Unity - Completed - News Desk [v1.0] [Pyorgara]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Although I like the idea and the art, the writing makes it unplayable for me.

    It's written in a novel style prose that doesn't work well for a visual medium. The prose itself also has major problems which are magnified for a visual medium.


    "I'm as nervous as a newbie," he said out loud with a rueful chuckle. Taking another deep breath, the dark-haired man picked up his jammer, in case she had recording devices in her house, and put his game face on. "Let's do this," he growled, getting out of the car with his folder of evidence.

    * Show, don't tell

    The reader is told the character is nervous (by the character himself no less). Then he takes a deep breath -- a sign of being nervous -- making the telling redundant altogether.

    * Redundant details

    "he said out loud" is redundant. Saying something means saying it out loud.

    In a visual medium "the dark haired man" is offensively redundant since we see the man depicted. As is the use of dialogue tags. (Tags like "he growled" should be avoided at all costs.)

    * On the nose writing

    Since he visits her house we assume he got out of the car. We don't need to be told that.

    * Excessive descriptions

    Do we really need to be told he put his game face on?

    The part with the jammer is out of place. Either have it as a proper narrative point or leave it out altogether.

    Writing economy is especially important in visual mediums. The writing should seamlessly complement the scenes, not weigh them down, getting in the way of immersion. Reading several paragraphs of this type of prose for every scene is too grueling for me.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Pyorgara makes the same game repeated, which is fine - the scenario differs. You play as a dickhead guy locked in a power struggle with a woman who you must gradually wear down and reduce to a lowly sexual plaything. The art is decent and the sexual content is well written, even if you must suspend your disbelief somewhat regarding the overall plot.

    This particular one of their games features probably the largest quantity of sexual content and various endings, which is good. It also has a resource management/duel mini-game. Overall the story sprawls a bit and feels a little unfocussed but it's not the end of the world.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a good game if you're after actual gameplay rather than just an interactive hentai. Super grindy; you have to break down your adversary and then compete with her for the limelight, using humiliation tactics to ruin her credibility. I enjoyed playing it but after going back to it for a few sessions I just ended up using cheats to speed things up.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Complete trainer game. I had bad experiences with trainer games in the past, so I was surprised how fun it was. The card game was entertaining and if you use the cheat function it’s not too grindy. Mostly a corruption game rather than a bdsm game though. You try to defeat your rival by pushing her limits and corrupting her by blackmailing her into exposing or humiliating herself which also weakens her cards in the mini game. You can also corrupt her daughter and her daughter’s rival.
    Has mainly humiliation, exhibitionism, one or two bondage scenes, prostitution and gangbangs.
    The only thing I did not like was that there are a lot of different endings with the conditions for and number of the endings being pretty unclear. It depends on the state of the girls’ corruption and which scenes you activated – Since it seemed pretty frustrating and grindy trying to get all endings, I downloaded a file with all endings once I finished the game.
    Recommended for people who like corruption and trainer games.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Excellent writing and story hidden under a lot of grinding and an user interface resembling flash games from the early 2000's.
    The game is time consuming to the point that it overstays it's welcome and it would have been a smoother game experience being an illustrated text-based game with a clean UI.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    wow, this was bad
    even on my 3rd attempt to play through, this doesn't get enjoyable at all.
    the core gameplay is a hideous card game which you painfully work through, even when you use cheats
    when it comes to the h part it also falls flat. there are sometimes pictures of the action but most of the time, you wish you didn't just have to read a text with a blank screen.
    couldn't enjoy nothing of this, except the basis of corruption from a strict valkyrie to a morally degenerated whore.... but even there, the execution of that was way to minor
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall a good game, B-tier. I spent about 5 hours but didn't get an ending because it was too much of a grind. I got most of the scenes, except for one which I think was bugged?

    -High quality art and very nice character design
    - Nice outfits and gradual corruption
    -Unique combat/card system
    -Great scenes and text description
    -Lots of fetishes

    -Battles become very long and tedious, way too much grind
    -No audio
    -Have to do 1 battle to unlock 1 new scene, without cheats this is very time-consuming
    -Some dialogue near the end becomes a bit unrealistic

    Full review:

    There isn't really a story, it's more of a backstory adn then its just the MC trying to corrupt the girl. I think it's very well done though, it's slow corruption (due to the lengthy battles, more on that later) which makes it feel slightly more realistic compared to games where the girls switches from naive to slutty super quickly.

    The combat system is very polarising for me. On one hand, it's very creative and unique (at least in my experience) and it was quite fun at the start, especially since you have to change your strategy a lot. But after a few hours of playing the battles, it becomes so fucking tedious. Of course it didn't help that I kinda messed up and progressed gaining glory too quickly (thus increasing the resistance) which made the battles harder and therefore longer. I ended up just using cheats to skip the battles because it became so boring. I only did a battle when I progressed with altering Cass' clothes, because that is reflected during the battle. But yeah, the battles become too boring and too grindy because you have to do 1 battle to unlock 1 scene, which is a really poor design. I do love how as you corrupt Cass, her cards become weaker, and you also unlock sexual cards, which is really such a cool system.

    The character design in this game is great, Cass and her daughter Tiffany are super fucking hot and their scenes are amazing. I do wish it was more than 1 CG per scene, but it's still really good as the text descriptions are great. The art quality is very good, except for the main menu - im not sure why it looks worse than in the actual game. The scenes are really good, especially because there are so many fetishes. I do love the one bestiality scene and the one scene where Tiff drinks cum from the glass. Honestly all the scenes are really good, except for the ones where Emily is like kicking Tiff, that's a bit too much for me. I love the variety of outfits that the characters have, especially with Cass of course. There is some slight inconsistency if you unlock different things first with the outfits, but it doesn't affect me too much. The main issue with the scenes is, as I already mentioned, the low frequency due to having to do 1 battle per scene. With the cheats you can just skip the battles so it's not that bad though.

    Some other issues are that there's no audio, i wouldve loved some moaning during the scenes or just some background music so the game doesn't feel so quiet. I also think some of the dialogue near the end when the girls are super corrupted are a bit unrealistic, one example is with Cass where you tell her to transfer all her money from her banks to you and she just does it? like what amount of blackmail would ever make you do that?

    Overall it's still a good game, with great scenes and art and a unique combat system which is unfortunately too grindy to full enjoy. I would still recommend playing this game, just make sure you turn on the cheats after a few hours so you don't get bored out of your mind.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game rarely mentioned by anyone in any lists, but it's really decent in delivering enjoyable eroge experience as well as in developing corruption, bdsm, blackmail, domination tags. I guess that card deck building gameplay must be too complicated and repellent for alot of players, and most of them gonna fail at first try, but this game worth it. Just try again after lose and focus on how not to lose much of resourses instead of trying to deprive your opponent of it, later you gonna get stronger cards and game will get easier.
    Plot: protagonist blackmailing his hottie opponent at career stairway, corrupting and degrading her in a lewd way and then use her own daughter to brake her completelly. And story is well written, with hella hot scenes. It feels like hand drawn "Insight of you"(other cool game), but more novel-like.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    After the redhead, the main focus of the game, stops being a character and becomes a braindead retard who, in the few moments of clarity, starts sobbing for what her life has become, it stops being sexy, it's... Sad.

    I'm into domination but I would have preferred her becoming a crazy nympho than... That. That's not domination, that's... Just shoot her already, you know?

    In a few word, this game goes too far. Not for the pissing, the forced sex, the prostitution, the dog (glad I could skip that one), but for the disgusting treatment of a human being. Just... Not sexy. Not at all.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Despite the small size of the visuals, this game is, simply put, a porn GAME. Yes, there is porn, yes, this is hot, but the card game is as enjoyable as the porn itself, if not more.
    4/5 out of 5 given the small resolution, but the rest is outstanding.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    After clearing the game, I can say this game is extremely grindy. No because you need to build you deck, that the 'no grindy part'. The reason is because you have get I battle every time you wanna progress. At the end you are trying loss the battle because is faster.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game lets me feel like the crazy bastard that I am.

    At the beginning the card effects difference is simply to high, but as you start undermining her resources and improving your deck, the gap closes and you can take over. And it feels like you're really messing with her mind!

    Also, blackmail is overpowered. Is so easy to obtain and can fuck her over so badly, it feels to easy at times!
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Very grindy.
    This game is just a bunch of pictures behind a grindy gameplay, as some of the reviewers are saying this game is unplayable without cheating.
    I have no idea how this game has a good rating, I've been playing it for 3 hours and achieved nothing but pain in my left hand.
    Story 2/10
    Pictures/graphics 3/10
    gameplay 1/10
    I don't recommend this game.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game…once you use cheats to get over the massive hump at the beginning. What you’re suppose to do is slowly build up power until you’re able to dominate her (physically and mechanically) but to even have a chance is an incredible grind

    To solve this, use cheats and build up your deck and resources until you’re at a comfortable place. Honestly, you could play the whole game with cheats but it will be more like a small chyoa VN (not a complaint)
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    The gameplay mechanics in themselves are actually great, straight up a good like long term card game with an interesting idea, the porn, the scenarios, the entire story, extremely great as well, just top tier corruption game, same tier as like witch trainer
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Shadow Word: Porn

    Lol at all the dudes giving it one star because they can't figure out how to win without cheats. Guys it's really not okay to be this stupid.

    Alright, so the card game. It's very tightly and competently designed, and there are many viable strategies to win. My only complaint is that it's not very dynamic: unlike Slay the Spire, where you have to adapt and play differently against different opponents, your opponent is always going to do the same thing in this one. Sure, some of her cards will get stronger over time, some will get weaker, and they'll come in a different order each time, but ultimately once you've built a deck to beat her that's it, you're basically done, you just need to run your deck against her a bunch of times.

    This is a minor complaint, though, and the process of building your deck up to be a monster (and degrading hers) is a lot of fun.

    As for the sex scenes, I have nothing but praise. There are a lot of them, they are excellently written (excellently written male domination and corruption), and the art is pretty good as well.

    The second half of the game can feel a bit tedius, because you're no longer in any danger of losing but there's still a lot of clicking to be done. But ultimately the game has enough going for it that it still deserves five stars.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I really don't like card games. So this game started out with a huge handicap but god damn I love it!
    There are not a lot of visual components to this so if you are someone that needs a lot of visuals and animations this is not for you. The writing and the setting though, thats what got me going. Trying to survive the early battles while still getting enough leverage on your rival to blackmail them into submission is a very good gameplay mechanic and I salute the developers.
    5/5 would play again
    Likes: mc247
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Damien Stark

    It's honestly great; I feel bad about overlooking it for so long. Plus it's actually COMPLETED, which is practically a miracle. I previously ignored it due to the 3.5 star average and the title pic here, but now that I gave it a shot I've gone and backed their Patreon as it (and the other two from them) impressed me so much. I think this is actually the best of their three games so far.

    Let's get the caveats out of the way first:
    1. If you don't read text, you'll get a lot less out of it. Big lol at the reviewer below claiming "Without cheating you will always lose the entire game" as they obviously didn't read the instructions in the beginning. I've used no cheats and am handily dominating the game, but you have to play very differently at the start and the game tells you that. Also the sex scenes are each one pic (with great art btw) and lots of text. So if you're just spacebarring through the text you're missing out on most of the good stuff.
    2. Similarly, if you don't like gameplay and just want to visual-novel-style click-to-next-scene, you'll also get a lot less out of it. The scenes are great, but so is the gameplay and the way they interact.
    3. It requires a patch to select resolutions other than the tiny default of 1200x600, or complete full screen (which is a bad stretch, as the game is 2x1 aspect not 16x9). Those patches are linked on the main page and easy to install (just pick the one named for the resolution you want, rename it back down to Assembly-CSharp.dll, and replace the file in the game's Data/Managed folder) but if you skipped them and just fired up the game, you may be annoyed that it's small res and not resizable.

    Alright, now getting into the details.

    Gameplay: It's great!
    There's actual gameplay here, which already puts it way ahead of many other "games" on this site. Even the ones that aren't labeled as Visual Novels, the "gameplay" is frequently "choose which place to go so you can play the next scene, repeat scenes X number of times", but this has an actual card game that interacts with six separate resources.

    There's a lot to like about the card game. There's a large number of cards, each upgradeable to 3 different versions. There's a couple different viable strategies/decks to lead you to victory. The card art is simple but fun, and they're themed well to match the story. But it does two really standout things:

    One is that it starts you off at a real disadvantage, forcing you to play a completely different strategy. For the early game, your focus will not be on winning, but rather on minimizing how much Work/Glory she earns in each battle and conserving your resources to build up your strength to a point where you can start winning. This teaches you to really engage with the various resource mechanics (her Work is what converts to Glory when she wins, your Work can convert into the resources you need when you lose) and creates a real sense of progress as you improve - not just "I do +10% damage" but "I can actually play the game differently now"

    The other is that progress you make in the corruption/sex/story path actually interacts directly with the mechanics of the card battles. As you make progress corrupting your rival, it actually weakens the cards that she plays. It also opens up Allies for you to recruit and new card options. However as you gain Glory and near victory, it forces her to step up her game and compete, preventing a complete steamroll to victory as soon as you start to win a little. This sort of interaction between the sex content and the gameplay mechanics is so rare that it made me want to call it out and write this review.

    Sex/Story Content: Also great!
    Of course that's subjective. As I alluded at the beginning, they're each a single static image and lots of text. So if you came in expecting animations or little text and lots of pics, this is not that. There's three main characters you have sex scenes with, two of which are redheads with green eyes and C/D cups, the third has brown hair and A cups. So if those don't do it for you, don't keep playing expecting Asian MILF with GGs to suddenly emerge later in the story.

    YMMV, but I think the writing is excellent. Many of the other games here seem like they were shoddily translated from other languages, or written by 14 year-olds. I understand this is made by a husband-and-wife team, and the writing quality shows and is much appreciated. The corruption story (and this seems to be a theme in all three of their games) is between you and a vicious rival, not some helpless victim. It feels a bit like Valmont and Merteuil in Dangerous Liasons, engaged in a sexual competition with occasional cruelty, which helps make some of the domination feel more like "all's fair in love and war" rather than "am I the baddie?"

    Several of the scenes include the women interacting with other men or women as part of the corruption path, so this is where a lot of readers just screeched "NTR, reeeeeeee!" and closed the tab. That said, those paths are clearly labeled, so you can avoid playing the "Contacts" or "Shared" paths.

    Lastly there's a lot of it. A lot. If we exclude the small text-only encounters found exploring the map, each main "scene" is a really nice handmade 2D art shot (no Daz or Honey Select here) and a sizable text description. There are NINETY ONE of those scenes, plus the endings. I counted.

    Anyway, if none of the caveats have driven you off by now, please give it a shot. I was very pleasantly surprised.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    loved the game!

    its a true game with game mechanics and a darn good corruption story!

    its not for everyone since you must plan ahead and prepare for the battles but as stated that`s what makes it fun!
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    To start it off, I don't mind that it's mostly text based since there are some CG to keep the player entertained and the art itself is mostly good. My gripe comes comes from the gameplay mainly and the whole grindyness of it, even tho I'll admit that makes the corruption very sparse and well paced. I just wish there were more engaging minigames rather than clicking on various town markers and run out of resources. The corruption content btw is pretty nice and well thought out, only problem with it is it feels a bit unfinished interms of what is shown as it goes on. Some of the midgame multistaged scenes don't have separate CG illustrations when the writing itself goes from once scenario to other. A very few do which is what enticed me but then left me blueballed when i expected the same from other multi part scenarios of that nature. Seems to me the game is sitting at a 1.0 atm. I hope the more fans show enough interest that the creator decides to come back and maybe redo and or add some more scenes. Cass and Tiff are maybe two of the hottest characters the creator has written and illustrated so far. I really love Cass' design and want to see more of her.
    Also forgot to mention but the mother-daughter threesome scenes left a lot to be desired IMO.