[R>Programmer] Share Needing a new programer


Game Developer
Feb 18, 2018

What we are looking for:
Currently our programmer is unable to work on the game for the foreseeable future. So we have decided at least for the time being to bring on a new programmer. At this point I am open to someone who either knows unity and wants to pick up where we have already started (Which isn't terribly far I am afraid, but we have bought several unity assets including naninovel) or wants to start from scratch in a new game engine. I for one am partial to Godot but am not ruling any engine out.

- So the idea is a game in the same venue as Something Unlimited but with more story and way less grind mixed with old classics like and . Where you have to base build, do quest for other factions but I don't want it to just end when you corrupt the person. To me that's where the fun should really start.
I like the characters from the DC universe better so I plan on keeping it set there with the 'twist' as it were is that what is essentially the Venom Symbiote from the Marvel universe infects the MC giving them super powers and allowing them to set off on the path of corruption and mind control.

The game will be a lesbian focused game with a Female Protagonist, with optional Futa content. Haven't decided how hard I want to actually lean into the Futa bit. With a strong focus on corruption and mind control.

here is my proof of concept that I have made. As you can see the coding isn't anything special. But I want to make this a fully interactive menu system with navigation and tasks and the like.

pc :


- This is a game I had started working on while waiting for this game to be developed.
- I will be the one working on the art and the writing. Essentially I would write the scene and create the assets and then send them to you to code into the game. But first we really need to make a framework before we start building the actual story.

Looking for:
- Programmer
- I did it in Renpy because it was easy for me but we have been building it in Unity up until now.

Employment Type:
-So how I am thinking this would work is a partnership like situation. Essentially you are the head of the coding department, and I am the head of the writing and graphics department with a 60-40 split of all the revenue. Not to be paid out until we have released the first build of the game.
- The idea being if you wanted to bring someone else on you would pay them out of your 40% and if I needed to bring someone else on to do writing or graphics I would pay them out of my 60%

Work commitment:
-So this is going to be a Long term project that while it wont be the primary focus of my time I do intend to sink at least 10 - 20 hours a week into it. I have a feeling the brunt of the coding is going to be at the beginning and once we get the basic navigation, quest objectives, character stats, and the like templated it won't take a whole lot to implement future content. However I do need a level of commitment from you. At least some time every week working on this. I can not go months at a time without having some progress being made.

Preferred method of contact:
- Message me here for now. We can hop on to discord once we get things worked out.

Job Description:
- I do want this to be a fairly interactive game. Not just a regular Visual Novel, click to continue story. Or obligatory extra click to go to place, then click to talk to person, then click to progress story. I want this to be a full on game something akin to the games listed above.
-We have most of the layout worked out and can be discussed further later on.

Additional comments:
- Here is the link to the development page that we have been doing so far.
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Amazing Dev
Game Developer
Sep 8, 2021
Some things I'd like to point out

You linked your development page, but I think you should also have a couple pics here as well.

How good is naninovel? I built my system from scratch, and with the exception of rollback, it can work exactly as the renpy system, and that isn't too hard to do.

You said you had a programmer before, would he be coming back in the near future? If he is not a part of the project anymore, it would be recommended to start the coding from scratch, unless he gave you the rights for his code

This project looks interesting, good work on the art!


Game Developer
Feb 18, 2018
Some things I'd like to point out

You linked your development page, but I think you should also have a couple pics here as well.

How good is naninovel? I built my system from scratch, and with the exception of rollback, it can work exactly as the renpy system, and that isn't too hard to do.

You said you had a programmer before, would he be coming back in the near future? If he is not a part of the project anymore, it would be recommended to start the coding from scratch, unless he gave you the rights for his code

This project looks interesting, good work on the art!
The rights to everything including the code are mine, fully. I can't say how good naninovel is because I have never used it. It was simply what was gotten because that is what the programmer said would be a good foundation for him.

If you want to start from scratch that is perfectly fine, I am simply pointing out that you don't have to.

I can not say whether he will be coming back or not. I will simply say we are currently moving on without him and if sometime in the future his time frees up we will then see where we are and move on from there.


Amazing Dev
Game Developer
Sep 8, 2021
The rights to everything including the code are mine, fully. I can't say how good naninovel is because I have never used it. It was simply what was gotten because that is what the programmer said would be a good foundation for him.

If you want to start from scratch that is perfectly fine, I am simply pointing out that you don't have to.

I can not say weather he will be coming back or not. I will simply say we are currently moving on without him and if sometime in the future his time frees up we will then see where we are and move on from there.
That's interesting. From my point of view I would never give full rights for my code, at most a distribution license for that particular game, especially on a rev share game.

About the other programmer, that kind of uncertainty is not great, In my case where I prefer to code alone, having the possibility of someone coming in mid development scares me.


Game Developer
Feb 18, 2018
About the other programmer, that kind of uncertainty is not great, In my case where I prefer to code alone, having the possibility of someone coming in mid development scares me.
Well that could be certainly discussed but it also seems like you might not be interested. It is for reasons like this that the code belongs to the game and not to the programmer. If you or someone else we hire backs out further along in development then that would kill the project.


Amazing Dev
Game Developer
Sep 8, 2021
Well that could be certainly discussed but it also seems like you might not be interested. It is for reasons like this that the code belongs to the game and not to the programmer. If you or someone else we hire backs out further along in development then that would kill the project.
Yeah, I'm talking from my experience, since I never abandoned a project, but I see your point as well.


Game Developer
Feb 18, 2018
Yeah, I'm talking from my experience, since I never abandoned a project, but I see your point as well.
If it's something you would be interested in, then feel free to message me and we can go over some details and go from there.


Oct 10, 2022
Hmm, a lesbian super hero project. Sounds interesting, not really bothered about the possible futa content tag, but I know futa content seems to be really popular for some reason.

I'm kind of interested, but you mentioned that your current programmer won't be back for the indefinite future & that you don't mind starting again in a new game engine. Does that mean they aren't likely to come back, as starting again in another game engine would most likely mean they'd never be able to come back. To be honest I prefer to work by myself when it comes to development & coding; or you often get inconsistencies & headaches due to devs not having the same workflow.

I don't know Unity or Godot & I've only just started learning how to use Ren'Py. I specialize in the Visionaire Studio game engine, which would allow for sandbox/sim/point & click mechanics & a lot more. You can easily export for win, mac, linux, ios, android & html5 via it (technically you could even export for ps, xbox & switch too, but those require their dev kits & I doubt they'd let you publish & release an adult game for them).

I have over 10 years of experience with Visionaire Studio & Lua script.

Here's my NSFW Discord ( @ mow.mow.mow. ) in case you are willing to share any more information in regard to your project with me. Anyway, here's my looking for work thread - my portfolio is linked on there, & the thread also contains information about the game engine I use.
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New Member
Game Developer
Jun 2, 2022
Hi Romenjack! This looks very interesting, congrats!

I’d like to hop in. We need more games with actual gameplay!

I’m a developer by trade. Don’t use game engines, just code. So anything can be done!

Ask away any you want to know!



Oct 12, 2018
Hey, i'm a professional software developer in Brasil, i work with .Net, have some experience messing with godot and unity and i'm used to solve a vast array of problems that ranges from software to database to business rule problems etc...

I'm interested in your project and i would like to talk more. I'm doing some stuff in unity in a personal project and i work with c# so we could start as soon as we discuss business details.

If you interested just send me a message here.