VN - Ren'Py - Name88's Triangle [Book 7 Alpha Build 4] [Q+N88 3Darts]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    How to say it!!!:unsure::unsure::unsure:

    1) The renders are gloomy. Not that enticing, with prolonged transitions
    2) The story is a bit shady at the first (since it did not enthrall me I discontinued playing after some choices)
    3) Models are mediocre.

    Overall this game is 'not playable' in my opinion. Sorry if the rating is not to anyone's liking.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This one is pretty good, I'm surprised that is not more popular. The story is a bit of Stargate with references to other sci-fi works plus the erotic content. Nice girls and overall good renders although some close ups are a bit too much on your face. On top of that we have a good OST to create a good sci-fi atmosphere.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    If you combined Cyberpunk 2077 with Stargate and added porn you'd get Name88's Triangle.
    The story is about the fight against some mysterious high tech borgified hive-minded SciFi zombie threat, or something like that. You don't really see the enemy in the first four books.

    A Stargate is found on Earth at the Bermuda Triangle and the MC is hired to go investigate other worlds to find out more about the "Skeet", said mysterious enemy. The MC gets four team members, all of them sexy females.
    The presence of sexy ladies is required because the Stargate, please sit down now, is powered by "sex energy". Yes, the Stargate can only be charged by sex. No explanation necessary, none is provided.
    Three of the four women have given their ok to being sex partners, the fourth one not yet, not that it matters, she still fools around with the MC.

    The characters...

    1. Claire: she's the liaison to the tech mogul who funds the project, she's a willing sex partner, she actually has sex with the MC even before the mission.

    2. Sydney: the blond, dorky scientist girl, a bit awkward. The MC can do anything with her, fingering, touching, kissing, licking... but for no real reason Sydney won't have actual sex yet. I suppose some artificial teasing was wanted for the story, it just makes no sense here with the premise and how eager Sydney otherwise is.
    Also, she frequently forgets to put on panties.
    Sydney's refusal to go all the way really makes no sense here, for example early on she invites a second female (Spider) to a group sex session on one of the planets, including some light bi-curious action between them (a kiss really, nothing else, so rather tame). The sex is required since the gate on the planet needs recharging.
    So we are to believe that the dorky scientist who won't have sex because she's shy or nervous or whatever is instead 100% ok with a threesome, including some kissing action with another girl.
    Well, and once the MC can interact with Sydney again she once again is not ok with actual sex. Her progression makes no sense here. But otherwise she's cute and fun.

    3. Faith aka "Reaper": raven haired beauty. Former military and the badass fighter in the group. She has a troubled history, the government used her services under false pretense and had her kill innocent targets. Well, now she's on the team and is one of the two characters who greatly enjoy actual sex with the MC, she is pretty sexy and a tough gal with a very feminine side to her. Chances are you will like her a lot.

    4. Spider: the archetypical hacker. A spunky redhead. Spider hasn't signed the sex agreement, but she's 100% ok and super willing to fool around with the MC and do ANYTHING with him but actual intercourse. Again. for no apparent reason other than to maybe have yet another character that adds some teasing. Well, with Spider it makes some more sense than with Sydney, but even here it feels forced and artificial after a while.

    5. not really a character yet: Lisa, the disembodied AI created by the MC, she slowly becomes more and more self-aware in the story once she gets access to better hardware on the base. For some weird reason she gives off a bi-curious vibe since she wants the techie, Spider, to "look under her skirt".... oh well... Let's see how long it takes for her to get an android body.

    At times you have to choose between scenes, you cannot get all content in one playthrough, unless you reload here and there. So at times you need to choose between the women and pick one.
    So far choosing one woman over another doesn't seem to block paths.
    Many times sex is unavoidable. Sometimes you can skip it or just go to bed. One scene with Faith had - for no reason I can see - a "skip" option.

    The sex is vanilla through and through, I like that. But if you want kinks... you won't get them here.

    One outstanding feature of this game is the synthwave soundtrack. Many tracks are great. But some I found a bit too distracting, I generally feel that songs with vocals are not the best choice when you have to read something since it can be a bit distracting. But the tracks themselves are all fine. If you like synthwave you will love the soundtrack!

    Unfortunately the renders are not really all that great. The character models are very attractive, the issue is that the renders can be quite blurry and soft. Some of the outdoor locations (usually the planets) can have very low res textures and things can look pretty rough. Also, in close-ups of the women they have plastic skin, it looks more like the surface of a mannequin. At least one scene had extremely blurry/stretched textures for the MC's penis, it looked very off.

    The game uses a POV perspective. I usually prefer a third person view because games with a strict POV approach have a hard time composing the more intimate scenes or generally have issues with camera angles since the MC can never be shown.

    The sex animations are just bad unfortunately, you will get the typical slideshow here, so don't expect any smooth or fluid animations, the sex scenes are powerpoint presentations. There are some options here and there, at times you can decide who to finish with or where to finish, but not always.
    And because the game is POV you will either get silly air kisses by the women or they will kiss a disembodied tongue. POV sex is a very mixed bag, oral sex has the usual disembodied tongue. I really wish the game would switch to third person in the more intimate encounters. But many others strictly prefer POV, so it's difficult to make everyone happy.
    In my opinion a game that has such a huge focus on sex needs animations. In more romantic games with less action you can get away with slideshows or static renders, but here the sex is a major plot point even.

    You can name your character at one point, that name is never really used (it's a name the MC used in the past), he's just "Ghost", and will always be referred to as "Ghost", or maybe "Casper" (the ghost) by Claire. If you don't like MC's with names you can't change you will get one here.

    The game has quite a bit of steamy action with all the four love interests despite its relatively short length. Given the premise (Stargate is powered by sex) that is probably no surprise.
    Oh, and the Stargate of course affects the behavior of people who spend too much time around it. It makes them super horny. How convenient. But you only need to spend some time outside the base for a few hours or so for the effect to wear off.

    The story itself is quite captivating and you also get some flashbacks here and there that provide backstory for several of the characters. So the MC is not featured in all scenes, at least not in the flashbacks. The story will keep you engaged.

    Unfortunately there are typos here and there, grammar is also wrong several times, the wrong tense or case is used. But it's not painful, the English is mostly ok.

    So if you like SciFi settings, if you don't mind that the game blatantly copies Stargate and adds Cyberpunk to it, if you like games with just a handful of love interests and if you love instant action and instant gratification... then Name88's Triangle can be fun and you will probably enjoy it a lot.

    If crisp looking renders and fluid animations are your primary focus then Name88's Triangle could disappoint you since the technical aspects of the game are its weakest point. Also, if you prefer a gradual development of romances then the game will probably disappoint you as well. Everything is served on a silver platter here.

    The game certainly has lots of potential. If the renders improve in quality and if at one point actual animations are included instead of the slideshows this could become a really excellent experience.
    If you are ok with the technical limitations the game already is fun, even if it's way too silly at times given the otherwise serious premise. Stargate powered by sex? Really?
    I wish the sex with the women in this game was not a requirement so the Stargate can get a charge, it somewhat cheapens the romances here, even if all the ladies of course like the MC a LOT. But it would have been nicer if the relationships developed naturally instead of being something that is mandated.
    The sex is always consensual of course and both parties greatly enjoy it, all the women like or maybe even love the MC and vice versa. Still, things are bit too super easy here, there's no build-up, no tension. And the two women who refuse actual sex do so for no real reason, other than the dev probably wanting it like that. But it really makes no sense here given the many other things they do with the MC.

    The overall package is "ok", "average", fun factor and story are certainly four stars though. And the female characters in this game also have some depth to them, they have actual backstories and are not just shallow sex partners. But because of the premise the romance is super fast here and this in turn makes things a bit arbitrary.

    So if you like a silly porn version of Stargate with some Cyberpunk flair, and if render quality and animations are not your main priority check this game out! Story is pretty good, characters are also interesting, and the game never wastes your time.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Bro In The Game

    a game worth looking forward to, I finished book 4 and am very pleased with the rendering, sound and girls

    Basically the content is nothing new, but it is still engaging enough and understandable enough for the participants with entertainment.

    hope more people will pay attention to this game and their developers
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Review update for up until book 5 part 1:
    Nothing has really changed, the girls look great, the romantic scenes between the MC and them are fine, the story in general works, but the problems remain. The dev definitely wants to educate us on his ideas of government, where basically democracy is fundamentally corrupt, and the viable alternative is a benevolent dictatorship by someone who "really has just the best intentions for all people in mind," aka someone who really doesn't exist. No One-Percenter ever has the best interest of the rest of us schmucks on his mind.
    But I wouldn't mind if that was what the dev believes, we are free to have our opinions about this and I don't have a problem with someone having a different world-view to me. What I have a problem with is that again and again this topic is being brought up and like I wrote in my initial review, even if you disagree with it, you are either instantly convinced by what the other characters say, or you just get told you are wrong, and the story moves on. Stop doing that. Stop giving us a fake option. If the opinion of the person playing and making the decision has no influence whatsoever, then stop acting as if they do. If the choices don't change ANYTHING, just leave them out and tell a straight kinetic novel.

    It's hard to rate this game.
    A lot of it is good, but there's also some bad and some stuff I really don't like.

    Let's start with the good, I do like the SF setting and the core idea of the story, which is of course a mix of different SF tropes, including Stargate.
    I like the visual look of the game, the ladies.
    Sex scenes are alright, and I do like some of the dialogue and storytelling, some of the humour.

    There is a lot of content and obviously a lot of effort going into even such things as design of the UI and menus.

    Why just three stars, then?
    Well, while some of the dialogue is okay, there is also a lot which isn't really that great. Very forced, very unnatural.
    The story has a good core, but the actual execution isn't the best. Pacing, story-telling in itself, that is in parts pretty weak.
    The girls are a little too much into the MC from the get go, some reluctance would have been fine, welcome even,

    There's one thing I really don't like, and that is to be preached to.
    It doesn't matter whether I agree or not, it's also not about the creator bringing his pov into his work, it's the way it is done.
    It should be subtle, it should be non-intrusive, it shouldn't be as if the creator wants you to believe his doctrine.
    I don't know what Name88's politics are, but in the game there is this weird anti-politician and anti-democracy vibe and the alternative seems to be some sort of libertarian dictatorship by corporations?
    It's weird, but the story brings this up again and again, with the female characters, with the boss who hires the MC etc..
    Even if you choose to disagree with your answers, the reply by one of the others, usually changes the MCs opinion on it.

    Which brings me to another thing I found a bit irritating.
    There are choices, but they don't really seem to matter much.

    It's like you usually have two choices and one of them leads to nothing, so either you get nothing or you choose the situation and setting the dev wants you to.
    This doesn't really feel like a VN with meaningful choices, but rather a kinetic novel. Which would be okay, but not what you'd expect or what it seems like with all these choices.

    The last point of criticism would be quite a lot of errors and mistakes, like confusing "you're" and "your" and similar stuff, something that is a pet peeve of mine, when it happens too often.

    Okay, that was a lot of criticism, but I felt I needed to explain why I can only give a relatively good and well-made VN 3-stars.

    This has the basics for a really good game, it just needs to improve in some parts, and then it could really be something.
    Will definitely keep watching and change the review accordingly if the weaknesses improve.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    An excellent sci-fi AVN. The story is pretty damn solid although a tad predictable at times but what really sticks out for me when it comes to this VN are the character interactions. The interactions between the MC and the female leads feel particularly genuine, realistic and therefore, more interesting. Also, it helps that the characters are by default intriguing in their own ways and have distinct, unique personalities/identities. Now of course, since this is an AVN there ARE naturally some things that are exaggerated here and there but aside from that, I found the sometimes light-hearted and humorous tone of the story to be quite appealing.

    The usage of music within the game is also fairly decent and the visuals while they may seem off at times, are overall rather great as well; at most times looking extremely high-quality especially when it comes to the character models (which is what matters the most anyway, let's be honest here).

    Anyways TL;DR, it's an interesting AVN that is definitely worth a shot if you're into the genre and are looking for a chill AVN to pass the time with.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This for up to Book Three...I'll start with the bad as minor as they are. There is a few typos but they can easily be fixed. Thats it a few typos lol. The renders are in the better side of the spectrum. The females are all gorgeous.Each of the 4 LI have their own personalities. The story is addicting and has a solid way to add sex to VN.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Review through Book Three :


    Humor Story and Soundtrack

    For a new game developer I believe this is a good start the story is engaging and has alot of humor with its dialog and some of the dialog might be considered wall breaking it also amazing sound track during certain scenes.

    Renders and Characters

    The renders are well done as well with characters with different personality traits and likeable quirks.



    I do believe something can be improved on like the animation with time but they are still pretty decent.

    Choices in game

    I don't believe the choices made in the game really matter that much just skips certain scenes if you don't want to see them.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    The setting and overall story is interesting and the renders are good. But the story pacing/specifics/execution is very bad. Reaper is a special forces infantry soldier but somehow is also the thinnest and weakest looking of the group. The huntress somehow had a clear headshot but chose to instead disable the guns. If the portal is underwater, how did the ancient people who disappeared go through it without drowning? I understand this is a porn game and stuff will never make sense with respect to the real world. But what i don't like is that some of the stuff does not work in the universe of the game itself (a game which takes itself very seriously at times). The dialogue also feels very immature. The English was okay but there are a lot of mistakes in the latest chapter (book 3). Maybe future releases will clear these problems but right now the story and dialogues need some patching up.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    A really nice, fun and dynamic AVN.
    Each character is three dimensional, they are not just "stickers" (to fuck). The narrative component is interesting as well as the interactions between the characters.

    The renders are really well done and the music, besides being good, accompanies what you are seeing on screen very well.

    Ultimately Name88`s Triangle is a super recommended sci-fi AVN.

    *Review made after playing the third book
    *I'm not english so.. be patient :D
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    It's still early development and individual votes carry substantial weight so here is my scaling vote. This story is at least a 4 by any standard you'd like to apply. The writing is good. The renders vary from good to excellent and the animations are above average and improving. Finally, OMG, Reaper is a goddess. Good luck, dev, and I hope you can continue with the timeliness and quality of updates demonstrated so far.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Review through Book Two and personally interested in story-first AVNs.

    Name88's Triangle is showing great progress and promise in just two books (chapters). First and foremost it is great to see another creator take on a sci-fi-based story that is original in its premise. The storytelling and world-building are very interesting thus far and he has captured my curiosity as to where he is taking the story.

    I also enjoy the fact that Name88 has developed his AVN with multiple pathing. Some may not enjoy such, but to me experiencing the consequences of different choices through multiple playthroughs is enjoyable.

    Triangle's characters are all very unique and Name88 has quickly established actual personas that are more than just fodder for lewd scenes (which there are plenty and they don't feel plugged in just to have them).

    Name88's rendering and compositions also keep improving which is great to see. Name88 has also spent effort working on the music for Triangle which is also very good (considering many new creators don't bother).

    This one has a lot of potential and excited to see where it goes!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all, I'd give this four and a half, because there's always room for improvement. Anyway, let's get on with it...

    What I like about this:
    Straightforward, no bullshit like stalling to artificially drag out the length of the book. I'd rather have it be short and eventful and not the opposite. Many AVNs fail at that by including characters doing mundane things. Who the fuck wants to see that constantly?! Certainly not me. It might take time to get used to fast pacing. Finally, a MC that doesn't make me want to smash my head against the wall and with little more backstory we got, things got suddenly more interesting about him. Also, the fact MC admits to staring and what not, as well as the whole team doesn't seem to mince words, which is very refreshing. Claire is the best girl, but other girls are great too. Speaking of forced sex, I can see that being a problem if it only would be done for pleasure, but looking at the bigger picture, it makes sense. You have to put your feelings aside and accept that it must be done for the sake of the mission, but it doesn't mean you can't enjoy it. Just like it's stated in the game. A matter of the right mindset. I think music is better in book two, as far as I remember, more memorable and exciting.

    Technically, they're not negatives since they can be fixed, I'll put them as neutrals.
    Some typos (that was before it was pretty much fixed), renders and animations could be improved. Honestly, can't think of any other issues.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    My review of Name88's Triangle [Book Two]


    The story (most important to me) is pretty bad overall.
    It plays in the future, but people are still smoking cigarettes and driving regular gasoline-powered cars ...which can also fly.
    The world is divided into regular people and quarantined people, who are infected with some kind of alien virus that turns them into androids/robots.
    You (Jack-Of-All-Trades MC) are hired to investigate the origin of the virus, because you can do everything, but are an expert at nothing. :unsure:
    You do so by living in an underwater base, inside the Bermuda Triangle, which has a portal to different worlds, that can only be opened with sexual energy... o_O
    And you have a lot of sex since you are living with 5 women (including 1 AI), that accompany you on missions, and 1 male android, that will never NTR you.
    TLDR: It's basically a "plumber/delivery guy fucks housewife"-quality harem story.

    The writing is pretty decent.
    Not a masterpiece (can't be with a story like this), but nothing really to complain about either.
    Dialogue between the characters is pretty natural, with the all girls having different personalities.
    I just found myself a bit bored sometimes because they talked about nothing interesting.

    Graphics are pretty good overall.
    There are no compression artifacts and lighting is good, but some scenes have very low resolution textures and low detail assets, that stand out a lot.
    Seeing Spider (the hot hacker girl) without her visor on for the first time also is a big shock - she looks like a 40+ y/o meth-addict.

    The game has background music and ambient sounds for all scenes.
    Music sounds nice, apart from the few tracks with normal/fast voices - trying to read text while someone is talking is a bit distracting.
    Using a Linkin Park song not accompanied with a DBZ AMV, let alone any fighting, is also a very questionable choice.

    Talking about choices - they don't really seem to do anything so far, apart from flavor text or choosing which scene to watch.

    A potentially good game ruined by its story.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Good renders not that much mediocre, ofcourse it got flaws too. Story is ok seems like going on harem path with no consequences. Faith aka Reaper is the best girl for me. If in the future game got multiple branching paths and in that path if we get to know more about girls I will gladly took Faith's path. That being said other girls are also nice and fun. Story is ok it got its own charms. Seems like story will get more interesting In upcoming updates.

    Overall it's a good game worth playing. Keep up the good work dev

    Looking forward to next updates

  16. 3.00 star(s)


    [Book Two]

    It was ok. I found it rather average, but it has what it takes to appeal to the superfans of safe space harems.

    The core plot and the world building is not bad. There is some creativity here, but the execution is lacking a bit. Maybe my sci-fi nerd rage is preventing me from giving it a pass, but the game is very loose and carefree on the sci-fi elements. It is magical sci-fi where things are just handwaved away instead of being based even slightly on current scientific knowledge. That alone wouldn't really be an issue since it's hardly a unique case in sci-fi. However, the suspension of disbelief is lost when you also account for the way the characters behave on missions. They suspect some world ending nanobot swarm might be in the planet, yet they just sit around and have dinner and have carefree sex. Well, the tone is absolutely on the lighthearted side almost all the time, possibly to the detriment of the narrative, but some players might prefer light hearted rather than serious. There is also multiple moments where the dev is hugging the players and telling us that this is a very safe space where other dicks don't exist. Some people might like this reassurance, but I find it rather forced and unnecessary in getting the point across, especially when it leaves holes in the plot.

    I didn't find the character interactions and the characters believable at all. As in, they don't behave anything like actual people and are convenient caricatures that are there to fill in the harem slots. All of them are immediately in love with the MC who acts like a reddit neckbeard's idea of an outgoing white knight. I mean, the plot device makes sexual contact a necessity, but there are much more interesting ways to develop these relationships than immediately snuffing out all sexual tension from the very beginning.

    Perhaps the biggest issue for me was the coding. Well, this is a kinetic novel with a bunch of meaningless choices. I looked under the hood and confirmed that there is not a single variable or flag that is set for any of the choices. The only thing it affects is the immediate outcome after the response. It is a bit of a downer, but not the end of the world. Some devs just want to tell their story and don't want to account for variables and branches. Alright, but I would have liked the choices to at least attempt to provide some role playing opportunities. The MC's persona is already set. We know how he feels and what his all about. So when there is a choice that is obviously the right answer and then another choice that makes very little sense, it doesn't really present even the illusion of choice. If you pick the wrong answers to see what happens? 1) Game over. 2) Immediately look like a fool and MC accepts that he was wrong. 3) You don't get a kiss from girl. But we know that in the end, none of it matters since it is not keeping track of choices at all.

    The game does do some things very well though. The music is on point. Absolutely. I was feeling that synthwave track that plays at the start of the game, but I began to worry that this might be a perpetual single track loop. That worry was misplaced because the music changes quite naturally to fit the different scenes.

    The other thing I always praise when I notice it is when character have functional wardrobes. They change clothing like normal people.

    The game is quite above average in the visual department. Nice models, nice outfits, cool environments. Not a fan of the whole first person view thing, but ehh... I can live with that. Not sure why this self insert POV is important for this game though, since as I've noted earlier, there is nothing we can do to actually influence the MC's persona. Oh, the animations are basically like ~4-6 frame loops. I don't really care at all about animations, but others might. Perhaps doing away with this version of choppy back and fourth and focusing more on still pictures is something to consider. Still, I found the sex scenes to be pretty decent for vanilla stuff. I think the dev could work on sex dialogues a bit though. Mix in a couple longer sentences here and there.

    Overall, I found it to be a very fitting 3/5. What could have been another mindless harem game is anchored to a decently promising core plot that presents some interesting ideas to be explored.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great first release. The renders are crisp, the girls are hot and distinct and the premise is quite fresh and unique. Hell, even the music's great.

    There's a ton of potential here and I absolutely cannot wait to see where it goes next.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally something fresh !! :D

    For me... big fan of Sci-fi games this VN is a great joy. Great renders, sexy girls, lots of humor and a promising plot.!! 5 starts for now!

    Looking forward to Book 2.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Listen - I love the renders, gameplay and the world-building. I think it was very very well done. However, I just can't love the plot. It suffers the same disease as WVM - MC is already some sort of badass mf who has all the girls chasing after him. Sex comes easy. There's no real "progression:, no sense of growth. I personally love a story with a MC that grows and becomes better, or at least have to do stuff to eventually get to his sex. This MC literally just walks into a "job interview" and has sex with his boss, and got 4 beautiful girls as his girlfriends. This makes us lose all the tension and waiting for the sex build up :(
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, liked everything about the game.

    SciFi story set in the future, weird disease, portals, looks really really good.
    Characters are great model wise, personality wise beautiful.
    Renders are beautiful and great.
    Animations are good and can be improved.
    One small downside MC name is fixed and can't be changed.

    I personally like kissing scenes, and i am with you on this it's more sensual (please don't tone it down), even in POV.

    And since you have limited time don't worry about different routes, choices etc. Because every new route will increase the workload a lot. So do what best for you.

    Anyways can't wait to see what is behind that portal and what went wrong. Good luck for the development of the game.