Reviewing v0.1.5
- The Graphic is pleasant.
- MC's personality is pathetic, he can fight and somehow he has some friends and nameless female NPCs be happy to have him around, but ultimately his sole positive personality-trait is his sense of justice, which is put to shame by the rest of his personality, he is a simp, he likes ONE girl(Ayase) and he is subservient to her despite the awful things she does to him(that i'll explain when i'll talk about her) and he compares people to her like "oh this person is so kind and selfless that reminds me of how great Ayase is", he sucks up to her even when she is clearly hostile and aggressive.
- Ayase's plan regarding MC and what she thought about the situation:
"This guy clearly saved me and my bestfriend from rape even though i attacked him first believing he was the rapist how can i convince to join me in my quest to find out what happened to my sister and maybe do some vigilantism? I could be nice and appeal to his sense of justice now that he knows that i'm the most popular and loved girl in the school and now that he knows that i'm a ninja-vigilante we can fight crime together OR i can take a picture of him and blackmail him threating him to go to the police and accuse him to be the rapist that he fought and force him to tell me where he lives insisting that nobody will ever believe his word because i'm a girl, i'm popular, i'm loved, and society clearly bends over even at false accusations of rape and other forms of assaults on women, and then be a spoiled brat that brags non-stop about how rich i am, how i know how to buy an actual 3-meals(who even eats that much?!Like 3 plates full of food) breakfast menù and how my dad made me learn how to use a sword and even though i trained for years, MC basically defeated me while also going easy on me when i thought he was the rapist, also why not maybe show off my sport-car that i bought with daddy's cash, all while still acting like an absolute douche and even mocking MC in front of his own sister and her bestfriend who apparently are in a different school but i'm that famous that they know me without MC ever mentioning me to them before today? Yeah let's go for the abusive choice!" This is probably what went through her head at the time. Ultimately Ayase believes to be a good person even though she acknowledges that she is blackmailing MC with a picture of MC completely dressed in front of her bestfriend who is partially naked, and MC having a shocked facial's such a bait picture that the picture's title could easily be "Random(possibly virgin) guy shocked after seeing a pair of tits and a pussy in a dirty alley"
- Yes if you read above MC is also the butt of every joke to a point that those jokes are shoved down your throat even though they aren't funny to begin with.
- The game is placed in Japan and everyone is apparently japanese but everyone explains to each other the meaning of every japanese-word, some characters even have names or codenames with a double meaning depending on how you read the kanjis of those's so stupid, because a japanese person that knows their own language wouldn't need such explanation(aside maybe for the codenames with double-meanings...but even then i don't think people would explain it, because usually things are more simple than what they are)
Good Graphic, stupid plot, painfully annoying characters, clearly wrote by someone who watched too many animes and idealized Japan...I wish the best to the dev, but i'm very pessimistic about it, sorry.
I want to add a comment i made in the thread that explains way better than this review