Hey, you haven't offended me in any way. I just wanted to address the subject as I've seen people comment on this over several updates, so I thought it would be good to just tell people why it is the way it is in the world of Nephilim.Yeah its my biggest critic about eternum aswell, i think its the only thing cabidis does really bad: the setup of the harem just isnt existing and in reality all the girls would hate him/be heartbroken, but they just doesnt .. because mc .. is great .. or something .. , it was the same in his first game. But enough about other games.
Yes and no? I mean yes im mainly concerend about eliza tbh but the same would be the case for Kira for example and to a degree Alice. The pirates didnt knew shit, mc told them hes looking for the cure for "a friend" and not for his big love while he falls in love with kirabut yeah my main issue is in fact Eliza's situation. But i dunno a kira-admirer maybe sees it problematic with her.
Yeah, im kinda just saying that i fear that it will feel very shitty when it happens and would have felt way less shitty with a proper (earlier) setup and communication from the mc. I can of course only speak for myself, but it would allow me to enjoy the harem path WAY more compared to how it is now.
But whatever, i didnt intended to make such a big deal out of it, just thought i give my 2 cents and sometimes buu changed little things in retrospect, but i guess this time my perspective just pissed him off lmao
Edit: Yo i did your dare by the way post 29,932 in the mentioned thread, could have done it there sooner anyway already. I think i mentioned it on reddit once about eternum and got flamed hard lmao
Edit 2: Just saw your second post and i think its very strange to state im "denigrating" Nephilim just because i mentioned that i dislike the harem setup, its one of my fav avns ffs but that still doesnt turn me into a blind fanboy, sorry.
Also Nephilim is not a HAREM, it's simply just a story that contains a very optional harem path that is not even very prominent, at least not as the mainstream harems you so often see in AVN's are.
As for why the mc doesn't go around telling the girls "Oh hey, btw I just got done fucking Alice, wanna make out?" is obviously because he knows this could cause tension or jealousy. The girls obviously talk amongst themselves offscreen often and will have broached the subject, none of them are interested in knowing or hearing about what they each do with the player.
There is also a scene written with Alice and Eliza discussing this however I don't think it appears until August or September update.
Just like sailors at sea don't come home from a long voyage and tell their wifes about the 13 wenches they hooked up with or merchants traveling months on the road doesn't tell their spouses about the innkeepers daughter or who it might be.
Women in this type of society very much expect and knows their partners (most of the time) will do these things as that's the norm. Men are free to do as they please while the wifes are not.
I hope that clears some of it up, as I said in the last post, sometimes the girls will mention it on screen but it will not happen that often.
But Buu! This is not fair? How can this be? Welcome to medieval times.