
Jan 21, 2020
How could people win this shit?

In the beginning it's impossible to win. So just loose and save your money/energy to use in the afternoon on training to raise your stats and buy new cards. It takes quite a bit of grinding but once you've built up a good deck -(and lowered the power of Cassandra's cards by corrupting her and her daugter)- it becomes much, much, easier to beat her. Literally, in the late game the roles reverse and it is almost impossible for her to beat you.


Jul 20, 2017
When you are winning it goes on for ever. There fore its impossible to win. Should be a set number on rounds, not a continuous hell.


Jan 21, 2020
Biggest load of shit ending ever!

It doesn't even come close to the way Soldier's Life ended, or Corrupting The Priestess.

I was expecting something like the train wreck ending with Cassandra stripping and spreading her ass on live TV!

Or like some of the crazy stuff he had the priestess do at the end of Corrupting The Priestess (For example making the priestess give a naked sermon in front of her own congregation!).

I mean come on it's Pyorgara we're talking about here ;)

But nah, it looks like the dude's gone soft!

Oh and just in case anyone was wondering, there is obviously no art done for any of the endings yet either.

It really is a shame that he could allow such a great game to fizzle out on such a whimper!

P.S. 01
Glad I'm not a patron of this game or I'd have been super pissed right now (like I'm talking, banging by head against the walls pissed, especially considering all the recent delays)!

P.S. 0.2
Sorry if this seems like a bit of a rant -(well I guess it kinda is but I hope it mostly comes across as a review haha)- and as I can't send Pyorgara a P.M. on patreon, since I refuse to take up a pledge simply to vent my frustration, I hope he'll at least see this at some point and take some of it into consideration.

I also like to think that it could prove helpful to anyone who may be undecided on whether or not to play the endings now, or wait for the art and then play. Well you may as well wait for the art because as it stands you're not missing much anyway. Plus,
he did say he may tweak the game here and there as the new art comes in. So let’s just hope he gives the lacklustre endings an overhaul too.

P.S. 0.3
Last but certainly not least, believe it or not, I'm actually a huge fan of Pyorgara's work! His writing is on par with (and perhaps even a few notches above) the top adult game developers out there. News Desk was the first of Pyorgara's games that I discovered and although it had not yet been finish, I liked what there was of it so much, that I gave Soldier's Life a bash. And I liked that so much that I even broke my number one rule of adult games (no text only games) to play Corrupting The Priestess. Low and behold I loved that too, even in spite of the lack of a single CG in the whole game!

And believe it or not, it was impossible not achieve a release ;) while playing CTP. Despite the lack of art, CTP may even have been his best work to date! That said the lack of art in Corrupting The Priestess really did let the game down too. I mean, although it did shatter my conviction that text only games are a complete waste of time, had it been packed with well-drawn art (and the same goes for all his games in truth) it would easily be up there with the greatest adult games of all time!

I cannot stress this enough, if that game only had art and the games of his that do have art, had like ten times the art they currently have, I'd -(and I'm sure this goes for many others too)- have taken up a pledge to support Pyorgara long ago! (If you're reading this Pyrgara, sorry to say it but that's the truth!). What Pyorgara really needs is to bring a full-time dedicated and more importantly, competent artist on board with his projects, who can keep up with his pace of writing (Either that, or just invest in a decent rig and learn how to use Daz 3D, it's really not that hard and it takes no artistic skill whatsoever to use, as all of the assets come ready made and can even be found for free on many websites with a little digging!). Then and only then, could he hope to draw in the people currently sitting on the fence, as to whether or not they should support him on patreon.

I mean, in truth, there is not much difference between what he does, compared with games like Four Elements Trainer, or let's say any of Akabur’s games, or creators like Oni (to name but a few) but they are pulling in way more on Patreon and the main reason for that is, they either are themselves, or have dedicated, competent, full-time artists on their respective teams (and perhaps another potential reason being that they draw on the respective fan bases of their respective parodies. However even in this regard it still comes down to good art, as there are many parodies out there with lame art that receive nowhere near the same level of support!). The main take away from this review (Cough.. Pyorgara.. Cough..) is people come to an adult game for good story but they keep coming back to an adult game for good art!


Jul 27, 2017
Biggest load of shit ending ever!

It doesn't even come close to the way Soldier's Life ended, or Corrupting The Priestess.

I was expecting something like the train wreck ending with Cassandra stripping and spreading her ass on live TV!

Or like some of the crazy stuff he had the priestess do at the end of Corrupting The Priestess (For example making the priestess give a naked sermon in front of her own congregation!).

I mean come on it's Pyorgara we're talking about here ;)

But nah, it looks like the dude's gone soft!

Oh and just in case anyone was wondering, there is obviously no art done for any of the endings yet either.

It really is a shame that he could allow such a great game to fizzle out on such a whimper!
Garrick wasn't trying to get Cassandra fired just reduce her influence, stripping on live TV would do that and potentially get the TV Studio sued which could've possibly left Garrick without a job if the Studio closed down due to the lawsuit or something, Soldier's Life & Corrupting The Priestess were based in time periods/worlds were the MC could get away with getting the women to do things so publicly, this game was based on a version of our world and our laws.
I actually enjoyed seeing Garrick toe the line between making Cassandra into a slut without endangering his own career or hers.
It's not that Pyorgara has gone soft it's just that when you use a world with a close (or exact) version of our laws and attitudes to slutty behaviour you have to be more careful with the scenes otherwise people playing the game could call him out on how you couldn't get away with certain things in real life and he can't say it's based in a different society like he could with his previous games.
I can understand though after playing his other 2 games that you'd want to see Cassandra do similar things to them cause that would be hot.
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May 17, 2018
so... how do i get the ending? i'm using an old save and nothing new shows

nevermind, just had to turn off auto-skip battles
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Oct 20, 2016
Not for me, seems impossible to win no matter the plays and from reading here it's one of those where you are actually supposed to lose. Well losing still feels like losing and it grinds my gears after awhile, even in the most punishing/grindy JRPGs you still beat up easy enemies to get some feeling of accomplishment and I'm not really interested in spending 2 hours doing just that or looking up a walkthrough for how to be the "biggest loser" and yes, reference intended.


Sep 16, 2016
Biggest load of shit ending ever!

It doesn't even come close to the way Soldier's Life ended, or Corrupting The Priestess.

I was expecting something like the train wreck ending with Cassandra stripping and spreading her ass on live TV!
They aren't working on porn TV news parody. Sorry for being rude but seems your kink is more purely public humiliation then breaking girls into submission / corrupting them. Nothing wrong with it but don't forget that everyone have it's own tastes :p

Either that, or just invest in a decent rig and learn how to use Daz 3D, it's really not that hard and it takes no artistic skill whatsoever to use
Hell, no! No, no, no! While 3D-software like DAZ is a passable source of art in everyday "romance fuck that girl / multiple girls" it's still looking bad. Every scene with a long hairs is soaking with being done with a plastic doll, every animation (especially not "default" one) is obvious fake. And as we're speaking about corruption/submission games - we can't go without exotic poses and moves :sneaky:

To be honest I would prefer EratohoK text-only craziness to 3D software "animations" in 99% of games here. If only devs have enough self-consistence to stick with pure images, as it's possible to make them not screaming "3D-software cheap plastics"! But, yean, "animations" acquire more attention > more fans > more money from donations. Sad but true.


Jan 21, 2020
Garrick wasn't trying to get Cassandra fired just reduce her influence, stripping on live TV would do that and potentially get the TV Studio sued which could've possibly left Garrick without a job if the Studio closed down due to the lawsuit or something, Soldier's Life & Corrupting The Priestess were based in time periods/worlds were the MC could get away with getting the women to do things so publicly, this game was based on a version of our world and our laws.
I actually enjoyed seeing Garrick toe the line between making Cassandra into a slut without endangering his own career or hers.
It's not that Pyorgara has gone soft it's just that when you use a world with a close (or exact) version of our laws and attitudes to slutty behaviour you have to be more careful with the scenes otherwise people playing the game could call him out on how you couldn't get away with certain things in real life and he can't say it's based in a different society like he could with his previous games.
I can understand though after playing his other 2 games that you'd want to see Cassandra do similar things to them cause that would be hot.

Actually, she does get fired at the end and right from the outset of the game we're told that either Garrick or Cassandra would be losing their job so, yea he pretty much was trying to get her fired ;)

I see your point but while stripping on live TV would certainly land Cassandra in hot water, (but since she was pretty much on her way out the door anyway) it would be a piece of cake for the studio to simply say they fired her due to her mental break down on live TV and distance themselves from the whole affair :)

Besides as a player I'm not interested in how the studio, or any of the characters (for that matter) deal with the fallout.
I'm only interested in seeing the fun stuff happen. Plus if it was so based on reality -(though it is sadly not reflected in the late game artwork)- let's not forget that Garrick has already made her go braless, with so many buttons on her blouse left open and 'as much areola showing as possible', not to mention pantiless in a belt skirt, on live TV and if we are to take the pictures shown in game as reflective of how the studio actually looks, then, there is clearly no front panel on the news desk she sits behind, which means, Cassandra has already been flashing her pussy on live TV. While neither her not the studio were ever reprimanded for it in the game (This would already have gotten her fired in real life!). Then there are the card battles, which if I'm not mistaken, are only placeholders for what are in fact debates of some kind, they also take place inside the studio on live TV and in the card battles (studio debates) he makes her give blowjobs, flash her tits and so on. Taking all of this into account, I'm quite sure that the reality Pyorgara has constructed around the game could survive seeing Cassandra follow through with what clearly seemed to be the natural progression of the game and finally go all the way in front of her viewers on live TV! :)

And yea you are absolutely right, after playing his two previous games that's, not only, exactly what I've come to expect but also the main reason I play them!
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Jan 21, 2020
They aren't working on porn TV news parody. Sorry for being rude but seems your kink is more purely public humiliation then breaking girls into submission / corrupting them. Nothing wrong with it but don't forget that everyone have it's own tastes :p

Hell, no! No, no, no! While 3D-software like DAZ is a passable source of art in everyday "romance fuck that girl / multiple girls" it's still looking bad. Every scene with a long hairs is soaking with being done with a plastic doll, every animation (especially not "default" one) is obvious fake. And as we're speaking about corruption/submission games - we can't go without exotic poses and moves :sneaky:

To be honest I would prefer EratohoK text-only craziness to 3D software "animations" in 99% of games here. If only devs have enough self-consistence to stick with pure images, as it's possible to make them not screaming "3D-software cheap plastics"! But, yean, "animations" acquire more attention > more fans > more money from donations. Sad but true.

Haha good point :) but 3D-software like Daz is no less realistic than hand drawn images. I still think both are great and really nice to look at, in spite of being obviously fake. In some cases the fact that it's fake can be even nicer to look at than real life porn, because if you've ever seen a Public Disgrace video the girls always look disgusting by about half way through a shoot.
But with fake stuff such as Daz 3D or hand drawn the women are usually still drop dead gorgeous even by the end of a marathon session ;)

Oh and yea, my thing is pretty much public humiliation, which is something I've come to expect from Pyorgara! If you're not really into it than that's cool and you might not be too pissed off with how things ended. :)

''They aren't working on porn TV news parody."

Obviously! that's why it would be so hot to see it happen ;)

If they were working on porn TV news it would take all the fun out of it and you wouldn't even care if she didi it or not, since she would already be a shameless pornstar. The whole reason why it would be so hot to see is for the shock factor of seeing a well respected celebrity news hostess debasing herself so publicly on a genuine, reputable, news station for the first time and not to mention the shame factor involved, as she understands full well that her respect, dignity and career are up in smoke as she's doing it, yet does it anyway in spite of the visible shame on her face ;)
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May 19, 2017
I can't get Tiffany to show up, or the 3rd card under Mind Card to unlock. Every other row is complete to the end. What's the trigger for Tiffany and the mind card?
3.80 star(s) 82 Votes