Unity Completed Newona, Ritual Offering to The Depraved God ~ The Surrender of the Transforming Gender-bent TS Exorcist Girl [v1.12] [I'm moralist]

3.20 star(s) 27 Votes


Dec 18, 2023
Establishing crappy game mechanics narrativley doesn't make them suck less. It also doesn't excuse not being able to access the menu during combat.
The game does at least give you an option to load after a match where you've raised the eldritch level (at the very least, where you've raised it from 0->1), and keeps an autosave just prior to any fight. I would agree that just giving the menu would be better, but it's usually still marginally better than reopening the program.
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Oct 8, 2023
Finished my Eld0 run on "first try". In quotations because the only way I got through it was through save-scumming the entire run, so not sure if this still counts as "first try" lol

All the drops have a chance for higher rarity cards, and you can save after beating a mob, and reload infinitely until you get the cards you want. About half way through you will more or less have all the cards you need. Relics are really what you are looking for later on.

You can also just "Retreat" after going through couple levels. This will put you back in the beginning of the zone, but you keep the cards you found (I think also the rare relics too? not too sure).

My deck was mainly Witch cards as I think they have a very powerful combo due to "Tiheera!" (3*) being bonkers OP other than against few monsters that use hand manipulation.

Tiheera! allows you to, at beginning of your turn, discard a card at hand and get another one from graveyard back. This means you can discard debuffs or cards with graveyard effect, and able to reuse other good cards from graveyard. Great when you generate debuffs yourself, or when enemy gives you a lot of dumb cards like Serious Curse. Just toss them all!

Once you are able to beef up your deck with various means (relics, debuffs, transient cards), you will have a decently healthy deck despite most of them being useless debuffs. But since you are using cards from graveyard each turn it really doesnt matter. I had an easier time fighting later boss monsters who like to shove debuff cards in your deck than earlier monsters when I dont have any relics, because your real deck is in your graveyard.

For support cards, I prefer Eros cards like "Evil Sex Toys", which allow you to tutor 2 Witch cards from your deck while adding 2 debuff cards to it (which is actually a positive for you). These debuffs/transient cards are also great for other offensive Witch cards that deal damage base on them. 1-2 recovery cards in case your Tiheera gets sent to graveyard before you find it.

Other combat cards like "One two punch" "Amadzumi - Convallaria" are also good damage choices since they deal damage when sent to graveyard, and are decent too when played from hand.

You can also pair with hand manipulation cards if you are up against oponents that draws only 1-2 card per turn as you have a good selection due to Fresh Familiar and other cards. It's pretty funny when you clear their hand and they just do nothing for one round, and you bring back the card from GY to discard their hand again.

Of course, normally to get all the right cards is near impossible on a normal first time run. At one point I feel like I am seeing the load screen more than the actual fight lol. I dont think its worth the effort and I wouldnt suggest it honestly. Just play/lose normally. You can get Eld0 runs MUCH easier on a NG+ run.

If you want Eld0 runs, you can use one Demon card occasionally to get past some hard boss fights. Just remember to lower your Eld level before using it again (Gaze into mirror, etc).

I do wish there were more scenes tho.........


May 4, 2021
Also Add in Courage or Fast Step for insurance.
Courage is fine since it deletes itself on use, but adding 1 Fast Step is only good if you have Dndure (any extras lowers the chance of Mounting/Kisaijima/Refurbishment being healed, leaving Newona with a dead hand)


New Member
Sep 1, 2018
are there any other games with status screens like this one? really liked the art that was done for it, as well as its development with eld lvls


New Member
Jun 7, 2021
This is the deck I used to beat the game with eldritch level 0 not losing any battle:
The strategy is to basically just sit around with "tiheera" and "watch over stickers" recycling your graveyard while the enemy kill themselves trying to kill you. The deck is littered with cards that damage enemy when they are sent to the graveyard. The numerous white birch cards are used to nuke enemy for cost efficient damage and you'll find yourself sitting with a lot of mana with this setup(since you don't really need to use the cards and you can just sit there and observe the situation taking hits) so if you draw mysterious power you can just dump all 15 mana for 1 fat nuke.

There are still some fluff cards in the deck cause I don't have more false restraints and canvalleria to fit into the deck. That's basically this game's problem. There's no way to buy or make specific cards so building decks around specific strategies revolve save scumming when picking up cards so you can reload til you get the right cards.


Nov 7, 2016
What's the difference?
・Fixed an issue where there was no full flashback button on the flashback screen.
- Eliminate double-byte characters in resource files to solve the problem of garbled characters when decompressing.
・Fixed an issue where the notation of some cards was different from the card effect.
・Other minor bug fixes


Sep 7, 2020
Oh dang, this is what Moralist's been working on. Sweet.
I kinda wish they'd make a sorta... roguelike/lite/tentacle breeding farm sim expanded from their Nursery Clicker thing.
I hate clicker games, but dang if the flavor text for everything wasn't amazing. I don't wanna plagiarize, but I may have to, if I can overcome my ADHD to work on my text roguelite. :p

Reader RAR

New Member
Aug 12, 2023
Looks like I made a meta build that can guarantee 60 damage to all so long as you properly follow the setup.

Cards used:

1 Chant: Person
3 Fast Step
1 Refurbishment of Corpse
1 Expansion: Backwater Boundary
1 Spirit Strength at Full Strength

So here's the steps. If E:BB is on the hand, run it and have its Debuff ready. Now the only time you get unlucky with the setup is if all cards that is not Fast Step is on Hand and your mana cannot cast all cards on the deck (That is if your enemy has more than 30 HP). With E:BB taken, wait for remaining 3 cards to be C: Person, ROC and SSAFS. Once they're there, check if your mana is at 10 (Mana plus after beating workers will lessen your burden). Now, run C: Person > ROC to C: Person > two Chant: Earth on hand > SSAFS. Now you can do the Finger of Death on the enemy for 60 damage with two Chant: Heaven with the mana.

Hope this meta build works for you. Tip: Save-scumming for this seven/six cards is easy if you prioritize getting a chant: person first to bully the boss on the college room that shouldn't exist before doing the main quest. Grabbing treasures except Acceleration Boundary and Courage is not recommended.
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Aug 13, 2019
100% save/gallery

location: \newona1_03en_signed\newona_Data\savedata

Also if you wanna play the game, if you load save1 you end up right after the introcutscene with a deck which can easly beat all the bosses.
Had fun playing this deckbuilder game so i grinded a bit to refine the deck.
The strategy is, to discard the opponent's hand cards, since most monsters only draw 2 cards per turn, and since they draw them at the end of their turn.. So if you make them throw away their cards they have nothing to play at their turn. Which technically gives you infinite turns.
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Feb 14, 2018
While I'm not super into the TF aspects of the game, I love the gameplay, and I'm always a fan of Moralists art and general story vibes. I do hate how mangled the card translations are and badly wish I could crack the game open to re-edit them, but fucking with unity is a bit past my humble skills.


Oct 19, 2019
I feel like tha "Futa/Trans Protagonist" tag ain't quite accurate to what folks are looking for, here...
Mc doesn't have a peen whatsoever, he just all-out transforms into a true-blue biological female.

Maybe try "Genderswap" and "Sissification"? "Transformation"? I'unno.


New Member
Aug 16, 2022
been waiting for 3-5 minutes yet still black screen. Any tips? i set my system locale to Japanese and also my WinRaR to Japanese ._. I also restarted my pc and unzip the game twice after changing language yet still black screen


Aug 25, 2017
Is there a way to make the dialog skip button actually work? I swear 90% of this game's budget went to writing dialog that really doesn't need to be there.
3.20 star(s) 27 Votes