All labor has value, I'd ask a refrain from looking at it in terms of who is and isn't deserving. However, remember the patreon method is donation based. As I said already, it is the hat the street performer collects from. That street performer is going out there and doing the performance regardless. People who think that the performer's work is worthy of their currency pay for it. This doesn't mean that the labor of the person who gets less money is less valuable or deserving, just that we operate in a system where you need a bit of a perfect storm to have a viable product.
You seem to have lampshaded yourself quite nicely with that first comment, but missed the point completely. The "alternative means" was direct contact with the developer. A post in the specific thread of a developer you would like to see improve something, a visit to their discord where many, if they have open discords, have suggestion and feedback channels, bug report channels, etc. The problem with creating a random thread in the general discussions/off-topic area is that you're simply virtue signalling.
There is a way to do that which doesn't involve negatively ranting into the void. I've made several threads that are about constructive conversation regarding certain topics, in particular one I made about the prevalence of the retard in lechertown, what about it annoys people from a gameplay perspective, and what could be done to preserve the spirit of such titles while making them more rewarding for players. However, to do that, I had to be constructive, give examples, make an actual argument.
What this thread is about is people who aren't doing any of those things. They're reeeing into the void about how the games they want to play have problems. They don't provide specifics, they throw out bullshit statistics, they belittle anyone who comes in to disagree with them. These aren't discussions, they're flame wars.
One could argue that a mature adult is capable of fostering a constructive and helpful conversation rather than starting off a thread to flaunt their superiority to the people doing all the work. Because that's what is happening in each of those threads. What is being discussed here is the lack of maturity in the people ranting, not the the value in constructive conversation.
Yes, in their own game threads, on their own discords, and within their actual circles of influence. A random rant thread on F95 will only get seen by a small handful of devs like myself who troll the forum outside their own thread, and most of us, though I know it's not all of us, are also generally more than happy to engage with criticism. I even posted in one of the above mentioned threads with a solution to the issues, for which the ranting and raving thread creator decided to tell me I was being too long winded, in spite of turning a full scene change into a single paragraph.
The first valid thing I think you've said in this entire rant. To be sure, it's unlikely to change the fact that people wantonly shout into the void. However, that doesn't make this complaint invalid, and it certainly doesn't invalidate the advice given.
See, being that we are on f95 I can't take a word of your paywall argument seriously. However, your argument is flawed. You aren't paying for the final product on Patreon. You're paying for the labor that goes into the product. If a dev has been making exactly the kind of product you'd like to see from them for a year and you've been a patron, but then they add something that makes you completely not want to support anymore, you cut off your support. It's that simple. You still paid for a years worth of labor who's fruits your enjoyed. That payment is still valid. Just because it takes a turn YOU didn't expect doesn't mean that the labor that got you there is changed or that the devs lied to you, just that your expectations were false.
This is the same with the street performer. You're not paying him to play wonderwall tomorrow, you're paying him because he was playing wonderwall today.
Sure, feedback is very important, but you'd agree that you'd like them to come to you directly with feedback that is specific and helpful, rather than ranting into the void offering no specifics nor solutions, yes?
I don't know how many times I am going to have to say this, but how is ranting into the void feedback? We all know that devs like myself who actually troll other sections of this forum are both the exception to and usually immune from these threads. We're often the ones constructively creating threads that are actually helpful to aspiring devs and not just going around and hopping up on a soapbox. As to the rest of that... ew, is all I have to say. Your cynicism about patreon and your, quite fankly, naive attitude toward the prospects of starting or joining legitimate game design companies is, to put it simply, as farcical as santa claus.
The part you quoted and replied to, with regards to my feedback (and others) on this subject matter, feels very adversarial... After reading a majority of your replies to folks, in this thread, you seem to be very sternly trying to drive home a singular point of view that, for you, is not open to debate, and/or feels a bit close minded to other views outside of the conclusions you've already established for yourself... What was the real purpose of this thread? To scream out against those that have a differing opinion about a given public work, or to start a one sided argument where reasonable discussion and debate are pointless?
I'm not cynical about Patreon… You're just reading into it what you want to, probably in order to drive forward your crusade... For people using it to support their artistic dream while being completely upfront and honest from the git go, without doing anything underhanded, I have no qualms with Patreon and others like it... There are lots of developers that use it as intended and make their money... But I know full well, that because of how it's designed, with very few checks and balances to fight against developers who are dishonest, abusive of it's system, not as up front and above board with their paying fans at all times, and knowing that greed has a tendency to corrupt, I am not a fan of how Patreon does business... In particular, with this specific industry... Patreon was designed as a way for Artists and Authors and Designers, to take in donations to help support/supplement their income while working on their stuff... It was never meant to be a purchasing platform for folks to sell their products under the guise of donations... That's why we have establishments known as Publishers/Distributors... But I'm getting off subject for this thread again, so that's all I'm going to get into, again, about Patreon...
Outside opinions, and that is what they are, OPINIONS... They are going to happen... And not all opinions are required to point out all the constructive things that the developer/creator needs to do in order to change that opinion... The public is not predestined to co-author, co-develop, co-anything any ones works offered up to them...
Definition of the word Review according to
A review is a survey over a whole subject or division of it, or especially an article making a critical reconsideration and summary of something written: a review of the latest book on Chaucer. A criticism is a judgment, usually in an article, either favorable or unfavorable or both: a criticism of a proposed plan.
When I do my reviews, it's always an objective review, regardless of who the developer is, what works they've done before, how successful they are or are not, what others think of it, etc... It's usually a mix of my personal feelings, what I actually experienced, did I enjoy some aspects or not, what should other people look out for and/or embrace before trying it themselves, and the list goes on... The argument that all criticism should be constructive, sounds more like an attempt to downplay the criticism that they don't agree with and/or don't want the public to see... Most developers, from my experience, take reviews for what they are... It's usually only a small minority of developers, that I see, become publicly vocal about critical reviews...
If you have a bunch of people not like something, you may get a huge amount of folks chiming in... Same goes for when a bunch of people like/love something... What one person calls a Rant, others may call a lengthy discussion or a cry of public opinion... Welcome to the internet age...
With regards to your comment that a Perfect Storm is needed for viability... In some cases, I agree that can be case, but I don't agree that it should be used as a blanket statement across the board... If a developer is really talented and they produce a grand product, in many cases it will do well, in this niche industry... It may not please everyone, but nothing can ever please everyone... Sure, in some cases, a perfect storm was needed where everything finally came together, at just the right time, with just the right amount of fans, that it eventually did well... But it's always going to be a case by case basis... As it will be in any Amateur driven developer market... Sometimes luck is a factor...
With regards to the "rants into the void"... That would technically suggest that people were shouting out with no reply or without being heard... If people are joining in on a conversation, rant or otherwise, how does that equate to just a shout into the void? If you are saying the Internet is a void, and anyone sending out messages might as well stop, because it's not being heard or responded to... Then how is it you are now responding to those shouts? The void argument is void itself, by the act of anyone responding or joining in... All sarcasm aside, yes some folks do just say stuff sometimes in order to be a part of the community with no real intention of receiving a response... Or sometimes there are Trolls (may they all be hanged from their pinky toes) who just want to cause chaos... Or sometimes some folks just jump into a dying conversation in order to pointlessly prolong it's existence... But just because you may not agree or like things people are saying in a given thread, does not invalidate their existence as just "rants into the void"...