seems crazy to me how so many folks treat that like a death worthy betrayal.
it depends on how one plays this game or sees the MC. in normal circumstance I agree but I don't see my MC as a nice person he just isn't mustache twirling evil. To me it seems like Eliza is the one that is able to keep him in check
so when she gets hurt for me it kind of makes more sense he would go scorched earth and not care who he hurts or kills. At least that's how I see it
Now for people that play more like a spectator like me since it's a video game my thought process Eliza is all I care about and didn't really matter if she was the wrong target and the victim I wanted some form of revenge. Killing her sister would of been much worst if
Eliza didn't kill her later as she would of blamed her self even tho it is on the MC.
But yeah if I used any kind of morals in my decisions besides I just want revenge or cause it's fun / fuck Selena cause I don't like her not something I would do cause not worthy of a death since it's the wrong target. Now if I didn't meta game and
know Eliza is able to walk again later in the story and it was the correct target, then i'd say might be worth killing her cause as far I know Eliza's life is changed forever in a bad way.