that is something i honestly don't understandI really do not understand the complains about lack of communication by HoneyGames. His communications seems totally appropriate to me. He periodically enters the forum and updates about the situation. Does he have to write the same things every day? It's just a game so I don't think he needs to communicate more often, there are no lives depending on it. It's a single person working on many aspect of a complex project, software development is very hard and you have to concentrate otherwise you risk producing a bug nightmare. It takes time, you cannot expect a big change in just a week or two. In this forum we're getting it for free, so how can we even complain for something we haven't paid?
There are many simpler games more similar to a comic than a game, yes they get updated more often but with fewer images and if you look at the code there are few characters, very few variables, just one or two variables for each of them and no interaction between them. And nobody complains.
There are so many developers that never enter the forum, disappear for months from Patreon too, and yet they have more remunerative games. Let's give him time, we can wait and judge the work when it's released. There is so much porn for wanking in the Internet, it's not that we get blue balls if he does not release the update.
poor to no comunication, not necessarily better games, crappy presentation, little update and way more money.
it's like they are bewitching the patreons !
or maybe it's something else, but that would be work related paranoia