Others - Completed - Netoria Tactics: Revolution [Carwyn Triumphant Update] [Apollo Seven]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed playing this, it did an excellent job of blending the NTR and the Tactics into a great game. There are a couple of flaws that I had problems with though.

    - Great corruption/ntr dialogue as Gwen slowly gets more corrupted, good corruption pacing.
    - Very cool that the mechanics are tied in to the NTR. Positioning of the units and other stats/auras. Their personalities are reflected in their kits and passives. You also get mid-mission groping which I enjoyed the scenes a lot.
    - Fun tactics gameplay, for a project by a small eroge dev it was quite fun and got me in the mood to go play more TRPGs.
    - I quite enjoyed the artstyle and thought the scenes, sprites, and character art were all very well done.
    - Although a bit tropy, I enjoyed each of the different characters.

    - As far as I can tell there is no (intended) way to catch up if you're underpowered. I screwed up and dumped all my xp into one unit then realized I needed a balanced team to proceed and was hard stuck at a level. I was screwed. I realize this is a obvious rookie mistake but I thought I'd be fine as I'm here mostly to nut and not to contemplate my tactics teambuilding too much. Any grind mechanic would be greatly appreciated. (If you want, and what I did, you can stick a unit in a 1 wide corridor where they can tank an attack, and repeatedly heal them and have them take dmg to grind levels)
    - The UI is quite clunky, it was a pain to move items around and the gallery being something where you need to walk to different icons was kind of annoying.
    - Some bugs, I swear Gwen's Menacing is broken (edit: may be fixed with latest patch Groping Update) and some terrain which looked impassable was passable.
    - Although the dialogue is good, scenes remain fairly static.
    - I wish the routes didn't split as much and more content was available in just one run.
    - The story has some though put in to it, but was a bit weird and doesn't yet end very definitively (This issue should be fixed soon as I believe the dev intends to add epilogues).

    But please note despite the cons this was one of the most exciting and unique games I've played in this site. Definitely worth checking out if the premise of a NTR TRPG interests you.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for Final Ch. C

    Overall a lot better than I was expecting. Game has lots of things I liked and didn't like. Played on easy mode because I got very unlucky and all my characters missed every attack and died instantly from lifesteal skeleton mage on normal mode.

    -Game has a story mode which I'm assuming avoids combat entirely (didn't use it so cannot confirm) if you just want porn.
    -Class/Specialization system is pretty cool (basically just a small stat boost)
    -There's also a gallery with the option to unlock all scenes at the end.
    -The writing/grammer is pretty good and the story is alright, with the exception that most characters seem to lack intelligence at very crucial moments such as letting every person trying to kill us join our team right afterwards. But if you just accept it and move on, it's not that bad
    -Characters felt like different although a bit cliche, but not terrible
    - the art is nice but a bit lacking in quantity
    -infinite saves

    -The UI and controls are pretty bad. In terms of gameplay, you have to click on your character, then to a location, then choose an action (ex: attack), then click a target, then choose which item to attack with, and you have to do this with each character. It makes sense after a while but gets tedious.
    -Equipping/removing items sucks, it's a similar concept (not super hard but tedious)
    -Didn't know how to hide text during sex scenes so it was basically censored.
    -Also didn't know how to load a save other than closing the game and then loading.
    -Pressing space during dialogue entirely skips conversation which is great for replay ability but absolutely sucks for the first playthrough
    -Some of the sex scenes are just 1 or 2 images with lots of dialogue, not to mention that some scenes are repeats with different text

    Just add some more CGs and button control list and the game becomes 4 stars.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    -Characters are memorable apart from "oh shes hot".
    -Story "exists". The story is really jumbled and it feels as if the creator made it up as he went along, but thats fine, since it allows the characters to interact with each other.
    -really good corruption and art
    -unlockable gallery once you beat the game
    -Fairly decent combat. It's essentially fire emblem, but with groping.

    -99% of the lewd scenes are NTR. I mean, you saw the title. You knew what you were getting into.
    -The gameplay requires some time to sit down, and click, but the NSFW stuff is usually 1-2 pictures with text. It gets to the point where you eventually give up caring about combat and bumrush through it to see the corruption.
    -REALLY bad UI. It's frustrating to equip items, to advance classes, to move units, etc.
    -Units get "locked" into their respective NTR routes, so even if you really liked 2 different NTR storylines, too bad! If someone talked for one millisecond longer than the other guy, then the two of them suddenly go past the point of no return.
    -As mentioned earlier, the story is really jumbled and uncoordinated. You get thrown around ALOT, and after a while you forget the point of the game.
    -At the end of the game, you realize that the characters...really aren't worth rooting for, and that the majority of them are scummy. So, you lose a lot of personal investment and just click away to see segs.

    TLDR: Tremendous potential. but never reached it due to some poor story choices, tedious UI, and underwhelming CGs. It's still good because the writing and the few CGs, but it could've been SO much more
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    So gave this two good goes, (in the middle of another replay) First the NTR, its a multiple viewpoint game, kinda D&Dish, shades of old top playing games like Neverwinter Nights and Baldurs gate. Move your characters around the dungeon type thing. I like those, so fun.

    I don't like getting cucked in games when I am invested or immersed in a character, BUT many of these games show the FMC POV or no real connection with the Male MC. This is one of those, you are playing multiple POV and the Male MC is a turd. The FMC is a fun soon to be slutty character and others are rather good as well. Its not a game NTR haters will run screaming from ...I think. You are rather playing the Dungeon Master manipulating the party.

    Graphics are good, 2d stuff. Would like more with the interactions and sex scenes are kinda basic.

    Character screens are clunky and equipment purchases, using etc are kinda painful.

    After I finish the complete game again I will expand my review, had to come change it as I was really irrated with the game, but the Dev was good and pointed out a few things.

    Recommend never hitting the space bar (it cancels the scene playing out), and check the NTR setting, major missed content if so, but I never touched it..no idea why, but this stuff isnt really NTR like I said, you have a bunch of characters in the game, you move that MC around a bit, its not really the player.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    This game feels like missed potential, honestly.

    It's an average tactical game...which yeah fair enough. This is a hentai game anyway. Wasn't expecting anything spectacular here. My favorite part about this is how it ties in to the corruption mechanic. Keeping the dude away and the girl close to the bad guys is tactically sound but gets here corrupted. That's nice.

    My issue is the actual h-scenes. Every game has a limited amount of resources that the developer has or chooses to devote to the project. The key is allocation. I think the allocation for this isn't so good. The main girl has 3 different bad guys to get NTR with. But they only have about 4 scenes each and the slut "epilogue" has about 3 gangbang scenes. That's 15 scenes that could have been allocated to one guy and have a proper slow NTR corruption.

    Same issue with the dude I think. There's a possibility to make him into a girl. But there's also another side chick who wants to seduce him. If the side chick was axed, more scenes could have gone into corrupting the dude as well.
  6. 3.00 star(s)

    Feds Suck This White Cock

    The game is average at most. The plot is good, the girls look good and the gameplay is good but the H-scenes are BAD. There's not much to say, the gameplay some people may not like it, personally I do. The art is really interesting.

    I didn't like how the redhaired girl responds to the MC after she got "corrupted" by the other 3 males. Why? Because it seems to me that no corruption happened at all (which is just poor writing if you ask me). She still seems to be in love with the MC (which makes no sense since, again, she was CORRUPTED), so it's not really realistic nor it makes sense.

    I don't reccomend the game for the H scenes but if you enjoy this type of gameplay than play it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    [Final chapter]
    I would probably rate the game 4 star to leave a marge of progress, there definitely can be, but it actualy got finished AND in a reasonable time. And it's worth at least two star in that genre.

    -Hand drawed arts that give soul
    -Dialog might be a bit heavy but it's well made, succeeded at making me smile a few times.
    -Easy mechanics that are explained and quick to understand.
    -Overall, a game that know what you're here for. He doesn't loose himself in an endless story promising much but giving few. The rythm is consistent throughout the game, there's no dead end or useless plot. He knew that to remain good, he had to be simple.

    - Definitely tactical rpg is dead and for a good reason. It's tedious.
    -Even if the art is good, a few more would have made wonders.
    -The characters are a bit too comon to my taste. I could have been more invested if i would have been more emotionnaly invested in the characters.

    Final word: It's definitely worth a try for anyone.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Except for the one card based game, I've really liked everything Apollo Seven has posted on here. I enjoyed the choices, combat, artwork, and characters in this one and played the current content all the way through 3 times, trying out different story paths (transformation/no transformation, slutification/no slutification, etc.).
    For me, the only aspect that I feel could be improved is the inventory. It is a little cumbersome when trying to discern what a weapon, magical effect, or benefit/detriment an object in the inventory/store will have.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Shaping up to be one of the best NTR games and stories I've ever experienced! The combat and gameplay are fun, and the way the NTR scenes are up to the players choice is done with exemplary care. Might be a little buggy, and it could be a little more hand-on about which route the player is currently on, but it's still and easy rec to any NTR fan. GL, Apollo Seven with all your future projects!
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game, love the corruption of the MCs and also the gameplay which is fun, finished the whole game (ch5 rn) in one setting and i'm feeling kinda empty.
    One thing tho is i didn't get some scenes that are in screenshots while i allowed maximum groping to be done in battles, i guess the story is branched or smtg.
    But anyway i loved the game, everything about is good,also it can be played with just a mouse which is huge plus.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably my favorite game on this website so far. The biggest thing I like about it is that it involves actual tactics. Using the FE genre as it's gameplay. Now I've not played FE much but I really dig the simplicity of it. The rock paper scissors of it.

    The combat is fun, each unit has a strength and a weakness. Use the other to cover for them. What makes this simple concept fun is how the ntr is implemented with it. The female main crush has the ability to buff other units that are just standing near her. However, they will take this time to harass her based off random chance, which can be upgraded with items. You can seperate them but it can lead to things being harder than they need to be.

    The ntr can be avoided, which is cool. There's also several relationships that can be started with each character. Things get more complicated as time goes on.

    TLDR: Great game for those who like pacing and the FE genre.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm a fan of NTR and FE type games.

    That being said, the pacing is just way too slow. If you're in it for fairly good gameplay and story, you'll enjoy it more than me.

    The pacing of when erotic scenes pop up are way too slow. Personally, just not why I'm here.

    For the amount of time spent battling and reading the story, you're getting barely any erotic scenes.

    Great project but I dropped it.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    A really cool concept with some solid writing and narrative but the gameplay itself is only passable imo, and despite some excellent quality artwork the porn itself is pretty lackluster.
    4 stars for a really novel and interesting concept and good writing and narrative but knocked down a bit because the porn just isn't that arousing imo
    recommend for NTR fans and people looking for something different than the standard fare on this site
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    The design of this game feels so odd and counter intuitive, it may be hard to understand for newbies, and the game doesnt include porn animation, it's okay but there's just too much text and has barely sexual content
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game that combines all the fun of a traditional tactics game with elements of balancing NTR versus difficulty in fights. The games that allow you to choose how much (if any NTR) content you want, plus has actual consequences for pursuing/not, are the best.
    Likes: mc247
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewing Ch. 1-3C

    Stop reading this review if you can't get past NTR. For real, this ain't your game. But for the cultured ones,

    Delve into the depths of an endless dungeon with your waifu and a cadre of lecherous men who try to grope, romance, blackmail, and mind control her. The gameplay loop works much like the older Fire Emblem games of yore, tile-based unit to unit combat.

    Each of your units has unique skills; your main character is a lone wolf and works better away from the pack, while your waifu proteccs those around her and should really be surrounded by other men for maximum efficiency. Surely they wouldn't do anything to her in the middle of combat, though...

    In between these battles are your more typical VN aspects where the characters share dialogue or bang. Here you get to witness the corruption of the waifu (if you choose to do so; there's a mystery mode as well). The pacing of her descent seems adequate; I'd like a few more stages of corruption myself before she's a full-blown nympho, but beggars can't be choosers.

    As an unabashed NTR lover who enjoyed the Fire Emblem games in the past, this game was an easy 5* for me. All in all such a novel concept; but what else do we expect from the man who came up with TF Card Battle?
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Well written game with some actual game to it. Bit like Fire emblem but with corruption mechanics. The interface is a bit clunky, especially with a mouse as the mouse jumps around the screen when doing certain actions.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed this game. It makes me want to check out Fire Emblem. It took a little while to get used to the controls, but I got there in the end. This is the best type of NTR/Transformation game for me since I prefer when you are using skill to avoid it, though this game is enjoyable enough that I'll try every route. Normally flashbacks annoy me, but they were funny enough and short enough I didn't mind them. Looking forward to future versions!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't usually like NTR, so I tend to stay away from those games. This one though really stands out from the crowd. I would rate 8.5/10, considering my predispositions.

    Writing (grammar and consistency)
    Corruption design (advancements with each character is novel)
    The MC can also be torn away from crush (Gwen) by another girl and not just the Gwen from him
    NTR is entirely avoidable but makes the game harder
    Story mode option (skips all gameplay, only scenes and decisions)

    Gameplay design (not intuitive to learn)
    Not play-tested thoroughly (bugs)
    Gameplay feels long and even repetitive

    Again, overall it is a great game that I found really interesting. I encourage you to check it out. I will update this when new updates come out if warranted.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Lot of good ideas, but some poor implementation.


    The mechanic for corrupting the love interest is well thought out and makes sense.

    The male "protagonist" (there aren't any protags in this game, just main characters) is pretty unlikeable so it makes NTR'ing him pretty easy. The flipside is that the bad character is very bad so it's easy to root for him to take Gwen.

    Dig the artwork.

    Very few grammatical errors (just remember, i before e except after c).

    There are great layout set-pieces that play into specific corruption-based scenarios; tight corridors where everyone has to be grouped together.

    Neutral / Subjective

    There are no animations.

    I could do without the flashback scenes. I'm not super concerned about how anyone got here but what they're doing now that they are here. It's at least amusing how Gwen doesn't care for them either, but to me it's just pointless dialogue skipping.

    I want to corrupt Vivian now and yet cannot.


    It's pretty clear that the game did not undergo an appropriate amount of playtesting. You can easily break it. For example by achieving a certain class far earlier than you were expected to you'll get a scene that includes characters you haven't even been introduced to yet.

    If you've played a normal RPG you'd know that leveling your character has diminishing returns, or at least the amount to increase to the next level is raised. Not the case here. You can easily spam the same things every turn to gain levels (and break the game).

    It is possible to gain the Whore class before you've done anything that sexual with other characters so you can give blowjobs during the middle of battle before you've actually done that with anyone in their relationship progression. Not to mention that you can't actually do this because, while you'll get the artwork, there's no way to actually input it and you'll have to back out of the action.

    Some gameplay mechanics are not explained. Class, for instance, unless you hover over the class badges you wouldn't know that once you hit level 10 you can upgrade your character's class. There's also something in the camp that you can easily miss if you don't do specific things. Also, what is the point of Eroticism, what is the point of Lust, why would we need Aphrodisiacs?! AFAIK these things aren't explained in game. I would assume that they would have a multiplier for the relationship gains from groping, but who knows, since it isn't explained.

    I dislike how the artwork for the groping scenes appears to be from an entirely different game as they depict characters dressed in the style of modern times and are wearing different clothing than what the character is actually wearing. The scenes themselves are great, but I loathe how narratively jarring it is.


    There are enough positives to make me excited about the game. The cons are things that one would think are easily correctable. To me the biggest problem is the anachronistic artwork, which, in the grand scheme of things, isn't too bad of a complaint. I look forward to future updates, for sure. Hopefully the dev can either balance out the gameplay mechanics or prevent you from getting to certain levels too soon.