Thanks for the work. I'll add them to the archive with a disclaimer later. Could you explain to me what this AI upscaling stuff is. I've never looked into it myself.
AI upscaling is rather new computing technology that uses all of that recent research in neural-heuristics to rather accurately determine how to restore lost information due to downsizing. It can understand crisp lines and keep them that way rather than blurring typically associated with normal image resolution upscaling. It's used for professional image resolution upscale restoration. There is a limit to it's effectiveness, but's it's been shown to be very accurate at 2x-3x, but varies more and more from the cource when the amount of upscale increases. Even then, on a 6x it would still be much better than standard bicubic resolution increases.
The program I used is Waifu2x (obviously thats not the program that professionals use, but I don't have a thousand $ to drop on software that I rarely use). I discovered it when someone used it on the Aqua pictures (also from NeoArtCore) that had the full resolution images lost (by the artist) to a computer corruption. The actual program is a confusing command prompt based, but theres a GUI for it called waifu2x-caffe.