VN - Others - Completed - Neko-nin exHeart 2 [Whirlpool]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Neko-nin exHeart 2 made a couple of noticeable changes to the formula, and that's about it. If you liked the first one, there's no reason to avoid the sequel. As for the changes they pertain to 18+ content, and "fluff": More fan service in the shape of H-scenes (more below), and comedy/SoL being solely focused on character quirks (working from a premise of established likability, and animal girl nature). The little story available, still uses the ninja side of things. It's a "polished" sequel, but not enough to receive meaningful praise.

    - Visuals (there's reused assets, and new material. Doesn't feel cheap, and sequels often do); Voice acting is good; It's a VN full of energy (funny, heartwarming, entertaining... like that).

    - Not a lot of story (ninja themed events, at most); They relied too much on character eccentricity ("one-dimensional" is a just a slur people use, but the characters are very limited, and get repetitive); The new heroines aren't helping things (The cat exists for blond hair, and visual diversity, the rabbit is fine, but a dog girl would work better with all the clashing between characters).

    Score: 7/10 It's not better or worse than its predecessor, and as far as sequels go this one doesn't disappoint (that has a lot of value, laziness abounds). Read it for a quick charge of positive energy.

    (H-scenes are mathematically divided: 1 with each heroine alone; 2 thressomes - original heroines, new heroines - and a harem scene. It's fan service, might as well watch it)

    (The fan disc - named "love +plus", can be found here - adds 4 H-scenes and it's completely focused on the main heroines, with a simple scenario. It's not half-bad, check it out.)