Ended up running back through the original as I remember it fondly and haven't had any more of the revamp in a while.
Every time, even though I know it won't pan out I'm gutted we never managed to get Michelle to backslide into being a cokeslut partygirl, as she's my clear favourite. It seems it's headed that way then just kinda tapers off and there's that big party event that seems to be going more for her maybe actually getting her acting career. It's weird that if you put mdma in her drink it knocks her out like a roofie rather than seems like she's on ecstasy. I'm hoping in the revamp maybe we'd be able to just use small amounts of coke that she wouldn't notice but would fire off whatever neurons it is that'd make her relapse. Would be good as you date her to get her mixed up with Harley again and become one of the porn girls. That said, there did seem to be a thing of kicking her acting career off using that dude you blackmail for Meadow, so it might be cool to get her famous before causing her fall. Nothing seems of come from the Yvette/Michelle/Randy talk, nor the stuff going on with Leonard and Elsa.
Another thing I'm hoping gets put a bit earlier in the revamp is the Irene stuff. You don't seem to see her for the first half of the game, then there's all the interesting bits with her being addicted to sucking dick and the psychotherapist but it ends before you can find out more. Hopefully, it'll allow you to take both Adelle there to become a whore as well as exploiting Irene, kinda seemed like one or the other when I was replaying it.
Ashley was hotter than I remembered, maybe just because she's a bit boring personality wise, totally ripped but not a full on beast like Yvette. Yet another plot element that went on for ages but then nowhere was the swap to get to bang Tatiana, though towards the end it seemed like it'd moved on to using Yanmei (or Michelle, but that seems unlikely unless we can actually make her fall apart).
There are loads of other bits too that felt like you're strung along but never seem to pay off, like I don't think you can ever hook up with Andrea even after getting rid of Yoshi, nor can you really get Kristen back other than fucking her if you offer up Marisa or Yuana as tribute to Maud.
So many interesting threads in the game, I really hope the revamp sorts it all out to not just be more coherent but actually develop each element at a decent rate as you play though each week... I want to be patient but it'll be so many years before the game has even caught up to where it was at this rate... guess there's nothing we can do but wait.