Others - Completed - Netoria Tactics: Revolution [Carwyn Triumphant Update] [Apollo Seven]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I loved the gameplay... for the first half of the game that is. I played it on the standard difficulty setting and after my party leveled a little, the battles became a breeze. In the beginning, it can be challenging (but nothing too hard), later it just gets boring – battles consume time and the player doesn't feel rewarded for them. Items and new weapons seem pointless too.

    The story is fine, the characters are very well-written. I didn't feel bored once with the dialogues nor skipped any of them.
    The design of the characters is crazy good but the H-scenes look very mediocre in comparison. They're pretty bland.

    Finishing the game I didn't feel like starting a new playthrough to see other routes. You can see recollection of other scenes after finishing the story, but I didn't check them out – my interest in the game was gone when it ended.

    I want to give this game more than 3 stars, but it disappointed me in aspects I thought I'd love. It starts well, but in the later chapters becomes a drag. I just wish the gameplay was more polished and balanced in the later stages. I can still recommend it, though.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I was going to give in a 5, but nah, this game did the thing i hate in any game.
    You are doing fine in what you are seeking, then ONE single thing happens that hard locks you to a route. Fuck that, especially when its hours in.

    The red head got touched like 2 times each by each guy no NTR...then BAM that stupid river scene and hard locked into NTR...and i guess vivian is just bait, idk, stupid mind control nonsense.

    "You just didn't play it right" nah, fuck off.

    There are one or two levels that force at least one touch. If there was a way to raise loyalty with gwen idk how, the game does a shit job at explaining its stats. WTF is eroticism, WTF is lust, WTF is loyalty.

    Seriously, it felt unfair, i got to the 'late game' i guess, idk. When MC is solo. I quit, the fact that one innocuous stage dictates how the rest of the game plays out is lazy and i hate it.

    P.S In fairness i misread the title thinking it said netori, and screens and game description mentioning rival lovers...ya no, don't make my mistake, this is cuck shit, not where you can cuck.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    2 complaints:
    -The HCG feels a little too artsy. I think the character art is very good, and the HCG artwork is a downgrade from that.
    -The endgame drags on too long. It's not challenging near the end, either, so it's just tedious.

    And now for the good parts:
    -The combat is very fun for most of the game.
    -I like how many different potential routes there are, based on corruption interactions.
    -The story is actually interesting. It's not just another porn game, every character has their own unique personality, and they're all amusing. This honestly kept me going until the end more than the hentai, as you can probably guess from my first complaint.
    -Kobold Joe is one of the funniest side characters I have ever seen, in any videogame. Huge props to the developer for the character design in general.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    strategy wise this game is solid and if you're looking for a game where characters acts like actual human beings this is probably for you none of the main characters are dumb they know what is happening and they react according to their personality
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    waaaaaaay to long
    we got the gist. cut it short dude.
    there is no need to put 30 minutes of gameplay between two slightly different scenes.
    in general, most of the gameplay could've been cut out.
    started off interesting, until the party got unnecessarily way to big and the gameplay bloated
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I'll be honest, I didn't finish the game because at some point I stopped playing and never got back to it, but I summarize what I felt while playing the game.

    This game built in a quite interesting way, which is a turn based open level kind of a thing, where the placements of the characters are important with respect to the enemies and with respects to the other characters in your party. This adds a very interesting aspect of strategy to the game, but I would say that not enough.
    Because at some point, at least in my playthrough, Carwyn and Gwen got so strong, that almost all the other characters are just useless and not adding much to the game except just manually skipping their turns all the time because they got one shot pretty quickly.

    I didn't see many h-scenes because I went for a loyalty run, without the ntr part, but didn't play far enough to enjoy and see if the scenes evolve.

    I also would add that the amount of characters in your party is way too many. it would be much more interesting with fewer characters and giving them more abilities to add to the strategic aspect of the game.

    Overall, as a game, I would say it was interesting, even without the aspect of the sex, but I assume this is what kept me playing as far as I got.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Very interesting combat system. The game has an average number of H-scenes and is quite sparse considering its playtime. However the writing and character development is very nice. There is also high replay value given the multiple different endings.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best gameplay formulas for a porn game I have come across, if not the best.

    The groping mechanic is the game's strongest element, making combat more engaging and unique. However, for the mechanic to work effectively, the game's difficulty must be well-balanced in order to avoid concepts such as "gameover rape" or "lose to win" by engaging the player with gameplay rather than just porn. Fortunately, this game has well-designed difficulty settings for all players. I personally enjoyed playing on the highest difficulty.
    The gameplay formula looks like this: story with character building, flashbacks, etc; well-executed tactical combat with groping that builds corruption; preparation phase with items to buy, equip, etc; camping phase with events and dialogs. To sum it all up we have a great game.

    As for the story, I would rate it 3.5, better than most, but a bit short for my taste, and perhaps with too many branches or maybe characters - the story don't have enough depth as the result. By depth I mean eroticism and pacing could be better.
    Similar for lewd content I would rate scenes 4-5; the writing and setup for the scenes a 5. There is simply a lack of content for me.
    Character design 5, both visual and written.
    "Blue balls effect" avoidable with easier difficulty settings.
    The interface could be better.

    The gameplay loop stands out way too much and I can't give this game less than 5 even with cons.
    So yes, it's one of the better games on this forum, and one of the few that are actually games. But there's still room for improvement.

    PS: If you are like me and have no interest in NTR or maybe even hate it, give this game a try, it may be the exception.
    But it's still possible to avoid NTR if you want to - there are a lot of endings and branches in this game.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Im not really someone who enjoys NTR, but making an exception for this game was a very good decision. I dont really see any strategy based games on this website, so this came as a welcomed suprise! In all honesty, the gameplay alone is good enough for me to give this 5 stars.
    Although other aspects of this game are a mixed bag. Sexual content has some variety, but not enough quantity, with a good amount of quality. The art is above average when compared to many other games. And the story itself is meh, but seeing what ending you get is actual pretty intriguing.

    Overall i stayed here mostly for the tactical gameplay and i would highly recommend you to try it out if you want to do some strats.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Positive Points:

    Negative Points:
    -Number of lewd content
    -Blue balls effect
    -Some menus and stats explonation

    The game is a pretty good tactical with original lewd mechanics (gropping) that work really well. It has different difficulty level that are pretty well balanced (rare for a tactical game). Just some issue with some menu and how some stats works (loyalty and erotism).

    The story is pretty good (remember me SAO), with different path and different ending for replayabilty.

    The lewd scene have a great artstyle and good to see but there's a lack of it, some ending have the same scene. I was hoping for more scene and more variety, like in the camp when you can hear Gwen with a guy.

    The game also suffer from what I call the blue ball effect: for the first 4 hours of game you will not have any hc scene only tease or touching and during the last hours you got everything. It's a reccurent porn game issue, you have to find a way to put HC scene during the entire game not just the end.
    It's a really good game if you like tactical, hope devs gonna do another game like this.

    Test done in complete version Epilogues Update
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Bob Bee

    Overall 4.5/5. A strategy game similar to fire emblem but with less depth. Gameplay is good but gets stale. The game however, truly shines when it comes to the characters and their dialogues

    Gameplay 4/5. A turn based hero strategy game that has a very good base, but doesn't add enough throughout to keep the game fresh, resulting in repetitive gameplay. In between rounds there is basic inventory management.

    Story 3.5/5. The story is about people going on a suicide mission for various reasons. The story was compelling with scenarios, mysteries, and flashbacks that kept me hooked throughout. By the end however, many questions were left unanswered.

    Characters 5/5. Group of Aholes forced to work together due to circumstance. The dialogue and banter between characters in this game are absolutely amazing. It can be crazy, stupid, serious, comedic or even philosophical, whatever came out of their mouths was always entertaining.

    Art 4/5. In game sprite work is above average. Character artwork used in dialogue (and others) is very good though its almost always limited to 1 per characters heavily limiting the expressions during dialogue

    H Content 4/5. Has a lot of different scenarios though there is almost always NTR. They are well drawn with a pleasant looking comics like style.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Gameplaywise it's a cut above the majority of what you find here. But pornowise, it's kinda lackluster.
    The art is ok, the story is fine, too, but it feels like it doesn't have enough H, and only the battle groping is repeatable. Not only that, but there are many scenes that are obscured to the point you simply can't see anything, and on top of it, the dialogues are cut so that you can barely make what they're saying, further reducing the amount of H you can encounter. Lots of missable scenes that would force you to replay the game unless you're happy with seeing them in the gallery at the end of the game.
    In general, the game suffers from a sadly common syndrome of "trying to be a videogame first, and a porn experience second", which is a shame, because I wouldn't have played it had it not been for the H.
    I would give it a 5, but F95 doesn't let me, and a 4 seems way too low for a game with this level of effort poured into.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    overall a great game. My biggest criticism is the gameplay actually takes effort but the effort itself is pretty tedious. Menu navigating to do something as simple as equipping gear is a pain, leveling units is a a pain . a big saving grace is it has some in-game H-combat so that helps a bit. the alternate carwyn path is really nice for those who arent that big into NTR and more just enjoy the corruption elements like myself. if anything i wish there was more ways to initiate H content both in-combat and in-between levels. overall a very good H game.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I've found on this site. A fantastic blend of gameplay and character dynamics, that combine together to empower user choice, reward skill and effort, and deliver tailored porn. Difficult to think of what more could be asked for from an adult game.

    The good:
    • The character writing is consistently fantastic throughout the game. Each party member is very distinct, and their personality actually comes through in their narrative actions.
    • The interplay between gameplay and narrative progression is excellent. It actually matters how you choose to complete a level. If you can't stand NTR, you can avoid it entirely as long as you're willing invest the time and skill.
    • Related to the point above, the subtle way the game encourages you to engage with the erotic content is very refreshing. There's no "lose this battle to get the obligatory CG, then reload", there's no "obligatory CGs" at all. You play the game, and it offers you gameplay choices which naturally lead to the erotic content. If you don't like what you're seeing, if you don't like where a given character dynamic is going, you have plenty of time to back out.
    • Kobold Joe. He's so good, he deserves a full bullet point on his own.
    The "meh"
    • Combat balance can get wonky on later levels. By the time the end-game content hits, my most used characters were virtually invincible.
    The bad
    • End-game narrative progression begins to flounder, and loses the tight character focus of the early stages.
    Overall, a brilliant effort. The end-game narrative and resolution leave some things to be desired, but that drop off can't overshadow the excellent early-to-middle game.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Long story short: Way too much work, for way too little reward.

    You'll be stuck trying to get through same-ey floors upon floors upon floors of never-freakin'-ending mobs.
    Which gets old real fast.
    And the rather well-made tactical turn-based combat doesn't exactly make this any less annoying.

    Got your mage who's pretty much your only healing potion killed by some random-ass rng crit?
    Too bad, feel free to restart the entire freakin' floor now.

    And the deeper you go, the more annoying things get.
    Again, with not much fucking going on in-between to keep your motivation-meter up.
    So yeah, fuck it, my motivation-meter is depleted now.

    Feel free to dive in if this type of combat is your thing. :giggle::coffee:
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    If you're a fan of intricate gameplay, especially in the vein of titles like Fire Emblem, and have an appreciation for eroge elements, then this game might just catch your attention. The game showcases commendable artwork that adds to its allure. Interestingly, the tactics embedded within, while perhaps a tad detailed for a typical eroge, set this game apart, offering players a distinctive experience that they might not find elsewhere. If you find yourself intrigued by such a blend, I'd recommend giving it a shot. From a narrative standpoint, the game holds its own with a satisfactory script. A minor caveat would be the controls, which can be a bit unconventional and might require some adaptation, but it's a small hurdle in the grand scheme of the overall experience.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    My review contains some spoilers: I just want to just hammer one aspect as there are almost 40 reviews that tend to state the same thing. What I want to review in-detail is the story.

    While it's a NTR game, this game has one of the better depictions of a pair who want to be together but, due to who they truly are and their individual fears/desires, it isn't possible for their relationship to work out and, therefore, they will naturally drift apart. This just has a couple of other actors involved to speed up the process. This is one of the few NTR games where I feel the NTR route (mainly the total whore route) is the natural progression for the couple. By this is mean, if the two had eventually become a couple, her cheating on him would be inevitable (the game proves this to be true, I'll touch on that later though).

    While initially, the main male - Carwyn - is depicted as an ignoramus (towards relationships) and the main girl - Gwen - as sympathetic, as the game progresses it is revealed that Carwyn has extremely just reasoning for not accepting Gwen's advances and Gwen isn't someone to be sympathized with in the slightest. He is still insufferable due to him being an edgelord, but you are able to sympathize with him; leading to the better NTR story in this game to hit harder.

    The Carwyn/Vivian aspect of the game feels more like NTR than the Carwyn/Gwen aspect. Carwyn accepts Vivian and Vivian only has eyes for Carwyn, they actually become a couple, then she eventually gets NTR'd out of his hands. Gwen was and is a whore who, even with the pure route, hops from dick to dick without regard for Carwyn's feelings.

    Now, to highlight something about Gwen. I've painted her being a whore as a pure negative, but I don't think that's the case. It's refreshing to have a FemC who isn't an ignorant virgin, who is open to sex, and was fucking around before the events of the story. Her development isn't as much of "corruption story" as it is more of a revert back to norm, to who she really is as a person. Hence why her NTR story isn't the best but her story works well.

    Now, this does go against what I stated, but I'm not a fan of the "pure route" inevitably having Gwen get gangbanged by the group while Carwyn goes along with it. It was being built up very well as a genuine pure route with sex scenes (a rarity in NTR games), but eventually just became another NTR route. In a funny twist, as it pertains to Carwyn/Gwen, the "pure route" is the only route with those two that feels like an actual NTR route. Even though a pure relationship feels like the unnatural progression of them as a couple, it would still have been nice to have as an ending.

    Speaking of endings, one major negative is that, as confirmed by the dev notes, this game currently lacks the epilogues which, "are the real endings to the game." This game is tagged as "Complete" so I will review it as such, and as such I can say the endings are not complete.

    Three other things that I want to quickly make note of:
    1. The dialogue is realistic and entertaining, both the sex-text and story text. You're also not bogged down with an absurd amount of fluff during sex-text, it's great.
    2. The "rest area" dialogue that you sometimes see does not match with the progression of sex scenes you've already seen. For example, you can read about Gwen giving someone a blowjob despite that character having not even made it to second base with her yet.
    3. I lied, I'm going to mention one thing that isn't story related. The art for the main scenes is fantastic, I wish this art-style was used more often. It's so good, I just wish there were more scenes.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Tough one.
    -good integration of the main kinks as part of the gameplay. There other porn TRPGs. But this game makes an interesting take to make it natural. E.g. the buddy system or relationship points in combat from fire emblem to groping.
    -the level design is actually not without thought and well balanced. Further levels get quite challanging

    Not so good:
    -the game would deserve more content. It would have been better, if also more types of interaction between characters and enemies were possible beside groping, after level scenes, camp talking. Maybe more stuff will be added in the future.
    -more QoL, especially adjustible difficulty. On hard difficulty the level get quite challanging making it very hard to still getting relationship points in battle, which should have been an advantage instead. So you can end up in either not progressing in level or not in relationships.

    I would rate 3.5, round up to 4, because I like how the porn elements were integrated in the Fire Emblem formula
  19. 3.00 star(s)

    Sword of Slaanesh

    Well this is hard to rate.

    As a purely hentai game?
    This game is underwhelming, the art gets repeated, the ingame events while unique are kind of bad and the FMC
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    corruption goes from nothing happening to immediately sluts.

    As a Fire Emblem clone with lewd side stuff as a bonus?
    The game was fun, I finished the game not because of the lewd stuff but because of the gameplay, I recommend playing on higher difficulties if you have played a Fire Emblem game before.

    Pretty much it, I am giving it 3 stars only because I really liked the gameplay aspect of it, but the eroge part of it was just underwhelming for me.

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  20. 4.00 star(s)


    The game has a very interesting theme of some sort of rivalry, where you can defend your favourite from NTR directly, during battle. In other words, it is directly integrated into the game mechanics. Overall, the tactical component of the game is very fun and up until the middle of the game I liked it a lot. But unfortunately for me on medium difficulty it turned out in beating the babies after I leveled up the main heroine a bit and she started to annihilate everything. Overall, the game has some pretty good humor and well-written dialogues. In the game you can encounter various fetishes such as mind control, NTR, gender bender that maybe won't suit everyone's tastes, but if you play your cards right, you can go full vanilla even without any NTR.

    Sadly for me, the authors kinda like to mix drama with comedy. From the start the game offers a pretty decent serious story that even has some dark fantasy vibes. The characters have personal motivations, doubts, and heartaches related to their not so rosy past, but by the middle of the game it evolves into comedy. Admittedly, I'm really not close to this kind of mix, especially when some of the characters were made to empathize with them. Thankfully, the last part of the game doesn't try too hard to sit on two chairs anymore and goes more towards comedy. But in my opinion, it would have worked much better if the author focused one thing in the beginning. I have nothing against comedies, and many jokes in this game actually funny. It just started out as something more serious, and the characters had a somewhat tragic backstory, so it didn't sit right with me.

    Overall, the game is pretty good and features some interesting game mechanics that are connected to the erotic part of the game. However, I still think it's worth mentioning its main drawbacks as well. The main drawback of this game, is the very clunky interface. It is hard to blame the developer for this, as he himself complained about it, but it is still important to note it. The trouble of the engine itself, which is very old and was used to make tactical RPGs

    The second drawback is the amount of art in sex scenes. Personally, its amount was not enough for me to fully enjoy them.

    And the third drawback, which I would rather attribute more to subjective impressions, is the weak ending.

    From the neutral, which can be classified as both negative and positive, are the companions with whom we are traveling. The author did a good job of conveying which most of them are morally corrupt scum and this fits very well into the dark fantasy category. But then again, this could be a disadvantage since there is no one else to sympathize with except our heroine and maybe a kobold.

    I will give the game 4 stars, although initially I was ready to put it in one of my favorite games. This is largely due to the game's weak ending. I liked the first half much more than the second half. And while I rate the first half as a 5, I rate the second half as a 3. Still, I recommend playing this game, it's a good one.