says he's a failure or whatever. Why is there so much of this drama in here? It honestly feels like 2 different story ideas got smashed together and made into some sort of abomination. It feels really bad to have to shit on this game like this, but there is so much potential here that has just been completely wasted. What a frustrating experience.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    I couldet really get hooked on the story, MC gets used and loves it then given a job to go fuck girls so emotions, feelings, relationships went bye bye, just yet another pointless fuckfest game where the only goal acts around sex and not the story which i would like to have seen alot more focus on.

    To me it gets ruined by the lack of choices and fake choices, forced LIs, and game-over choices which i will never understand why they put that shit in there, just slap a kinetic tag on and forget about giving idiotic game-over choices, if there is a choice that will change anything in the story i havent found it, to me it feels more like a pure kinetic story then anything else, nothing worng with kinetic stories but tell people.

    It also has the animated tag and i dont get it theres nothing animated about doing picture to picture to make it look like movement, its an insult to animated games, i think i saw one small sex scene which was animated but that dosent warrent the tag when everything else isent.

    Plenty of girls some look good some dosent.

    Music is a bit overkill

    A hint for the devs, take animated tag out and put in kinetic, better to be truthfull about content and game then not.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Decent story. Not unique but not the 95% my dad just died. Models are fine too and I wish I could give this a higher rating but the animations are just sooo bad. I mean if you want pictures that looks like someone put them into MS paint and moved the image with the mouse and call it animated this is the game for you.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm gonna be honest, upon first release I wasnt huge on this game. I dropped it for a while and I was still on book 1. Now playing from there to book 6 I can honestly say I'm hooked. Good sci-fi setting and interesting plot. The female characters are all well thought out with good characterization and the MC's interesting path from lovable loser to secretly being a hero all along is endearing. My only issue is I cant pick between Faith and Sydney.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    July 2023, Chapter 6

    This is a mixed experience.
    Graphics are fine.
    While the Soundtrack may not be to everybodies taste, it fits the scene and is more then 3 generic license free elevatortunes.
    The story is ok. I've played much worse excuses for everybody desperately boning the mc.
    The references to Blaerunner, Starship Troopers, ... are very welcome to me, ...


    It starts with "name88". It could be a reference to a certain 80ies aestetic. But, around here the 88 is used by a certain kind of idiots.
    All along the girls fall in sermons of how the government has betrayed them all, and how the (selfempowered) corporate rule is so much better. Some strong QAnon vibes is what I get.
    Dev may have seen the same movies as I did, but did not get, that Bladerunner is a dystopy? Starship Trooper is the exact opposite of how a society should work?
    This may be me overly skittish to that type of bullshit, but there you have it: I can only see the game as a mixed experience, hence the mediocre rating.
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2755092

    This game, is fairly good.
    The story is nice and different from the usual things we stumble on in here.

    The renders are very decent, and the soundtrack very 80's.
    Plenty of 80/90's references in there, which is always nice.

    The writing is ok, but, the story is moving a bit too slow for my taste.

    Eventually somewhere in chapter 4, I started loosing interest.
    This is probably down to me not liking the models and faces chosen for most of the girls. Aside from the blonde, I find the others ugly. Just a personal preference of course, but I just can't find any beauty in the other women in there.

    Then, there's the waiting to fuck two of them, for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Both wanted it, badly. And it was part of the agreement (saves for one of them, for ... reasons... I guess?)

    I found the sex scenes, to be really... odd somehow. First, they're extremely short. But something else's not quite right with them, however, I am unable to put my finger on it. But they did absolutely nothing to me. This includes the one with the girl I did find pretty enough.

    Sex, happens often enough in that game, because of why it is needed in the lore. However, because of this, It also become pretty meaningless as well. The entire "hunt" side of sex/seduction, is entirely missing in that game, and I believe this is what makes the sex scenes so boring, or at the very least, contribute to that result.

    Aside from that, the game itself, is not bad. It's not excellent either, but it certainly is above a large majority of the ones dropped on here.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a VN that tries to be a story with sex, but is more of a story about sex. Things only happen so that the MC can have sex. This has the setting and plot of Stargate but with the characters of any of the mediocre college VNs on here.

    The girls are hot though.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing story with amazing characters and scenes. Can't believe this is so underrated here, definitely deserves more praise for the amount of content and story. Loved it and looking forward to the future updates
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    I thought for a long time how to rate this game. 5 definitely not, 4 still too good and that's why it ended up being 3.

    - Nice character model and renders
    - Nicely outlined world with an interesting concept - Workmanship seems very good
    - Epic MC name - Ghost

    - The whole plot is spoiled by focusing too much on sex (I'm not talking about sexual energy). In fact, it's nothing else that wastes the whole well-drawn world.
    - The above point makes 5 chapters pretty boring and it seems like it's not going anywhere. - Completely useless MC for now. The worst thing is that he resembles the MC from Broken Dreamers which makes his uselessness even more obvious and wastes his nickname: Ghost
    - MC smokes too many cigarettes, Why?
    - Similarity to the TV series Stargate. They also discover other worlds, but they don't do much in them. They actually just go exploring without any major research or potential discoveries. The lack of any emphasis on this issue further shows an exaggerated focus on sex and nothing else. - Small fix. There's also a lot of focus on girls asses.

    - Shift the focus from sex to story and character development and relationship with the MC.
    - Change the way the MC behaves. He is a trained specialist in the style of Bruce Willis from The Fifth Element, so let him behave like this, let him show his omniscience and skills, after all, he is not a child but a well-trained adult.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    random being 1

    i absolutely love this game the soundtrack is awesome and the graphics are great the storyline is also very interesting as well and can't wait for the next installments reaper and spider are my two favorites
  14. 1.00 star(s)

    Alfred the Fallen

    (Book Five)

    A generic power fantasy where all women throw themselves at the main character, who happens to have some unexplained powers that make him the chosen one.

    The first big decision for players to make is a binary choice where you are either given a game over screen or choose to do exactly what the developer wanted. So, not a good start. The next few dialogue choices have an intended choice and a fake choice where the game just ridicules your choice and then railroads you along the only real path.

    There's no flow to the story, as it alternates between exposition dumps and awkward sex scenes. Conversations in this distant future setting feature 80's movie references and dated internet memes. The characters are every bit as unnatural as the dialogue. The music was so annoying that I had to mute it. Animations are just a few still images being cycled through.

    There really isn't anything good to be said about the game. I would recommend avoiding this one.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    the effort put into story, character development, artwork and dialogue is goddamn gorgeous. felt several times this could be a hell of a movie. also props to whomever figured out how to make the harem solution practical and interesting.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    The reasons im going give this game a 2-star rating.

    Pros- the render looks good
    the chars are nicely done

    Cons-The story is meh at best
    the chooses giving to you do not make the story any different (maybe some dialog change) and if you pick a choose that is basically a no answer it will change opinion to a yes and force upon you so it more of KN then anything else

    Overall its a sub par game for me
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Book 5 Part 1 review -
    Excellent Cyberpunk themed Science fiction story with stunning visuals and the female charecter are beautiful and there is variety in female charecters with different backstory and a likeable main character . And loke others mentioned dev seems to have put special care into the music and sounds in the game which makes it great while playing the game . Simply 5 stars for me and recommend as it's worth playing .
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I just finished playing the latest update for this and damn I loved it. I can't wait to see more of this. The story get me hooked. Lisa's body is awesome but my favorite character so far is Claire I liked her part in this.

    5/5 stars so far :) :) :)
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Honestly such a game would normally get 5 stars from me if it werent for 2 major things. The first is the premise the whole story is building on. There is "sexual Energy" needed to power some portal to save the world and obviously its you and 4 women who will do it and everyone wants you, is extremely skilled and extremly beautiful. This typical Savior who needs to have sex to save the world thing is just so weak to have as basis to your story. The second thing is that sometimes the characters just talk about things like its common knowledge and you have no idea whats going on.

    Ok so enough rambling while those are quite some big things i personally dislike i still tried the game and it was worth playing. Overall the dev managed to keep the Story interesting beside the weak basis. It is overall pretty well written and as i mentioned earlier the girls look awesome. The renders are very nice and its cool to get some backround information on the characters every now and then.
    As far as choices go theres not too much game infuencing as far as i can tell which i hope will change as the story progresses.
    One very strong point of this VN is the music. Im not sure if the music will stay like this regarding some licenses or something i have no idea how that works but the music makes the experience really pleasurable.

    So in conclusion even tho it starts kinda weak its still a nice game to play because while all the characters seem to somehow be infatuated with you they till have personality and the story is kept interesting so still worth to try this game.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    As of Book 4 Part 2
    Good Sci Fi game with an interesting story setup involving bermuda triangle . Stunning visuals , gorgeous female models with different traits and background score in this game is worth mentioning . Overall amazingame , loved playing this one , good amount of content and plenty of sex scenes , looking forward to the next release .