Guys, I'm doing something I usually avoid: ask for help. I feel like an idiot, but for the life of me I cannot beat the old family house third boss. I have my MC at 17th level (20th by the time he arrives at the third boss) and Kava at 16th. I trained skills. I upgraded the weapon until fourth stage. I have two catalyst +14 of the rarest tier, or a +14 rarest fire and a +10 second most rare darkness, or even others. Kana has a couple of every possible tarot card upward. The house is level 2 after a week of succesful exorcism around the game world. I breeze through the trash mobs, the elites, and the first minibosses, but...
...when I go down in the basement and face the third boss, I have my ass handed in a couple of rounds. I searched for combos, but nothing seems to work. I'm doing something wrong, of that I'm sure. Care to help me tell me how you won the encounter?
I'd really like to understand why I sucks at that encounter and how to fix it, because while it's terribly grindy, it's also one of the best NTR games out there since, like, ever, IMHO.
Thank you so much.