Ya know, I wonder why so many female exhibitionism/ENF protags in western-made erotica and adult games are slender and C-cup or under?
[...] Like, I just find it really fascinating how one body type is so ubiquitous to one single genre. It's really got me curious as to what it could mean! I've got a lot of theories, in fact!
[...] Yeah, there's situations that can only work if the ENF/exibitionism protag is slender and smaller-busted, but since so many do that, it really makes me curious as to why soooo many creators in this genre choose one end of the scale and not the other.
Theory from me (not my opinion, just patterns I see): 'Self-fulfilling' bias in design. "Easily flauntable" assets, e.g. big badonkadonks or wide hips -> more assertive, show-off situations such as strip clubs, nude beaches, etc. On the flip side, "less flauntable" assets, e.g. slender body type -> ENF, sneaking about, trying not to get caught, less self-assertion. Show off if you have a lot, or if you don't, enjoy the risks of staying hidden.
Another way of saying: Big body, hard to hide. Small body, many hiding spots. Big body, ability to self-assert and protect self with publicity. Small body, cannot assert self in public, self-protection prioritized. Therefore big body, bold show off; small body, meek run off. Both types, eventual jill off
Do I agree with any of this? No, since stealth isn't that dependent on size or body shape - especially when you the writer controls the setting. (Anyone can hide in the forest, but slender types have an easier time hiding in school in busier times, for example.) And given the male swimwear challenge, slender-types can assert themselves just fine, and put busty-types to shame trying. Does it make writing the story easier for readers to both categorize and sympathize with? Yeah, kinda. But it still sucks, that busty-types aren't given more ENF-sided stories* (and vice versa).
*Or, as I like it best, without the eventual getting-caught shenanigans. (Or the inclusion of anyone but the exhibitionist, for that matter.)