Yeah… there were so many ways the creator could take this, and some of the artwork… WOO. The girl in general, that scene where she’s hastily wiping away cum from her lips as her boyfriend enters. The kissing scenes, how her thoughts changed, the changes to her body. Great stuff. The setting is so unique, the problems and background issues facing the trio fascinating. Even if it was linear and repetitive, it was still fantastic. One of few games that I was looking forward to giving money to once the author proved he could be trusted.
Failing on the first hurdle.
I just wish we knew for certain what happened. Was it all a shill game, an attempt to drum up money for a few months? WHY?! The amount of work that went into this, it must have taken him way longer than the amount of money he was getting for it. Was there some medical thing? If so, then… who’s using his profile here on F95? Anxiety, mental issues? What?
Now all we have left is.. well, this is like the ultimate edging experience, LOL. So much hype, buildup, anticipation… then nothing.
I will reiterate: if someone else wants to take this over and can do the programming and the artwork but is struggling with the writing, I can take up that torch.