You don't understand and can't see the bigger picture.
"It's not my money, so why should I care?" um, because you just, care? do you not care about other people? so, you are fine with them getting taken advantage of, etc? those people are clearly too blinded by their like/love/want for the game, that they can't stop or see the truth (like an addict)
Firstly, while you may be talking about yourself here most people who complain about milking are NOT looking out for their fellow man but are unhappy about the pace of a game they like and feel / hope a way to get their content faster is by pressure from complaints like milking.
As for people being to "blinded by their like/love/want for the game" to see the truth, who's truth are we talking about here? To some people one month is enough time for an update and for other three months are, there are others willing to waiting 6 months or more. What makes the person willing to wait one month more right than the person willing to waiting six? What right does that person have to tell the other they can't wait six?
"(like an addict)" Strange how the only ones "acting" like addicts are some of the ones complaining. Addicts don't sit at home patiently waiting....
If you were getting milked/scammed/whatever, wouldn't you want someone to let you know? try to help you see? or should they be like "what? eh, that's his problem/money, not mines"
That's rather brazen of you. Are you implying that these people are unable to make choices for themselves, that they are clueless and their point of view does not matter? From the wording you have used it sounds like your standard is the only one to follow and others not following it need to somehow be saved from themselves....
I wish they had a "Scammer/Milker" tag for those types of Devs. How would we know this, that or whatever else? we would have proof, have the research and evidence to back it up. Then, if people still want to give them money and stuff, that's on them. We tried to help, and they didn't want it. Nothing more can be done.
You say "research and evidence" but for what exactly and collected by who exactly? Who gets to set the bar as to what is acceptable and not?
Is the tag supposed to be added just because some members say so? By now it must be clear that most people have their own views and in most cases for every 10 you find that think a dev is milking you can find just as many to say "be patient". Just because some people try to devalue their choice by calling them "fanboys" or claiming they are somehow "to blind" to see the milking does not make their right to make that choice any less real and at that point how can the tag be added when there is clearly support saying the tag does not apply.
At the end of the day you can not assume everyone supporting a dev you feel is milking is some kind of sheep, unable to know what to do with their own money and in need of saving from themselves.
If you find a game where you feel it's being updated too slowly and the dev is milking, just move on and find something else to play.