@thomasxlong Not played the most recent version, but from last time I played.
Pros: Unlike a lot of other games, it isn't as much about unrealistic events (ow, ow, some mugger just kicked me in the nads, random stranger virgin lady can you suck them; it is the only cure. Oh my, well, okay.) instantly flipping a girl's attitude. Some similar events are still present, but it is more a girl pushing her
own boundaries and enjoying it. Also has some nice graphics.
Cons: The text editing is pretty bad (not full on Engrish bad, but bad). Save/load has a bug (what he claims to have finally fixed) that requires closing down the game every time for a load to work correctly. It is a major resource hog (so depending on quality/speed of your PC). Too many timing devices (eat/sleep/bath/clock at least these 4, may be forgetting some). If you are too hungry you can't do what you want; if the clock is the wrong time you can't; etc. These timing devices have improved since first versions of the game, but they are still overkill management.
Overall it's pretty fun. If he'd just simplify the timing devices it could be really great.