Jan 2, 2020
EDIT: As an update, this started with just AliceSoft games. Even if you don't like AliceSoft, or the genres on the games translated so far, I can promise a riveting read about something you haven't seen before.

tl;dr Highly literate, human-level translations, infused with personality and style, done by a team of AIs I put together, with a turnaround time of ~48 hours for a 100% complete translation. Try Oyako Rankan (second page) or just read over some of the logs to see what the best possible result from this system looks like. I recommend going through the thread though, it was an interesting experience and I documented quite a bit as I went along. All translation starting with Haha Ranman come in two flavors - a word-for-word that's still very readable, uses proper grammar and pronouns, but sometimes a bit clunky, and one that's gone through an AI editor pass that was allowed some creative leeway. Editor is not allowed to make changes to plot or scene elements but has leeway with phrasing and character voicing. It exceeded all my expectations.

I'm a big AliceSoft fan. I've been dying to play some of these games for the better part of a decade. Yeah, some of these have translations (Oyako Rankan and Tsumamigui 3) but these are GPT (and older GPT, at that) which doesn't produce good results. GPT is great for coding but it doesn't know how to write and pre-gpt4o it was not that great at Japanese, either. It still isn't, imo.

What I've built over the past few weeks is a complex LangChain framework for translating VNs specifically. I won't get into implementation details as I don't intend to share my code for reasons I don't intend to get into (it's not because I think it's worth much - I built this in its current form in a week), but the core of it is:

1.) Big fancy LLM (formerly Qwen-72B which I recommend to anyone looking to self-host a translation solution like this one - it'll get you 80% of the way there) on translation duty
2.) Little fancy LLM for summarization / plot tracking / categorization
3.) Big fancy LLM on editing
4.) Self-hosted Command-R+ for assorted RAG duties.

I call it the
A - Automated
U - Universal
T - Translation
I - Interface for
S - Semantic
M - Manipulation

Personally, I think it produces very readable, good quality prose, that accurately reflects the meaning and retains cultural details semi-decently. I was smart with how I chunk and stream the script data into the chain so it retains context awareness quite well. There are no grammar errors, pronouns are good, verbiage is evocative, lines are calculated to avoid overflow, dialogue has characterization. Some examples for Heartful Maman:

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It's particularly good at characterization when running with all features turned on. For example, check out this stellar job it does of characterizing Tsuguo at introduction:
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Personally, I'm blown away. I've played through about 20% of HM now and it's an extremely enjoyable read this way. I've added some improvements to the next run that should address passive/active voice issues and stuff like "called out to, Tsuguo seemed .... " - technically grammatically correct, but stilted and weird - for future runs.

Anyway, it took about 24 hours to cook Heartful Maman from start to finish (and about $70). I'll be firing up Tsumamigui 3 later today, I expect that one to take ~48 hours. I'll post the Heartful Maman .ain later today in this thread (and the others as they come out.)

Planned translation order:
1. Heartful Maman - done
2. Tsumamigui 3 - done
3. Haha Ranman - done
4. Oyako Rankan - done
5. Pastel Chime 3 - cancelled
6. Daiteikoku - cancelled
7. Editor pass on 1-6 - cancelled
8. Sakura no Uta - in progress

PS. To the "but Heartful Maman has a translation" folks - both links in the thread from the DeepL + 5% rusty Japanese guy contain untranslated ain. He either forgot to uncomment out the messages before rebuilding the ain or uploaded the wrong file. At any rate, what I've got is better than DeepL.

The translation isn't done on a line by line basis with this approach, but it's a useful measure of progress. With the current setup rate averages at 1.5 "messages" (a line of text from the VN) per second. Tsumamigui is 100k lines, and I'm at 5k lines done now. Haha Ranman has a good interface translate patch out so I'll definitely run that by Wednesday, too. Oyako Rankan's translation is readable, but I can improve on it. PC3 and Daiteikoku I'm actually not sure if they have interface patches, but I'll OCR those if I have to.
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Jan 2, 2020
Attached is the zipped .ain for Heartful Maman 100% translated with the above framework. Just replace the .ain in your Japanese copy of the game and 100% of the script will be translated. I did not do the strings or interface as honestly, I don't think it's worth the effort - this is not a mechanically complex game. I encourage someone else to make a full proper repack post for the game with this new translation. Either Tsumamigui 3 or Haha Ranmam should be ready by Wednesday-ish.

Edit: "I was smart with how I chunk and stream the script data into the chain " - of course, immediately humbled by bug I introduced before baking the version attached to this post. It causes the messages to get de-synced in certain scenes. No messages are cut out, but sometimes an index ended up getting dropped and its contents moved into the prior one. tl;dr this means that certain scenes can end up looking like attached screenshot (note the dialogue from Shiori coming in early). This will fix itself within 50 lines if you just keep playing and should be relatively rare. It is annoying when it happens though. You're not missing any translations, the effect of this is sometimes the sprite appearing on screen will be out of sync with the dialogue by one line. I've already fixed this for the Tsumamigui run, but will have to re-run HM. I'll probably do this after Oyako Rankan as the version attached here is still completely playable (at least so far, on day 4).
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Jan 2, 2020
Edit: Tsumamigui 3 is 100% finished and attached to this post. As with Heartful Maman, just copy the .ain into the game dir and overwrite. Screenshots from very beginning attached. This one I ran 95% without the edit step to save cost so it's extremely accurate, gramatically correct, and a clear improvement over gpt-3.5 but can be word-for-word clunky at times, particularly outside dialogue. Dialogue has its own module and ruleset it plays by. Narration can be clunky at times for sure though. See the below examples for what an edit pass can do for this translation.

Tsumamigui 3 is 92% finished, should be uploaded within three hours or so and attached. I ran this version with the edit pass _mostly_ turned off. I can always run the edit pass after the fact and post an updated revision (one of the strengths of this approach). Here are some differences from the edit step:

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For the most part, edited is obviously preferable. It does tend to be too aggro right now ("old timer plants his rod" is worse than "old man sticks his fishing rod into the ground" imo) but for the most part it's a major improvement (e.g. "I feel like I'm just receiving things... I'm sorry" vs "I feel like I'm just taking and taking..."). The cost is considerable, it basically doubles the expense, but seems worth it for the most part. I do still need to tweak some things here, I'm sure I can get the editor to an even better place.
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Jan 2, 2020
"This is the kind of morally bankrupt, psychologically scarring family drama that makes eroge great!"
- Commentary from AUTISM editor persona midway through translating this one. I have reason to believe she's right.

Edit: Haha Ranman is done and both versions as described below attached to this post. Note that this does NOT include an updated font. If someone can find a slightly more narrow english font and add it to this translation, I'd appreciate it. Both translations already try to balance the amount of text on each line but there are still times when the text overruns the box (default font is very wide). I played through about 30 minutes and it is readable - if something gets cut off it's never more than a word.

Haha Ranman in progress. Will be ready tomorrow or Tuesday at latest. I intend to supply two version on this one. I'm running it with everything turned on and outputting two versions:

1.) KJV - recommended this one has the edit step turned on. For implications on what this means, see the examples in the previous Tsumamigui 3 post and the ones below. More "human" and readable with higher highs but lower lows. It's accurate but sometimes its phrasing can be immersion breaking in its creativity.
2.) NIV - This one is a more word-for-word accurate translation. Dialogues are always processed in a different way (meaning it tries to tailor the dialogue to the character description) but the narration can be stilted here and phrasing can be awkward but is a translation effort worthy of the framework's acronym.

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Oct 26, 2019
Attached is the zipped .ain for Heartful Maman 100% translated with the above framework. Just replace the .ain in your Japanese copy of the game and 100% of the script will be translated. I did not do the strings or interface as honestly, I don't think it's worth the effort - this is not a mechanically complex game. I encourage someone else to make a full proper repack post for the game with this new translation. Either Tsumamigui 3 or Haha Ranmam should be ready by Wednesday-ish.

Edit: "I was smart with how I chunk and stream the script data into the chain " - of course, immediately humbled by bug I introduced before baking the version attached to this post. It causes the messages to get de-synced in certain scenes. No messages are cut out, but sometimes an index ended up getting dropped and its contents moved into the prior one. tl;dr this means that certain scenes can end up looking like attached screenshot (note the dialogue from Shiori coming in early). This will fix itself within 50 lines and should be relatively rare. You're not missing any translations, the effect of this is sometimes the sprite appearing on screen will be out of sync with the dialogue. I've already fixed this for the Tsumamigui run, but will have to re-run HM. I'll probably do this after Oyako Rankan as the version attached here is still completely playable (at least so far, on day 4).
If this turn out to be perfect, I will stop translating the rest of the game. Because of how busy I am right now, I rarely touch the game now albeit that all of the scenes that can be viewed in Recollection mode are all translated
Jan 2, 2020
If this turn out to be perfect, I will stop translating the rest of the game. Because of how busy I am right now, I rarely touch the game now albeit that all of the scenes that can be viewed in Recollection mode are all translated
Haha, sorry man, didn't mean to throw too much shade at your translation. I know how much work this can be. I actually grabbed the .ain from your second updated link originally and just started playing through it and was getting 100% JP text. I felt bamboozled and it's what set the entire project off :).

Also, give Haha Ranman a try when it's done (~8 hours left).
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Jan 2, 2020
OK, with Haha Ranman out, here's the status of the releases and what's next. All releases are 100% translated script only - no interface.

Currently released:

Heartful Maman -
Currently: Has the occasional de-sync bug, annoying but fixes itself within 50 lines and effect is dialogue line can be out of sync with the sprite on screen. Older version of the editor used sparingly leading to occasional awkward phrasings in narration. Playable, understandable, and enjoyable from start to finish.
Planned: Will fix de-sync. No plans to run with updated and revised editor used for Haha Ranman.

Tsumamigui 3 -
Currently: Has occasional de-sync bug, but much more rare than Heartful Maman. No edit step for vast majority of it so this one is more word for word during narration but dialogue still features the characterization module.
Planned: Will fix de-sync. No plan to re-run edit at the moment. It's a large script and I need the funds for the rest of the novels on the list.

Haha Ranman -
Currently: KJV version is very high quality but the default English font included in the JP copy of the game will occasionally cause a word or two to overrun the text box from time to time. Readable, but annoying. Can be fixed by just changing up the font to something a couple of pixels more narrow. Definitely grab the interface patch from this forum too, this one has some gameplay.
Planned: None. But if you would like to contribute, please mess around with trying to find a better font (I would appreciate it too, as it's one I intend to play through fully).


1.) Ambitious extensions and additions to AUTISM intended to:
a.) Fix annoying editor issues -- occasionally adding unnecessary attribution to dialogue, anachronisms, getting too flowery
b.) Enhance editor sex scenes -- They're already really good but I have some ideas for how to elevate it
c.) RAG improvements -- no comment
d.) Improved consistency across character voices via adding a loopback translation memory system
e.) Fix occasional imbalanced Japanese quotes
2.) Perma-fix de-sync bug. I can do this with a script, without re-running the entire translation process. If I had to re-run, I wouldn't do it due to cost and that the bug is somewhat rare and doesn't affect the understanding of the novel (you're still reading the right script at the right time, just the sprites may stop lining up for as many as 50 lines). Probably Wednesday on this one.
3.) Oyako Rankan. I'll be doing this one as part of (1). Hoping to really get something special here.
4.) Pastel Chime 3 has an interface patch, allegedly, and I downloaded it but haven't tried it. Seems too small to be real, but I may be wrong. If it's legit, then this is next in line for sure. Daikeikoku doesn't, which makes it a much bigger effort (and that's a game you need to understand the interface for, for sure).
5.) Depending on how (1)-(4) go, I want to move on to Sakura no Uta. AUTISM should have slain enough level 1 slimes by then to be able to do a decent job of it.

End of week for 1-5, with possibly a patch midweek for the de-sync bug. I've been churning my own post quite a bit but I'll go dark for now while 1-5 get worked on. Some testing and feedback would also be appreciated beyond the things I already pointed out. Issues caught early, or ideas submitted now I can integrate into runs I do for future games. Again, these are expensive to run so I'm unlikely to do a wholesale revisit of a title (but am open to running the edit pass on an older translation).
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Jan 2, 2020
Oyako Rankan 100% complete by Thursday. It will be indistinguishable from a human translation (insofar as those have occasional flaws, and the flaws in this one should be very human).

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Edit: It will exceed human translations. Here's the editor personality really kicking in just 500 lines in. You read her commentary and tell me she doesn't know what she's doing with a straight face.

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Edit 2: Attached is a preview checkpoint of Oyako Rankan ~20% translated (starting from beginning) ain. Give it a shot. This is AUTISM operating at peak performance with 100% power on every single translation. PS Oyako Rankan never worked with NTLEAS for me, I have to launch it via another locale emulator. 100% complete should be by Thursday as it's a big script and running with everything on slows it down considerably (but clearly worth it).
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Jul 20, 2019
Wow, bravo. It takes a special sort of autism to build such a sophisticated tool to translate mostly NTR porn games. I'm looking forward to the results.

Do you reckon you'll ever branch out from AliceSoft in the future?
Jan 2, 2020
Wow, bravo. It takes a special sort of autism to build such a sophisticated tool to translate mostly NTR porn games. I'm looking forward to the results.

Do you reckon you'll ever branch out from AliceSoft in the future?
Yeah, Sakura No Uta by end of weekend. I think it’s sufficiently advanced that it will be able to do it justice. Don’t know about the engine there. I know it’s not unity. Anyone want to give me the tldr on how to get the script out and back into it? Figured it out. Sakura no Uta by Sunday confirmed.
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Jan 2, 2020
The liberties editor sometimes takes... Holy shit... I think I've finally hit AGI.

Word for word:
;m[543] = "「The survey responses you provided"
;m[544] = " will be used as reference for future game development.」"

Post-editor pass:
;m[543] = "「Your responses to this perverted questionnaire"
;m[544] = " will be used to make our future games even more degenerate.」"

That's it though, no more tweaks. She's perfect. I'm letting her cook. Oyako Rankan will get the dual KJV + NIV treatment.

OK maybe I do better give her a talking to...

Word for word:
;m[555] = "Kotone's sudden departure."
;m[556] = "Saya's sudden departure."
;m[557] = "Ririko's sudden departure."
;m[558] = "「Good morning, Funaki-san!」"
;m[559] = "「Oh, good morning to you too!」"

Post editor pass
;m[555] = "Kotone fucks off."
;m[556] = "Saya fucks off."
;m[557] = "Ririko fucks off."
;m[558] = "「Good morning, Funaki-san!」"
;m[559] = "「Oh, if it isn't the little master! Mornin' to you too!」"

Edit 4:

HOLY SHIT I'M DYING HERE :LOL: This will have to be the KJV I release for OR. I mean, how can I not? It's ALL like this. NIV will be normal word for word and I might do another editor pass for a legit KJV.

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Active Member
Dec 31, 2017
Interesting. So how do you feed the text? Extract everything in a file and push it all at once?

I'm curious about how complex this tool is.
Jan 2, 2020
Interesting. So how do you feed the text? Extract everything in a file and push it all at once?

I'm curious about how complex this tool is.
Has to be everything all at once and it figures out the best chunk size (how many lines its translating at a single time) by itself. Typically averages around 50 lines of text at a time, sometimes less. I also have it operating on a sliding window so its aware of stuff its just translated and stuff that's coming up as well.

1.) Extract all text you want translated.
2.) Prep the translation packet - basically I manually construct a flat-text "wiki" that contains definitions for all major characters in the VN and how they should be voiced, the themes, setting etc.
3.) Hit run
4.) AUTISM takes all the text you want translated and chunks it (splits it up along sensible lines - typically around 50 lines of text at a time but the chunk size is dynamic to make sure a chunk doesn't split in e.g. middle of dialogue)
5.) For each chunk, linearly across entire text:
- Agent 1 produces a summary of what the entire scene is about e.g.
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- This summary, along with the current snippet chunk are passed to a translator agent, who uses the <vn_summary> (translation packet I put together), and the snippet summary to produce a word-for-word translation
- This word-for-word translation is then analyzed and relevant similar examples to what we're translating are retrieved (RAG and that's all I want to say about it)
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- The summary, word for word translation, examples, original untranslated Japanese text, and vn summary packet for the current snippet are then passed to the editor agent
- Editor agent analyzes all this and edits the text for consistency, clarity, readability, and accuracy. Editor is highly literate and creative with a well-defined persona. She is explicitly allowed to take minor creative liberties but can never create or change story elements. It has liberty with character voicing, phrasing, using Western cultural analogues when no direct ones exist, ettc. It has different rules based on the kind of scene it is working with. It produces the edited text:
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- Everything we've got is then passed into a scoring module, which rates the translation, edit, and flags any problems and applies useful search tags for later on. This allows me to re-run the translation with different rules or settings for specific kinds of scenes or snippets.
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Then, it writes all this into a local MongoDB and we move on to next snippet.

At any point, I can just dump the text translated thus far back out to a text file and write it back into the game. The editor is incredibly impressive. Level of understanding an nuance is unmatched.

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What are the implications?

1.) Any Japanese text can now be translated at an incredibly high level of quality. Movie subtitles, light novels, whatever you want. The input into AUTISM is:
a.) What is this thing about? What are the characters, setting, time period, etc?
b.) Raw JP text
c.) Optionally, similar examples of target prose style you're after
2.) You can "mod" visual novels by changing the plain text English definition of a character. Change the "archetype" on a character definition from "Muku" to "Yandere" and the produced edited version will have that character now talking like a Yandere. The events in the text still have to happen, but now it'll be a Yandere heroine talking about it. Tell the editor to charge everything with horror and grimdark when translating a moege. AUTISM puts YOU in control.
3.) You can take the translation artifacts and "resume" playing a visual novel direct with the editor persona. Write as e.g. Mamoru and she'll run the rest of the VN. She already has the context, rich set of examples, character voicing info, etc. Basically, play the visual novel up to a point you like, then find the latest bit of text in the translation and have the editor RP with you from that point. It will retain the style of the translation, the characters, but you can take the story in a different direction. Have Mamoru pull a gun. In a world where AUTISM is in charge, all things are possible.

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Active Member
Dec 31, 2017
Does it understand the choices dialog? How does that work?

At some point in the dialog, the player is offered three choices. Does the AUTISM understand what part of the dialog is connected to the player's choice? Or does that not even matter? Do you have to split event text manually or is there some identifier so you know what dialog belongs to what event?

From what you wrote it seems there's quite a lot of stuff you have to input manually, like summary. I'm mind-blown the AUTISM understands the summary. Do you have to input the summary manually for each event?
Jan 2, 2020
Does it understand the choices dialog? How does that work?

At some point in the dialog, the player is offered three choices. Does the AUTISM understand what part of the dialog is connected to the player's choice? Or does that not even matter? Do you have to split event text manually or is there some identifier so you know what dialog belongs to what event?

From what you wrote it seems there's quite a lot of stuff you have to input manually, like summary. I'm mind-blown the AUTISM understands the summary. Do you have to input the summary manually for each event?
No, it's cooler than you think. For Haha Ranman I:

Dumped all messages as text.
Copy pasted the vndb character definitions.

This isn't one LLM - it's four connected together. Each one has a different job. The summary is not written by me. It's written by AUTISM. AUTISM took a chunk of JP text, analyzed it PRODUCED THAT SUMMARY ITSELF for the next agent in its chain. This is all automatic. The only things I write are basically what you see on vndb in plain english. In fact, my Mamoru definition is still just a copy paste from vndb:

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Regarding your question about the choices - it doesn't matter. The script will inevitably contain jarring transitions from one section to the next. This _can_ cause prosy style to bleed through if it goes from one line immediately to the next line but worst case scenario is you have a strange word choice on a translation. She's smart enough to know when weird stuff happens in the middle of a script. E.g.

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Within this snippet, you had the director's commentary that ends in a survey, followed by a a weird message notification about sperm followed by the beginning of a proper scene with Mamoru and others. She navigates the entire thing without issue, even though there's three different things happening. She knows and understands each one (as indicated by her analysis above). Moreover, she can actually actionably put her plan into action:

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Jan 2, 2020
No, it's cooler than you think. For Haha Ranman I:

Dumped all messages as text.
Copy pasted the vndb character definitions.

This isn't one LLM - it's four connected together. Each one has a different job. The summary is not written by me. It's written by AUTISM. AUTISM took a chunk of JP text, analyzed it PRODUCED THAT SUMMARY ITSELF for the next agent in its chain. This is all automatic. The only things I write are basically what you see on vndb in plain english. In fact, my Mamoru definition is still just a copy paste from vndb:

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Regarding your question about the choices - it doesn't matter. The script will inevitably contain jarring transitions from one section to the next. This _can_ cause prosy style to bleed through if it goes from one line immediately to the next line but worst case scenario is you have a strange word choice on a translation. She's smart enough to know when weird stuff happens in the middle of a script. E.g.

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Within this snippet, you had the director's commentary that ends in a survey, followed by a a weird message notification about sperm followed by the beginning of a proper scene with Mamoru and others. She navigates the entire thing without issue, even though there's three different things happening. She knows and understands each one (as indicated by her analysis above). Moreover, she can actually actionably put her plan into action:

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You'll notice that Funaki would probably not say "my bad, my bad". This is the style bleedthrough I mean. The game devs trolling about how they were making the game bled through into what is basically a completely different kind of text with a completely different set of characters resulting in the anachronism. This is not worth the effort to fix though and could cause more problems. Marking will not fix. I think she handles it fine. Even human translations have weird quirks sometimes.


Active Member
Dec 31, 2017
So, if I understand correctly. You only input the game and character synopsis, dump the text and she does the rest? And you use four different AI's to go through it?

Also, the price for this is not that bad. Like you said in the first post it cost you 70$ for HM. It's very cheap for the quality you get. I think soon the game localization companies. Everyone will use AI in less than 5-10 years.

Soon we will probably have universal translators from Star Trek. Where literally in real time you'll be hearing in your native language what the other person is talking in theirs.


Oct 26, 2019
Currently checking the Heartful Maman's translation in the scene from recollection mode.

The quality of the translation really surprise me (some words or sentences are like what I translated) albeit that the non speaking should be in the present tense, not the past tense (I think this also happen in the GPT case).

Keep up the good work (y)
Jan 2, 2020
Currently checking the Heartful Maman's translation in the scene from recollection mode.

The quality of the translation really surprise me (some words or sentences are like what I translated) albeit that the non speaking should be in the present tense, not the past tense (I think this also happen in the GPT case).

Keep up the good work (y)
Thanks! Yeah, HM was the first one I ran and has the most problems with it. The editor was selectively turned on but was a much worse approach than what I'm doing now. I do want to go back and re-roll it with the latest version. It was the one that really kicked off this whole thing. I just wanted to play Heartful Maman beginning to end...

Tsumamigui 3 is better, but still word-for-word. The word-for-word translator agent is unchanged since Tsu 3 - everything else around it has been improved. Haha Ranman has the editor but has some minor inconsistencies and can use some awkward phrasings. Oyako Rankan, I'm throwing everything I've got at it. That should be the absolute best case scenario, as good a translation as my approach can get.
Jan 2, 2020
So, if I understand correctly. You only input the game and character synopsis, dump the text and she does the rest? And you use four different AI's to go through it?

Also, the price for this is not that bad. Like you said in the first post it cost you 70$ for HM. It's very cheap for the quality you get. I think soon the game localization companies. Everyone will use AI in less than 5-10 years.

Soon we will probably have universal translators from Star Trek. Where literally in real time you'll be hearing in your native language what the other person is talking in theirs.
Yeah, that's about it. The translation "packet" I prepare is heavy on characterization, but also contains notes about the setting (e.g. Haha Ranman is Taisho Era), themes, locations, etc. It's a plan English rundown, written much like what I'm writing here.

HM was $70 to run but remember:
1.) Its script is only ~33k lines
2.) For the most part, this was just a summarizer and word-for-word translator. Editor was running at selectively chosen moments.

Tsumamigui 3 was about $170. It's a much bigger script and I was experimenting with the editor. Haha Ranman was about $150. It's same size as HM, but was run with the editor turned on at all times (I have a much better editor now but that one still did stuff and cost money). Oyako Rankan will probably end up costing ~$250. I'm projecting $400 for Sakura no Uta and cancelling PC3 and Daiteikoku to be able to afford it. Those two don't have interface patches and they sort of need them. PC3 kind of does but I don't think it works. Anyway, I'll play through at least 50% of Oyako Rankan, take notes and make more minor tweaks now (I'm pretty happy where every single agent is at now so no more rebuilds - just smaller tweaks to iron out fine details). Once I'm confident, I'll fire off Sakura no Uta and see what happens. Past that, Sakura no Uta sequel maybe? I'll continue to post translations here as I go through the games.