I enjoy your work but i'm in no position to criticize your work since I haven't invest a dime on this, but what I can do is give feedback and advice (not a game dev, but product designer and dev)... It seems that you're in one annoying predicament to refactor or not your product/code base, sadly this is a fork in which either way you are gonna get hurt. By refactoring you are gonna get backlash (just look at this thread lol) for the lack of content or sense of moving forwards. If you keep the code base and move forwards, in the end you are gonna spend (maybe ) more time and money tracking/fixing bugs (and getting backlash from it most probably).
I've been in this predicament too (even worst) but from those expirencesI've learnt:
1. stakeholders care more about consistency and new features than redone work, unless is something that is always on their face or a security risk: in your case reworking marj main avatar is good but reworking already finished scenes (couch) would be bad.
2. only your devs are going to appreciate a refactoring, stakeholders and users will not notice this for them is going to appear like nothing has been done.
3. the users are not going to give you Detailed Bug Reports
You already started with a refactoring, keep your loses at minimum how long it would take to get on par to 0.14?
are your stakeholders really going to wait for that?
after getting to 0.14 level, is development going to get faster?
shutting down everything (just for some imaginary sense of justice/fair lolwat) will hurt you the most,
1. you arent going to get the old/lost supporters back
2. without cashflow no matter what the quality will go down
3. is just a death sentence
Also don't make a poll about a sensitive topic involving non-paying people (users) only paying-supporters (stakeholders) but at the end on every decision there is going to be some unhappy people so do what you got to do.
good luck dude, make a linux build if possible plz
