Story 1/5
It starts off pretty good really, but MC turns out to be a submissive idiot and gets blackmailed into joining a gang and then forced to let the blackmailing bitch sleep in hes appartment and all MC thinks about is how horney he will be? not that she told him she would turn him in as a rapist to the cops with the picture she took of him helping a girl..
If MC had kicked all of their asses and take destory her phone that would have been alot more fun and then talk to the gang about hes father and joining them but not before putting the fuckers in their place....but no the submissive MC will just forgive everything.....
Why cant devs ever make a decent MC that dosent have the mindset of a 12 year old and one that arent so submissive its boring as fuck...
And you have no choices which is even more annoying since you cant make a choice to be dom and tell her to fuck off or atleast no to letting her stay, but what MC will do later is forgive her....again with no choice to the player.
Once they are at home MC just get more and more cringy thoughts its awfull to read really, like "i wonder what she smells like in all kind of diffrent places" i mean come on really wtf she tried to beat him up, she blackmails him, she forces her self to stay with him...tell me MC isent a submissive and childish idiot.
And to make it absolutly idiotic MC then walks into her in the shower knowing shes in there and acts supprised? this is turning into something worse the a b-porn movie.
Next some random girl you as the player barely know anything about is forced on you in a sex scene and if theres something i hate its forced LIs forced relationships, forced fetishes and forced sex scenes.....
And it keeps forcing girls on the player and sex scenes and so on.
This is game is just yet another mindless fuckfest game where the player has no choices or controle over anything, not even who to fuck.
Its also an all out kinetic novel and should be TAGED as such, all the choices given changes nothing, not in main story or relationships.
To make it really stupid game dosent have a harem tag not even in planed tags and the most idiotic thing you can do in any none harem game is force MC into relationships constantly and which also means there is no faithfull route what so ever, which is also idiotic in a none harem game.
Also makes me wonder how on earth anyone can give this game a high rating when its this messed up, ive even seen 5 stars reviews where the list of bad things is 3 times longer then the good stuff? and still gets 5 stars why?
Even if i could get into the main story and like that part it gets ruined to me personaly by the lack of choices and all the forced shit.
Girls 3/5
I like the girls and there is an ok diversity in builds as well, but when everyone is forced it just ends out as a huge turn-off instend.
Animations 3/5
Pretty average HS animations nothing new.
Music 3/5
Standard background stuff nothing special.
Choices 0/5
Forced LIs/Sex/Fetishes/Relationships no choices changes anything in main story so yeah all out kinetic.
It starts off pretty good really, but MC turns out to be a submissive idiot and gets blackmailed into joining a gang and then forced to let the blackmailing bitch sleep in hes appartment and all MC thinks about is how horney he will be? not that she told him she would turn him in as a rapist to the cops with the picture she took of him helping a girl..
If MC had kicked all of their asses and take destory her phone that would have been alot more fun and then talk to the gang about hes father and joining them but not before putting the fuckers in their place....but no the submissive MC will just forgive everything.....
Why cant devs ever make a decent MC that dosent have the mindset of a 12 year old and one that arent so submissive its boring as fuck...
And you have no choices which is even more annoying since you cant make a choice to be dom and tell her to fuck off or atleast no to letting her stay, but what MC will do later is forgive her....again with no choice to the player.
Once they are at home MC just get more and more cringy thoughts its awfull to read really, like "i wonder what she smells like in all kind of diffrent places" i mean come on really wtf she tried to beat him up, she blackmails him, she forces her self to stay with him...tell me MC isent a submissive and childish idiot.
And to make it absolutly idiotic MC then walks into her in the shower knowing shes in there and acts supprised? this is turning into something worse the a b-porn movie.
Next some random girl you as the player barely know anything about is forced on you in a sex scene and if theres something i hate its forced LIs forced relationships, forced fetishes and forced sex scenes.....
And it keeps forcing girls on the player and sex scenes and so on.
This is game is just yet another mindless fuckfest game where the player has no choices or controle over anything, not even who to fuck.
Its also an all out kinetic novel and should be TAGED as such, all the choices given changes nothing, not in main story or relationships.
To make it really stupid game dosent have a harem tag not even in planed tags and the most idiotic thing you can do in any none harem game is force MC into relationships constantly and which also means there is no faithfull route what so ever, which is also idiotic in a none harem game.
Also makes me wonder how on earth anyone can give this game a high rating when its this messed up, ive even seen 5 stars reviews where the list of bad things is 3 times longer then the good stuff? and still gets 5 stars why?
Even if i could get into the main story and like that part it gets ruined to me personaly by the lack of choices and all the forced shit.
Girls 3/5
I like the girls and there is an ok diversity in builds as well, but when everyone is forced it just ends out as a huge turn-off instend.
Animations 3/5
Pretty average HS animations nothing new.
Music 3/5
Standard background stuff nothing special.
Choices 0/5
Forced LIs/Sex/Fetishes/Relationships no choices changes anything in main story so yeah all out kinetic.