btw wgo say didnt seen action from tatiana reminder mark banged at her and took video

so we seen her at action just wasnt us

but its totaly we there if u with ok with conor and yanmeşi all hints are there swap almost ready if u not sorry tereance and yanmei will do it.
randy fucked easly yvete parts happen
but he thresten u when u with michele gf not in game or i secrewed one of my save need replay.
i mean randy wana be peged by michele he threating u for it .maybe next patch dunno
now im patiencly will wait final party day.then maybe will play from start right now not big bugs but some pictures wont show where worked on 1.4 now not working and some new place too image backround cant called
game crushed few time and ig werror i get when some route explore last few days et but can be pased ignoreing it.
so compare 1.4 almost no problem(at 1.4 turn ton of eror or wrong day call so unplable even some parts)
at the i hope can go full ashole porn king lana to rebeca rain to everone even maybe some secret taping with michele
turn famous porn prducer and ok actor.and get maud so badly get kristen as pet
to all around oppisde turn lap dog maud and kristen even asley and tatiana do naslty thing to mc oopside side.
why not becouse of im that kind kinks .just is fun so many radical options
but i know its wishfull thing right now in game goes at direction or hint but never happen or never gone be happen ton of options ton of new girl and new kind opitions added result now way HG can handle all
unless 10gb game and we give 5 year time to hg in dragonballz kamisama special time zone place
so many opitions so many posiblities so many hint now way can be fullfiled all and some are past already
but still i wana see lot of extreme fun think lot of routes.
is there any eta for last day and small fixes for like maybe end of april psoible or gone took longer like real new patch like end of spring