Unreal Engine New Developer in town

Corvo Bianco

Aug 1, 2019
Hey there. Some people call me Corvo Bianco (my mom mostly (…or does she really?)). By day I am a game developer who makes money for corporations by creating free2play games, but by night I am little perv working on my own adult game, projecting my fantasies into the world.

The game is about exploration, survival, looting and of course dating and sex. For this project I use Unreal Engine, and I am targeting PC and VR platforms. There is a lot of work to be done even for 0.01 version, so until I have all fundamentals in place I won't post a demo. I expect somewhat presentable version of the game to be ready by spring or summer 2020.

I’ve decided to start sharing my . Just some WIP stuff so far, really. It is lonely working by myself, so I’d like to interact with like-minded people. I made a page, however I don’t really ask for money, I just want my own place to share weekly reports and talk about the project. It is a devlog basically with a tip jar attached.

By the way, is it allowed to make my own thread in the “Games” section of the forum if I don’t yet have a downloadable demo? Or maybe there is another good place to start a thread / devlog?

Thanks for stopping by, cheers!

Corvo Bianco

Aug 1, 2019
No, "I" create characters from scratch. Well, actually I hire a concept artist to draw a character design and then I hire a 3d artist to make the model. Having that in my hands I rig, sculpt morph targets (blend shapes if you will), animate and setup the character in the engine myself.

Papa Ernie

Dec 4, 2016


Active Member
May 7, 2017
Try getting a demo out and i think you'll be able to have you threat in the game forum. Welcome to the community :)!

Corvo Bianco

Aug 1, 2019
Thanks guys. I am working on the demo, but it'll be ready next year when I have enough content and game mechanics for that.

I'll more likely follow the suggestion and create a thread in General Discussion until then :)