Concentration Walk through hope you enjoy.
I am starting after into I skipped intro. My main goal is to get concentration in the shortest days possible because the game does not have blocker to manage you from continuing passed events that will block you.
NOTE: if you find something wrong with this Walkthrough let me know and I will fix it. Also if you use key board (I’m use the PC ver.) you are less likely to lag and have to start the game over (exit out of the window and then click on the app the lag goes away). Also remember to save and save often. I am using about four save slots. Just in case you have to go back to a previous save point. Thank you for choosing this walkthrough.
- MC= Main Character
- Marjorie= the first woman you can change her name
- Alexa= the second woman you can change her name
Main Quest:
- The reunion
- Go inside of the house (Note: the bottom left of the screen before you go into the house there is a cheat menu. Bottom left face down hit the action button)
- Knock on the door?
- Go for that BIG hug? (if you hit no it will go back outside and MC states wrong house)
- Go to the second floor (the far room)
- Open the door? Enjoy the scene. (don’t hit no because I need a key now and had to start the game over)
- Stop looking?
- Talk to Marjorie (She is in the kitchen)
- What to do? Get two quests: Going to school, Exploring the city!
- Where is the milk? (enjoy the scene)
- Do you need help? Get a quest: Mother’s Quest
- Exploring the city!
- Girl in the entrance of the park?
- Go outside action on the bus stop by the street lamp.
- Go to park?
- Go south you will see a star on bench action on it. (Save this point and keep it I saved it on 17.)
- Girl in the entrance of the park? Should be green.
- Go to the Church get quest Visiting the Church
- Talk to Ashley (the nun)
- Search the diploma
- Go back to your home to your room action on the closet.
- Deliver the diploma
- Go to night walk upstairs then there will be a ghost at the window
- Try to sleep
- Go to night there will be a cat in between the house and bus stop talk to it.
- Go to sleep
- Go outside ghost scene
- Next morning to cheat menu get 100?
- Go to church talk to the nun
- Action on the water behind the num
- Go to shop buy a bottle
- Back to the church get Holy water.
- Go to late night go to the ghost outside (I used the cheat menu) enjoy the scene
- Go to sleep and go down stairs in the morning.
- The witch will be your new cat Sucky (LOL the gamer dev. has a since of humor)
- I saved to 18
- Talk to the cat (Note: Sucky=Mesacry) get quest Mescary is into something
- Go to church talk to nun (you get a key to the church’s Library ( left in the church)
- Clean up library
- Read book with star get +6 Concentration (read book twice, one more time in morning (6 Concetration)
- Go out of church talk to the girl in bench at the park
- Go to sleep, in the morning talk to her by the church bus stop(right) get quest: Ask Marjorie about a job.
- Pass time until afternoon (I read book again 8 Concentration)
- Go to bench action on star do it option (10 Concentration(maxed)) get quest update Look for her near tomorrow, Try at evening.
- Saved to 19
- Go to sleep (shut off alarm option available)
- Went to park did pull ups
- Action on the bench again this time you get the option Use some imagination?
- Enjoy scene (it is day 8) New ability: Concentration!
- You will be taken home and find Pink Key Room Alexa (use concentration by the hanging towels)
- Saved to 20
Now go and explore! Let me know if you want me to make more of a walk through Thank you for reading.
SamMan III