Unity - Completed - News Desk [v1.01] [Pyorgara]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    Pyorgara's games all suffer from the same flaw - boring gameplay. They're grindy, repetitive, luck based, and generally annoying to drag your way through. However, they're also very well written with a real eye for corruption. I haven't played too many games which do better jobs of showing a girl's fall from grace to utter debasement.

    News Desk is no exception. It's grindy, repetitive, and suffers from a lot of behind the scenes dice rolling. However, it's worth a play if you can drag yourself through the slog just for the corruption scenes.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    If you don't enjoy Visual Novels, this game isn't worth playing.

    There's also way too much damn grinding, even though the content is well done. Not a lot of CGs, but what's there looks great and I really do wish there was more art. The writing's well done and if you enjoy reading a lot of text, you'll probably love this game. Especially if you love corruption games.

    This game would be a solid 5 if the grinding and gameplay wasn't so infuriating to experience. Be prepared to read the same exact random encounter over and and over and over and-
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    The writing is pretty great, better than I expected. There are some great ideas and character moments in there. The eroticism is top notch too.

    The card gameplay is okay, not intuitive, but can be fun if you learn it. The worst part is the stuff between the gameplay, the management part that just ends up being mindless grind like a clicker game almost.

    A star is taken off for the bad technology with the tiny res images and aspect ratio.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    It's pretty fucking good. Look, yes the art isn't the best in the world but it's passable. As a person who really enjoys the game aspect of porn games sometimes VNs just don't do it for me. Sometimes you have to struggle through a game while barely getting any reward, only for something to click in your head and succeed. Only other two issues is the speed of actions during the card phase is slow and you can't resize the borders.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    This game was a lot better then I had anticipated it to be. The H-Scenes are amazing and the corruption is basically perfection. The only thing that drags this game down is the pacing of the game. The gameplay itself is really fun and its not bad at all its unique and fun to play through. It just takes a lot of grinding which is what the problem is. If the game was less grindy it would be a perfect 5 stars. I highly recommend this game and just use cheats once you feel it has become to grindy.
  6. 4.00 star(s)

    Pretentious Goblin

    The gameplay is actually some of the best I've seen in an ero-game, but with a caveat: it's poorly-paced and grindy. You'll spend most of your time in time trading resources through random events, it goes on way too long if you want to be efficient and in the end it feels like you're only forced to stop trading resources when RNGsus decides you've had enough Energy-boosting events. This part of the gameplay sucks.

    The card game, on the other hand, is good stuff, as is the deckbuilding aspect. These could have been great if not for the tedious stuff in between, and the fact that you will probably get to a point where you can win consistently and end the game long, long before you see all the ero-content. My experience with the game was a fun first few hours, grinding aside, until I finally managed to get the upper hand over Cassandra (through deckbuilding, unlocking allies and weakening her deck), at which point I realized I could win the game in 3 more turns, with dozens of scenes left to be seen. So I cheated to skip the card game, but then it just became a matter of clicking through the sex scenes, which isn't nearly as rewarding as when I had to work for it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The best written trainer game out there. If you are into dom/sub dynamics you will love almost every Pyorgara game and this one is the best one of them so far. The whole battling with cards gameplay is interesting and fun when you start the game but can get boring or too hard pretty fast. But you can cheat so that's no problem. The sex scenes and corruption on the other hand are one of the best from start to finish. I just can't recomend this game enough.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is good. But it's so far from perfect.

    There are three major components to almost every h-game. The game mechanics aspect, the writing, and the porn. News Desk manages to have some brilliant elements in each category, and then it has some mediocrity too.

    So let's start with the game mechanics. There are two major sections to play with, the card game and the resource management sim + trainer. The card game is absolutely brilliant. And the sim part is an absolute grindfest. The main catch of the card game is that at different stages of the game you play two different games with the same rules. You start with an underpowered deck and you are supposed to lose. The most clever and honestly quite unusual feature is that while losing you are supposed to minimize your strategic losses until you build a deck that can reliably win while staying solvent. If that sounds confusing, imagine your opponent plays chess, and you play anti-chess (giveaway chess) until you are ready for regular chess. Oh, and there's no AI, so it's not really chess and anti-chess, but more like solitaire and anti-solitaire. Still, it's absolutely brilliant from a game design perspective. One ruleset, two very different games to play.

    And then there's the sim part. Which is absolutely boring. Six districts filled with boring random events that you must grind again, and again. About 20-30 times per day to be exact. You can unlock one new training step per day, and there are 50+36+5 training scenes, so that's a shit-ton of grinding to do. The sheer amount is exacerbated by the randomness of each district. It's very frustrating.

    On to writing. It's brilliant. It's one of the very few trainers that actually delves deep into the girl's emotions during scenes (the game uses multiple 3rd person POV narration) and that's awesome. Too bad, this isn't really a trainer, it's a linear narration of training, gated behind some resources. Man, that sucks. But, at least there's a lot of scenes in the progression, 50 for the main character, 24+5 for the secondary girl, and 12 for the optional tertiary, so quite a lot all things considered.

    Now, the porn. The writing, again, is excellent when it comes to description of emotions. The lust, the humiliation, the resistance, and the inevitable descent into submission, it's all there in glorious detail. It's one of the best written training stories out there. But when it comes to the "mechanical" part of the sex scene, as in what sexy bits go where it's unbelievably bland, and the accompanying images aren't good enough to remedy that. (There's also no VA, no music, no SFX). This is especially evident in porn with throwaway characters. They get no emotional investment and their scenes fall extremely flat. "He put his dick in and she came", yay, sexy.

    So. I recommend you try this game, but be aware of its shortfalls. Use cheats if you suck at the solitaire part, no shame in that in my opinion.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    I just did not enjoy the game in any regard, but I feel bad rating it this low as it obviously has had some effort put into it. It's basically a Hearthstone or Yu-Gi-Oh or MTG or Pokemon style card game with H mixed in. You and your coworker are gunning for the same job, you both have connections and you both are perfectly okay fucking the other over.

    Your deck starts out shitty, and her deck starts out awesome. As you claw your way into the advantage through corruption interactions with your coworker (via having enough blackmail) or her daughter (via... progressing with mom enough?) that balance starts to change. Each working day is a new battle with your coworker, and the winner inches closer and closer to winning the role. Will you be able to take the lead in time?

    It's a neat idea, it just when I am playing an H game, I am not trying to figure out how to min/max some card game. The H themes are good, I like the corruption and models are attractive and such, but damn I don't have much time to enjoy them as I'm just trying to figure out how to beat this bitch. The H content is lacking, imo. At best you get an image per event. A single image a day. It kind of sucks.

    I ended up just using the cheats because I was getting owned. The card game is either well thought out, requiring some expertise on your behalf to succeed, or I'm an idiot... which I could be an idiot. As I said I hate to give this game this rating, but this is just the exact opposite of what I'm looking for in an H game. I'm not looking to get wrapped up in tedious game mechanics. I'm looking for H content with some interaction.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    (Review for v0.25)

    One of the best corruption games on this entire site. It's right up there with all the other greats that you already know.

    Don't be dissuaded by the version number, there is a LOT of content here and this game feels very feature complete. My only complaint is that the card game could use a wider variety of cards, but that's a minor nitpick all things considered.

    If you like corruption games, play this one today. You won't regret it!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This is easily one of the best written NSFW games out there. Excellent progression and expertly written sex scenes. Wish all the secondary characters had art already, as they make the whole world feel believable, but I'm sure they'll come in a future update. For players, Corrupting the Priestess is also a must if you like this. For the devs, keep up the good work!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyed the concept to this game and wish there were more like it. The writing of the game was also well done and enjoyed the story. Thanks for the clever creation and look forward to seeing more with original artwork!
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    There is a lot to like with this game. The artwork is solid and I like the gameplay a lot. It's not easy as it took me several attempts before I figured out the best strategy and I appreciated the challenge.

    Nice artwork and a solid story. If you are into humiliation and corruption, this game is for you and the gameplay is hard enough the player can easily transfer their frustration to the MC's nemisis. It makes it easy to not like her.

    There are also regular updates and good communication from the developer.

    Way too grindy. I am good with grind, but the amount in this was crazy.

    The battles were too repetitive. You spend a lot of time in the battles and they get really boring after a while.

    Also, while the events to find cards and other items are cool, they are extremely random. Having a store to purchase some of these items would have been a better option IMO.

    The worst part, however, is the end game. I had finally gone through all of the Cassandra, Tiffany and Emily visits, saved a ton of money and built up a lot of blackmail and I started making the final push. It takes forever to earn glory and suddenly Cassandra starts fighting back and she is able to make several improvements on some of the cards. As far as I can tell, there is no way to counter these cards other than having to deal with the new stats in the battles. At this point, however, your MC is on an inevitable march to victory and these new changes just stretch the game out even more.

    On the surface, adding more hurdles to require some change to your strategy seems like a good idea, but by the time I made it this far, I was so bored and ready to get to the ending that these changes did nothing but piss me off.

    It also didn't make sense. At this point, I had completely broken her and her daughter. Adding some additional fight this late in the game seemed a little silly.

    I would like to have given this 3.5 stars but I rounded up to 4 as I didn't want to penalize the developer for all of their hard work. It is also not the final version as I am assuming they are continuing to add CGs. If you are looking for something different with some strategy and actual game play, give it a try. If you are looking for something you can skip through to the good parts, then move along as there is nothing to see here.

    Personally, I am glad I played it and I am looking forward to the final version.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed it... for the most part (v0.22).

    The writing is easily the game's strongest aspect - very depraved stuff as far as corruption tales go. Absolutely loved the progression of Cassandra's fall from grace. Really can't give it enough praise.

    The card game makes the game feel like an actual game in the sense that you have to put some thought into it in order to win. However, it suffers a major problem in that there's a set strategy which effectively invalidates every single one of Cassandra's cards. Once you figure it out, gameplay becomes irrelevant as you can literally ignore everything on Cassandra's side of the table and spam cards for a one-turn victory. Every time. At that point, the game gets a bit annoying as you find yourself repeatedly sitting through a bunch of paint by numbers clicking in-between every scene.

    The CGs are kind of a sore point for me. The ones that exist are great but there are quite a few inconsistencies. For one, Cassandra's progression doesn't line up with her card game avatar and her post-game desk scene. The first few changes are reflected but many are not - the garter belt, her thong, bra, jacket/blouse, and ultimately panties... none of them are accounted for during the card game or the desk scene (as appropriate), which was a bit jarring. Even her sprite doesn't fully reflect all of the changes - she still wears her jacket after agreeing to no longer wear the jacket, and being dressed in a maid outfit when the text is telling you she's wearing a bunny suit is just awkward.

    Additionally, the lack of CGs among the various ending scenes within each of the trees was disappointing. The final scenes were all incredibly hot and I would have expected that, if nothing else, all of those final scenes would have had CGs prioritized. I guess not. The writing still carries the scenes somewhat but I'd say it might be a borderline boner killer for some people. It does seem like they are still releasing new CGs even with the game being "completed", so maybe at some point every single scene will have associated CG, but it's still a bit strange to me that the game was announced finished with some of the most important scenes in the game (to my mind) lacking in such a way.

    All in all, definitely worth checking out.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    I am trying really hard to love this game but with the current randomness of gameplay it's really difficult. While not a casino roulette or national lottery, this really is a game of chance, with a set of rules a bit too complex for what basically should be a sexual corruption fapper.

    The initial odds are stacked sky high against the player and it will take a newcomer some time to grasp all the stats/points and scoring system (influence, work, energy, money, glory and blackmail). Yes, there are six of those and you need to balance them all in order not to lose first of all and then maybe, if RNG gods permit, start winning. And you do this by playing cards against your opponent, but to make it even more arcane your deck of cards is completely different from hers, with you having 5 dealt each time and her only 3. Are you with me still?

    While you can upgrade your cards to make them more efficient in the post-battle stage of the game when you wander around town visiting various districts, you still need to get some extra cards if you're ever going to undermine your opponent's influence and work and stop her from gaining glory (if she collects 1000 glory points, it's game over). And you have to chance upon these cards in the town and then pay for them with money or energy or blackmail. This can become so frustrating as you lose energy every time you look around an area in hope of finding badly needed goodies and the outcomes may vary, from meeting a beggar asking for money through replenishing energy, finding money or work to actually finding what you were looking for. With such heave reliance on good luck, it's not easy to strategize and progress further from the early stage of losing your battles but still gaining work/money to actually winning and stripping your foe off her achievements, one piece of garment, pride and inhibition at a time. Yes, the game is grindy and you probably need hundreds of card battles to get what you really came for (or want to come from).

    The reward is the same as in any other corruption game, the perverted spectacle of controlled fall from grace down to whore gutters. And the game and its author really deliver in this department, with story writing at a deliciously debauched level, as in their previous games (which were, though still grindy, much easier to play). There's not a lot of graphic content, so you'll have to read through cum-stained walls of text to get your blood flowing and the fact that you're unable to change the game's resolution or font size does not help. Hence the (reluctant) four stars, though I'd give it 3 and a half if it was possible. If the final version balances out the odds or reduces randomness of bonuses, then I will reconsider my review.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Mr. Camouflaged

    Just amazing. This is one of those gems rarerly found in porn/sexually oriented games. I started playing it at around 0.15 and I was charmed.

    Storywise, well though of, simply- it is exceptional. Probably one thing that sets it apart from other stories is that it gives a kind of sense that this story is somewhat plausible. It kind of effects you in a way that you know its a game but you really cant shake that feeling that it could be a real story (with a few exceptions on some events) and it is therefore more entertaining. This effect is somewhat reduced at later parts of the story but it is still present.
    Very original, I can't think of another game like it (when you exclude the genre and general gameplay which are too basic aspects to be original). Mostly the story is unique (if you think about it , it is something that someone else can easly think of, but the fact is there is no story like it developed, that I know of).
    The art is looking simplistic but it is definetely satisfying, there could be more content included.
    Gameplay is simplistic but well balanced. As a presonal note: I find it lovely that the game starts out more dificult and it gets easier later after you have your character more developed. Overall great balance on the dificulty curve for this game when you think of gameplay linked to the story.
    Contentwise it is really simplistic and looking barebones, but still satisfying.
    Greatest thing about this game is that it has a very strong foundation and potential. Compared to other games, this one really develops well and you can't notice any negative trends which are common for games being developed over a long period of time (fact is , developers somehow get disconnected from what their original idea is, here there is no such thing).
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best games on F95, no doubt. I have my problems with it, but they don't detract from the otherwise stellar effort put forward by Pyorgara.

    The game is fairly simple. Every day you play a game against your rival Cassandra. You're dealt 5 cards every round while she's dealt 3 cards every round. Each of the cards have costs and benefits, which you'll have to juggle in order to win the game.

    One of the things I like most about this game is the shifting goals as the game progresses. Early in the game, your primary goal is to just lose gracefully. Minimize her work/glory gains, maximize your energy/money/blackmail gains. It works very well to provide the player with a feeling of being the underdog, trying to fight back against a behemoth threatening to overwhelm you. Mid game, your goals change. Now you're starting to win, so you need to get rid of your "lose gracefully" deck and start preparing your "win totally" deck. This means making sure you have enough influence to survive her attacks while also having enough attacks to hurt her influence. Then you change to the late game, your goals change to not caring about her work/glory, but instead focus on really hording your money and blackmail to absolutely destroy Cassandra. You might also find yourself in the same position I was in where I was trying to properly control my own glory gains so that I could complete my corruption of Cassandra and her daughter. It really is fun, even if some of the cards are pretty worthless(you mean I can spend 15 blackmail to get rid of 10 of her influence or I can spend 10 blackmail to get rid of 10 of her influence? Where do I sign up?). Ultimately, most have purpose in your deck and really give you a sense of accomplishment.

    As for the porn content, there's a lot of it. In fact, there might actually be too much porn for the gameplay. The card game, though very well designed, does get boring after your 100th match, especially when you're able to blow through all her defenses with ease and stop caring entirely about special events. I was at the point where I was considering myself "poor" when I had less than $1,000. I was able to easily get over 200 work in a single day, but still had to hold back because I wasn't done corrupting everyone. It got kind of annoying to continue with the charade.

    Still, phenominal game.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Another great game by pyorgara. The writing is superb. I liked the setting even more than the one in corrupting the princess. Also more characters to corrupt is always nice. I wished the harem ending was a bit longer though
    Likes: LTT82
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the game a lot. And by that I mean both the card game and the porn game aspect.

    The card game is quite well balanced and thought out for an ero-game. I also like the fetishes covered (mostly the corruption and dom/sub theme), and the dialogue and other text is written well enough. The art, especially in the CGs, is good as well.

    There are a few things I dont like, but those did not prevent me from having several hours of fun with the game. Negative points in no particular order:
    - Card games can be lenghty, and you always have "porn scene > card game > porn scene > card game", which is confusing my body. My blood has to switch from being in my dick to going up to my brain all the time.
    - While the art is good, it can be quite sparse. Many scenes only have character sprites. This might be due to the game being still in development and the large number of scenes with only one artist, so there is still some hope on my end.
    - Some aspects of the programming/UI design are less than ideal. There is no scroll back for dialogue, large parts of the game dont give access to the save/load function (forcing you restart the game instead to load) and I have overwritten many a savegame I wanted to load.

    Still, I like the game a lot and it offers a ton of playtime. It also actually feels like a "game" and not just like a digital book/cartoon hybrid.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Still in development, the card system in battles are alright. While you cannot win in the beginning, there is a nice sense of progression as you gradually are able to do more are more during the battles, what with the card unlocks and upgrades.
    The progression with your antagonistic coworker is really nice, with the progression from powerful individual to helpless slut represented well with a corresponding decrease in the power of her cards.
    There is a cheat system, though I think its still for patrons only. Personally never felt the game needed cheats, though an option to skip the card game would be appreciated.