
Aug 19, 2016
Would suggest having another go at the renders for the angel summoning flashback at some point. MCs parents looking exactly the same and even wearing the same clothes as they are 10 years later is jarring


New Member
May 24, 2019
Has anyone had problems with the android version? I'm getting evo-gen swearing and asking to uninstall. This is the first time I've encountered this, especially in a port from Ghost. Threw it in virustotal to check.


Mar 31, 2020
Good game dev , there were few minor typos in the game and I noticed some dialogues and it was confusing and i wasn't able to tell whether they were thinking it or saying it and one dialogue where MC cousin dialogues shows as MC but overall loved fantasy aspect of the game . And loved the wholesome childhood story between MC and Alice . And my one suggestion would be don't overdo branching paths and focus on the story as too much branching like 10 to 15 paths will be difficult for a single dev .

Funny how people are complaining about the game , idk whether they have played it .This is more of a slowburn wholesome romance game and MC isn't a guy who is only for sex like in most games ( nothing wrong with it ) but here there is a story and he rejects a girl who flirts with him in tavern on his own and only 2 major LI on the banner are introduced and we are getting to know them and if you want to go monogamous you can and so far I love both Alice , Eliza and if we get option to pursue both in the future , I'll choose them without any doubt and with some more LI to be introduced in the future , if they are good I would love to add them to the Harem but that being said like dev explains in his patreon it's not going a typical Harem story where all girls wants MC for his cock , you have your work cut out for you if you want Harem ( which I like and looking forward to it ) or you can stay monogamous if you prefer it but some people saying / hoping things like that this game should never have a harem even as on optional is not an opinion it's just childish behaviour .
This is not an actual complaint about the game because I think it's great storytelling overall, and you get SO much story in this game, but I hate it when games get you so involved with your initial LI, before you have even MET the other potential LI, so now you feel like a scumbag when/if you decide to explore the new potential LI just to see what they are like. Who doesn't fall for Eliza right off of the bat, and that's WELL before you even meet the other 3 potential LI. And with Selena it really makes you feel kind of scummy if you decide to explore her at all, due to the way it's portrayed as sneaky. But personally I'm suspicious of Selena already, she reeks of bad news. Eliza4Ever! :D
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Dec 29, 2022
amazing game! love the renders and story so far, the dynamic and relationship between mc and eliza is amazing. Kinda goes so far for me that i lost all interest in any other LI in the game (maybe except Alice with more content). I usually mostly dont mind cheating on LI's in AVN's but when Selena appeared in the story and started flirting with the mc i immediatly felt like "Hell nah".

Like why wasting your time with a "nice" woman when you got the perfect one already. I even kinda hope this game wont go the classical harem route but would be fine with it too.

Big compliment at the dev for makeing something more unique and looking at his responses in this threads it looks like he's able to stay true to his vision yet still considers new ideas or proposals. I imagine its being pretty hard keepin a good balance in that regard.

Things like seeing the "thoughts" of your LI's sometimes got critizized kinda often in this thread but i really like it,

All in all its kinda fun to see a lot of inspiration from modern influences like spiderman (spider-sense, responsibilty line), superman/homelander (laser eyes), dragonball (the whole red aura/eyes stuff and how the MC powers up lol) while having a lot of classic influences regarding the medieval times at the same time. Its refreshing and i really like it. The with great power comes great responsibility line or i think it was "When you can do things, other people cant but do nothing .. youre responsible" was maybe a bit too much but it got a laugh out of me :p

And in contrary to a former poster who disliked the eyes beam, i loved it haha. Even playing the good path, im unable to not homerlander the shit out of this fucking assasin. You cant annoucne to kill Eliza and expect to live afterwards, even Castiel would have homelandered him himself! :D

To sum it up:

Great game dev, really refreshing and fun, hope you can keep up the good work


Engaged Member
May 13, 2017
Feels really weird that Eliza suddenly knows MC's whole entire personality and motivation despite only knowing him for one day. Also, the writer does a good enough job with the dialogue that a lot of the character thoughts feel like extra, unneeded text. In fact, this would make more logical sense if it was Alice as the main companion rather than Eliza. If Alice said all the things that Eliza was saying, it'd be way more believable.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2019
Feels really weird that Eliza suddenly knows MC's whole entire personality and motivation despite only knowing him for one day. Also, the writer does a good enough job with the dialogue that a lot of the character thoughts feel like extra, unneeded text.
I'd say the reason she knows MC's personality so well is likely due to his decisions he makes when around her and she's probably been keeping an eye on him since he first arrived. either that or she knows some form of magic that let's her watch him wherever he is


Active Member
Oct 27, 2020
Has anyone had problems with the android version? I'm getting evo-gen swearing and asking to uninstall. This is the first time I've encountered this, especially in a port from Ghost. Threw it in virustotal to check.
I used DA's port and had no issues
Dec 27, 2022
well this episode ended with an illegal cliffhanger ... It's obvious she survives since the story starts with them older and stronger but the question is how? Also i saw that this episode there was the Harem option but i liked Eliza so much that the other LI aren't interesting to me

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Active Member
Apr 10, 2023
well this episode ended with an illegal cliffhanger ... It's obvious she survives since the story starts with them older and stronger but the question is how? Also i saw that this episode there was the Harem option but i liked Eliza so much that the other LI aren't interesting to me
Yeh she survives, it was already in this thread. Question is how, and in what way. Will she be injured, how bad? Can she walk at all? Will he use his powers, to revive her? Damn I hate cliffhangers.

And yes I feel the same way, this seems to be the first game for me, that I'm not interested in the harem option, I just want Eliza. Dev did a really good job on her. You also have the other game: summer gone, where the dev did a really good job on Bella, but still you want her and his sister. With this game, It's just Eliza all the way, or dev just didn't do enough to make the other girls lovable too...


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2022
Feels really weird that Eliza suddenly knows MC's whole entire personality and motivation despite only knowing him for one day. Also, the writer does a good enough job with the dialogue that a lot of the character thoughts feel like extra, unneeded text. In fact, this would make more logical sense if it was Alice as the main companion rather than Eliza. If Alice said all the things that Eliza was saying, it'd be way more believable.
What are you even talking about? She doesnt know him after one day but considering the mc saved her life twice at this point, she feels safe and comfortable around him, which is plausible if she was on her own for quite some time before they met.

Even at the end of the content of 2.3 she doesnt know his entire personality and motivation and we do neither. She just feels like that he's hurt, and a broken soul with a good heart which is comprehensible. I dont see how Alice and Eliza being swapped makes a difference, they only knew each other until they got 10 years old. How much do you remember about your friends from the age from 0-10 you didnt ever saw afterwards?

And the mc says himself, his and Elizas life where interwined since they were born even if they didnt knew about it. Everything seems to hint towards there being a special bond between the two of them, considering her ability to calm him down (If it not just boils down to be shown love).

There has to be some kind of connection between Eliza's father and mc parents and at the moment it feels like Eliza's destiny is to keep the mc calm and prevent a second Balthazar and at least to me it seems like Oren knew about it al along. I suspect he was friends with mc's mother considering she was a powerful sorceress and was surprisingly at the right time there to pick the mc up.

To sum it up: I feel like theres a way deeper connection and bond between the MC and Eliza at this point of the story, even before they did met each other, than between "childhood" friends who didnt saw each other since they were 10 year old.
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Active Member
Nov 18, 2017
Played the evil path and enjoyed it a lot. I'm really liking Eliza, Selena & Sylph. I ain't interested in Alice though. She's kinda bland. I hope we're not forced to view a bunch of her content in upcoming updates. And yea... I ain't mad at Selena. She had a legit reason to do what she did and I'm pretty sure most of us saw it coming a mile away. :LOL:
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Engaged Member
Sep 3, 2017
Right. A few points.
1- Do not fucking Acting Lessons this shit. Seriously. That won't earn you any points. And paralyzing a love interest is damn near as bad as killing her. If you go that route you HAVE to make it avoidable somehow. Nephilim powers for divine healing (even on the "evil" path), divine intervention by Angel-dad to prevent the MC going ballistic. Something. Because if not the next update is essentially the MC literally nuking that entire town, possibly the world, then it's time to roll credits. Anything less is out of character and makes no sense.

2- MC needs the option to kill Selena if he isn't on her route / is on Eliza's route (or hell, even if he is on it), and he needs to be able to do it without any negative impact to his relationship with Eliza. In fact she should be down with it. This was a complete betrayal and people are way too forgiving of that kind of thing. Actually, it wasn't even a betrayal because she was apparently only using them from the start. "Oh, it was for her sister." No, fuck that, don't care, burn them both.

3- When payback and death eventually comes for Taron, it has to be exquisitely painful and gruesome. We're talking ripping out his spine and feasting on his soul as he watches while still barely alive kind of pain.

Just my 2 cents.


Active Member
Apr 29, 2020
So about the cliffhanger i find it a little odd that we as the MC have to fear that Eliza is dead from a couple of hits to the lower back, a dagger stab would have been more believable and also giving Eliza a battle scar like MC. But i guess it would have been more gruesome.

Also about Lis it is real disadvantage to have them introduced later after we have already established a bond with Eliza as it does feel like cheating on her when exploring a path with other Lis. For a throuple lover like me Eliza and Alice was a no brainer and reading the dev notes how we'll have to work for it in a harem route i am very much looking forward to see we work toward that goal. A little tension make it a whole lot better than the usual hypo dick you can have everyone without consequences.
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Oct 27, 2022
Right. A few points.
1- Do not fucking Acting Lessons this shit. Seriously. That won't earn you any points. And paralyzing a love interest is damn near as bad as killing her. If you go that route you HAVE to make it avoidable somehow. Nephilim powers for divine healing (even on the "evil" path), divine intervention by Angel-dad to prevent the MC going ballistic. Something. Because if not the next update is essentially the MC literally nuking that entire town, possibly the world, then it's time to roll credits. Anything less is out of character and makes no sense.

2- MC needs the option to kill Selena if he isn't on her route / is on Eliza's route (or hell, even if he is on it), and he needs to be able to do it without any negative impact to his relationship with Eliza. In fact she should be down with it. This was a complete betrayal and people are way too forgiving of that kind of thing. Actually, it wasn't even a betrayal because she was apparently only using them from the start. "Oh, it was for her sister." No, fuck that, don't care, burn them both.

3- When payback and death eventually comes for Taron, it has to be exquisitely painful and gruesome. We're talking ripping out his spine and feasting on his soul as he watches while still barely alive kind of pain.

Just my 2 cents.
Fully agreed. An evil Mc has already proven himself fully willing to kill anyone attacking them. Not killing her would make absolutely no sense. A great problem this game has is Eliza. Her introduction early on ruined every other love interest. I suspect that he will use her being crippled to bring the MC away from her to spend time with others, but even if we spend as much time with the others and do as many things with them, it won't be the same as we have already done it with Eliza. It's a hole one cannot dig themselves out off. She was made too perfect and got to spend an incredible amount of time with you, bonding, learning, training etc. Even if the other LI's are as good, we still did it with her first.


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2022
Fully agreed. An evil Mc has already proven himself fully willing to kill anyone attacking them. Not killing her would make absolutely no sense. A great problem this game has is Eliza. Her introduction early on ruined every other love interest. I suspect that he will use her being crippled to bring the MC away from her to spend time with others, but even if we spend as much time with the others and do as many things with them, it won't be the same as we have already done it with Eliza. It's a hole one cannot dig themselves out off. She was made too perfect and got to spend an incredible amount of time with you, bonding, learning, training etc. Even if the other LI's are as good, we still did it with her first.
Fully agree with both of you, im really curious how the dev manages the Selena betrayal considering shes one of the (not so many) LI's so far, i really hope we arent forced to forgive her after hearing her sob story invovling her sister but i could imagine it as were quite early in the story and i imagine it would be a (too) big path-split having the rest of the game evolve with her alive or dead, depending on your decision.

Maybe she's somehow able to flee even if we decide to kill her or something like that or she dies anyway even when we forgive her. Imo even on the fully good path i would kill her lol. How else do you want to make sure that nobody fucks with the people you care about? If a good sob-story or being forced into betraying you is good enough to forgive it.

Would be a different story if she had lead the mc himself in a trap, thats forgivebale. But she used Eliza after she sneaked herself into their little group of friends, thats not acceptable, no matter what. Selena made a gamble, she had to consider who's more dangerous, Taron or the MC and she was sure Eliza and MC would be dead after the encounter and she would therefore live. There has to be proper consqeuences .. she could have revealed the whole thing to the mc and eliza and ask them to rescure their sister. But she did decide against it and even taunted Eliza in her cell ..

And i agree that the dev kinda trapped himself a bit about how good Eliza as a LI is, even trying to take her out of the picture due to injuries/kidnapping/important appointments whatever to give the player the possibility the explore other LI's will always feel kinda bad at this point already and like artificial ways to keep you away from you LI which could even lead to the other LI's feeling more annoying as youre forced to spend time with them even when they are fine themselves.

To be honest, even if she would have died, all future romances would still feel kinda tarnished and i would probably prefer a non-Li playthrough afterwards lol.

One reason is the romance between the two of them being so damn good and another one being the setup i think. Like getting a blowjob and licking a pussy of a virgin in medieval times feels more commiting than doing the same drunk at a college party lol.


Oct 27, 2022
Fully agree with both of you, im really curious how the dev manages the Selena betrayal considering shes one of the (not so many) LI's so far, i really hope we arent forced to forgive her after hearing her sob story invovling her sister but i could imagine it as were quite early in the story and i imagine it would be a (too) big path-split having the rest of the game evolve with her alive or dead, depending on your decision.

Maybe she's somehow able to flee even if we decide to kill her or something like that or she dies anyway even when we forgive her. Imo even on the fully good path i would kill her lol. How else do you want to make sure that nobody fucks with the people you care about? If a good sob-story or being forced into betraying you is good enough to forgive it.

Would be a different story if she had lead the mc himself in a trap, thats forgivebale. But she used Eliza after she sneaked herself into their little group of friends, thats not acceptable, no matter what. Selena made a gamble, she had to consider who's more dangerous, Taron or the MC and she was sure Eliza and MC would be dead after the encounter and she would therefore live. There has to be proper consqeuences .. she could have revealed the whole thing to the mc and eliza and ask them to rescure their sister. But she did decide against it and even taunted Eliza in her cell ..

And i agree that the dev kinda trapped himself a bit about how good Eliza as a LI is, even trying to take her out of the picture due to injuries/kidnapping/important appointments whatever to give the player the possibility the explore other LI's will always feel kinda bad at this point already and like artificial ways to keep you away from you LI which could even lead to the other LI's feeling more annoying as youre forced to spend time with them even when they are fine themselves.

To be honest, even if she would have died, all future romances would still feel kinda tarnished and i would probably prefer a non-Li playthrough afterwards lol.

One reason is the romance between the two of them being so damn good and another one being the setup i think. Like getting a blowjob and licking a pussy of a virgin in medieval times feels more commiting than doing the same drunk at a college party lol.
Exactly. I honestly don't see how this will progress in any desirable way. Eliza's death would honestly make me leave the game, though I doubt it would happen. Not killing Selena will be completely out of character for the MC, yet how would one branch off the story this early? She is still a Love interest, so obviously she is not going to die in all senarios. Perhaps an evil mc will develop some mind control powers to fit her into the story? The dev might have some grand plan about how to go with this, but if so I really don't see it. The romance between him and Eliza is fantastic and incredibly well written. It can also really apeal to most if not all players. Eliza have both a domineering and a submissive personality. Sometimes she mouths off and decides things on her own, yet she still follow the mc, really letting him decide. It makes the player not feel overruled or dominated by her, but it also doesn't feel like your completely dominating her, it is a breath of fresh air from the usual porn relationship tropes on this site. We already have this near perfect relationship. I cannot for the life of me see how anyone is expected to pick somebody else, no matter how interesting characters they are. I may be wrong and might not see some bigger picture, but I feel like the developer has painted himself into a corner.
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