Seeking need suggestion about games


Mar 15, 2018
any games like npc violation and that another where u fk npc freely
any suggestions?
that was too short maybe longer or same amount of time of gameplay is fine too
suggest games
thanks in advance


Discussion Dynamo
Respected User
Jr. Uploader
Oct 1, 2018
any games like npc violation and that another where u fk npc freely...
There's a few now but not translated, requests are here and here. If you've played NPC Violation and I Was Reincarnated Into A Game Where I Can Violate NPCs that maybe it for the translated ones, for now anyway. Check the threads above for comments with links to see some of the untranslated games.

Blacksouls is a tiny bit similar I think, you can treat the npcs badly (but it's a serious rpg).

Edit - Just to keep it up to date NPC SEX - A World Where You Can Violate Girls Without Resistance.
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