New guy here


New Member
Nov 18, 2024
Hello there. So, im all new to this Forum stuff. I have a question, can i search specificly for games that are not Visual Novels? I love games where i have direct control. Maybe you guys can even recommend me some stuff?

Anyway, have a good week fellas <3

Cajun Fox

Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2024
Welcome to the forum

Yes, the search function will bring up all sorts of games, not just VN


Sep 19, 2024
Well-cum. You want to avoid anything with the red "VN" prefix or anything with the purple "Ren'Py" prefix. For everything else, you have to see what interests you and look at the tags, previews pics, read the descriptions, etc. The site does not make it easy to avoid VNs and the like, though that is what makes the bulk of the games here.

I can give you a few recommendations to start with, although be aware that many non-VN's have huge filesizes and tend to run like crap. Almost none of them are complete, either.
  1. Breeders of the Nephelym - This one runs ok and isn't that huge.
  2. Wild Life - This one's huge and might run poorly, and it's mainly for checking out animations. But the anims are fantastic.
  3. Hunt and Snare - Furries. Furries everywhere. But you can shoot stuff with a rifle so that's cool.
  4. Carnal Instinct - More furries, but there's human PCs also. Another big file size and great graphics, good animations.
That's a few to start with. There's other player-controlled games out there that aren't giant sandboxes like these ones, but I'm sure you can find them.
  • Yay, update!
Reactions: rKnight
Nov 5, 2022
Seconding this- I haven't seen it myself (as it very likely contains stuff that doesn't align with me), but the recommendation thread is a really good place to start!
A lot of the games on my personal list are rpgs and other games with gameplay, and they all have amazing romance!

Welcome to the forum, and have fun! : D (careful if you're new or sensitive to stuff.. these threads have some crazy things)