RPGM - Completed - Nightmare Knight ~Holy Knight and the Magic of Lust~ [v2.00] [urayama-ya]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    There will never be another game like this. Perhaps there will be as the same developer is working on a new game. But this game hits different.
    Art is 10/10.
    Story is 10/10.
    Gameplay is 9/10.
    Grinding in game and H-scenes are well balanced.
    Highly recommended to buy this one if you like it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Very Strong game.

    The voicework is great, and the battlefuck is just enough for it to be enjoyable. So far the pacing seems fine as well as the scenes. My only issue is sometimes the sound effects are louder than the voices, but that doesn't happen often nor does it take away from the game.

    Story is so so, it's a hentai game after all, but it is refreshing to see the character not be completely dumb innocent. They have wants, the corruption plays well into that, and it is overall very satisfying to play as them.

    The reason vs desire mechanic is kinda meh. It gives the illusion of a chance meter but in reality you have plenty of reaction time to choose. This, however, is to its benefit. You can cater your own experience how you like within each scenario. At least until desire takes the whole bar.

    I was looking for games involving battlefuck mechanics, and this game adds that and a little more. Highly recommend ^^
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Very weak game.:confused:

    3 stars only for beatifull art style,charming main heroine and solid voice acting.
    Sounds here the best by far!

    There are a many questionably things like;

    -Reason/Desire system look like prototype and not really affect on gameplay..Debauchery mode also not affect and trigger only one ending..What a waste.

    -Cant go in dungeons with outfits.Why? :unsure:

    -Corruption soooo slow and not show up inner changes in girl mind and behavior.It only "grindwall" for next H-ivents.
    BUT her personality staying the same,and like no reflections to things she's doing despite by she has beloving mate Jazz.

    -In 80% of all sex scenes participates world famous bald assasin.Good job 47!
    But what if Iam not fan of him like Urayama-san? :FacePalm:It's shady empty eyes and sinister grin..Creepy as hell!

    Also game is laggy and sometimes text repeating Idk.maybe i had flaw version.Overal this product feel like
    powerpoint presentention and less like actuall game.It's as if the author has grabed popylar things from everywhere..
    But all of this did not stick together in something good.I dont feel SOUL in this.
    So dont waste your time - beatifull girl is a BAIT!o_O
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    TL;DR - Decent little game, but has some flaws

    This game does a very good job of offering variety in the scenarios the character finds herself in and a well put together combat system. However, this game does get held back by not having built in English translation for all portions (insert the joke about Americans being lazy here) as well as the lack of meaningful consequences for your corruption. Speaking of the corruptions, I don't know if the AI English scripting explains this or not, but its kinda tricky to figure out how to progress specific lewd events like the one for the guard barracks. Not to mention if you miss more than 2 events, It's extremely difficult to get the lewd points going forward in the story. Aside form these minor complaints, I really enjoy this game and wish there were more scenes and interactions. Personally, I feel like more vagrant actions should occur during the day and the ocean town is extremely barren. I hope this person keeps making games and I look forward to their future work.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Originality - 80%
    Renders - 80%
    Playability - 90%
    Performance - 90%
    Bugs free - 90%
    Animations - 50%
    Amount of content - 80 %

    Total - 80%

    Some minor problems with translations, there are a bits of japaneese left, but otherwise pretty solid games with lot of costumes. Unfortunately you can only use only one in battles, but you can use them all for most of the scenes. Game took me some time to finish, and I didn't know I can upgrade my attacks untill I hit S by mistake, so from that point it went way faster. Too bad the art is censored though :(
  6. 5.00 star(s)



    Its pretty slow at the beginning but when you get to the point when you unlock some h events, minigames, clothes and other stuff it gets fun to play. At the end h scenes gets kinda repetitive tho.
    Progression i would say its 4/5 since there are some weird requirements in some events.
    FMC is 5/5 hot af.
    (Spoiler: dungeon bosses gets revived everyday, so if you want to grind some levels and money, is good to kill those bosses (and use the recovery orb) )

    Worth playing
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I don't review games on here at all, and I haven't felt like I wanted to review anything in particular, but for some reason this game really did inspire me to come in here and talk about it.

    As far as my own RPGM experience goes, I've played and tried close to 50ish and maybe finished 20-25% of all of them. Some of them basically a start and a stop because of some sort of lacking in fetish, annoying game mechanic, bad RPG balancing, silly story, or just an unlikeable protagonist.

    Believe it or not, even for RPGM games, I'm a story > porn type of player. I have very specific fetishes, and this game only caters to 1 of them. I look for restraint, bondage, and combat struggle mechanics in terms of fetish content. Unfortunately, most of those fetishes in RPGM games aren't often written into the story well enough. So this game kinda didn't even feature on my radar until I saw the reviews which were all favorable.

    I got hooked from the start straight up. Didn't realize that I would until I really was already 6-8 hours into the game. My current save file is 28 hours long. I took my time, exploring and playing a virgin route as my first (and so far only playthrough). So I can only speak to the strengths of the actual game and story and not the sexual content since I decided not experience it.

    Even despite being a porn game first and foremost, the game actually does have some interesting things to offer. I liked Rain's dedication to romance. I enjoyed the various characters. I really liked the dungeon exploration and the level/progression system is fun and rewarding.

    Things I liked:
    - Progression system
    - Art style (though the Heroine suspiciously looks way too much like Eula from Genshin Impact lol)
    - Events
    - Story
    - The game does kind of reward you for winning, and making the right decisions. It does feel good to finish the virigin route.
    - Through the virgin route there are some decent h-scenes.

    Things I didn't like
    - I may have missed reading some things, but the game surprises you with an insertion scene if you decide to get the libido too high. There's no struggle, internal dialogue or anything and boom you're getting fucked ... Uhmm. Sorry, but that's now that works in reality. You don't just go from wanting to cum to fucking the first guy that lays a hand on you.
    - Too easy to play the virgin route
    - The restraint mechanic is overly simplistic and you beat it 100% of the times
    - not enough traps in dungeons
    - Sex isn't just easy enough to avoid, but if you really don't want to, the game doesn't try to convince you have it. (which is fine, because I figure it's too complex to convince the player to give up their virginity)

    Music, art, gameplay is good. I did experience some parts with extreme graphical slow downs which I haven't had in any game before it.

    I'm giving it a 4/5 for giving me 28 hours of entertainment. And I'll probably play it at least one more time for a different experience. The thing is though - there's very little incentive to choose a slut route.

    You can get a lot of blessing points and upgrades without even trying especially since you can beat respawning bosses daily. I'd give it a 5, if the game was even remotely challenging, or forced me to make choices I didn't want to make.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Standard RPG fare that has good scenes but takes too long to reach them. The combat is boring, and rarely sexy (though never for long). The player will spend far more time wandering around hoping to find content than enjoying it, making this game a waste of time.

    Combat is trivial and uninspired, and gets stale very quickly. Even the stock-standard RPG maker enemies are re-used dungeon to dungeon (how hard would it have been to at least pretend you're doing something different by switching character models?). Leveling the character does little more than make the numbers go up - even the Talent Tree is filled with options that are mostly "10% attack turns into 15% attack." The bosses are little more than damage sponges, and at least the first 2 follow the same pattern. Worst of all, the player can't initiate anything sexy.

    There is a splash of in-combat h mechanics, but they're shallow and infrequent. There's only one group of enemies in each dungeon that have a scene, but it's always the same scene for that group. That goes for loss scenes as well - why is losing to the Giant Minotaur Boss the same as losing to the pack of goblins? There are even some huge missed opportunites: It was extremely disappointing to discover that losing to the gang of burly thieves who spent the whole fight stripping the MC doesn't have a scene at all.

    The biggest issue is it takes way too long to get to any of the good stuff, and it isn't worth it. The corruption mechanics are pretty well-implemented, but also mean players have to run around the same location over and over looking for new scenes. At least a couple bonus missions don't have any good story, and nothing sexy happens. When the player finds a scene, it's usually good, which makes it all the more disappointing they take so long to find.

    Players can trudge through the combat, find the one or two scenes per dungeon, and spend way too long circling around a city to find where the next thing triggers, but it won't be worth their time. The scenes are the only thing done well, and the rest are done poorly enough it's a disappointment.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Dikaya @

    Surprisingly good game with great CG, and reasonable corruption mechanic even supported by ingame plot. Combat is fine, but with a bit of grind is very easy. A lot of unusual features for an rpgm game, and if not good, than above average plot. In all, a refreshably good game in a sea of unfinished/lazy projects, gg to the dev, hope to see more games like this.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best rpg maker corruption game. If you enjoy games like magical girl celesphonia(and all other work from shimobashira) you'll definitely love this game. Too bad our heroine can't get pregnant like above games tho.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    It's... fine. It's not bad by any means, and it has production value put into it, but it does feel like a dime a dozen rpgmaker games where you play a solo female lead who gets gradually corrupted in town events, with various samey dungeon crawling combat to pad out the game time. It's perfectly competent at it, but it also plays by the numbers.

    Not great, even in that genre bubble, but also far and away from the worst.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty decent game. The opening is one of the worst I've run into though, save yourself time and literally rush main story objectives until the game gives you a direct message saying town events are open. It will be a while; lengthy main story session in town, the entire first dungeon, a ton of objectives in the town again... and that's including skipping the prologue lmao.

    I hate it when these games assume their writing is worth your time, because that's rarely ever the case, and frankly, I can only handle so many lazy trope premises in a row and that's exactly what we're fed here. Some kind of demon/dark lord/force slowly corrupting people... MC has le usual lust/succubus curse/mark/brand/whatever, and you go on doing mostly rote and boring things while 'resisting' it, which by that I mean not resisting it at all because it's a freaking ero game.

    This game does do some things right, though. Minor spoilers, but giving in to desire makes sense eventually (and is hinted at in the first dungeon) and leads to a better ending... which also makes senses for a porn game. In other words, you're not punished for enjoying the only real reason you got the game.

    Secondly, the MC isn't a virgin so there's no virgin run or worrying about what you let deflower her if you're a person who cares about the narrative at all. Some of the questionable stuff is avoidable, like NTR, which most people are against, so good news there.

    The art is great and there is a decent variety in the scenes. Despite my lashing of the narrative, it's not the worst. I have a good eye for this kind of stuff and can tell if it's the translation or if the core story is just bad (as most are), and though this is yet another incredibly tropey and unimaginative RPGM pron romp, it is definitely one of the better ones to pick if you're going to play one.

    That being said, combat is laughably easy and utterly boring as it is for most RPGM games. The amount of enemies with anything but the most barebones and generic grabs/sexual attacks is few. Luckily, you don't have to grind a lot and the ease of the game lets you mostly burn through combat sections. Game uses RoD sadly, but eh what else is new. So you will have to die a few times on purpose just to get some scenes.

    Overall, I'm impressed with this being their second game, and while it's still firmly stuck in the cursed cesspit full of RPGM games desperately trying to be more than glorified CG dispensers, there is enough game and narrative to make it among the best of the worst subsection of ero games and in my opinion its existence as a game instead of just a CG set is worthwhile
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    I like it, lots of content, lots of stuff to do, and it doesn't get boring. It has a bit of everything. The art is great and the gameplay is decent. it never becomes boring and its easy enough to get through. I enjoyed it a lot
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Note this game is 4.5/5 but I rounded to 5 because I enjoyed this game a lot. It's not without a flaw section, but its one of those games where you would play more than once to see everything. (I also finished this game when it first got uploaded on here but didn't get to writing a review for it). There are some spoilers.

    • Hot protagonist.
    • Great art.
    • A very big game.
    • Game throws a lot of money at you to buy everything you need. You can pretty much buy your way out of potential h scenes that increase desire over logic.
    • I like how the cheating ending is based on how many times you cheat on Jazz for Buster and not just having sex with random people. Raine doesn’t care for men enough for the game to consider it as such, but Buster is a huge influence on her psyche that she has to resist multiple times to avoid his ending (even if it’s personally a very sexy NTR ending). You can have 1 scene of the 4 where having 3 cheating sex results in the cheating ending.
    • Protagonist is not a virgin
    • She’s not your typical protagonist that can subject her lover to NTR. She will always have an option to opt out of cheating so long as her reason is high (and she has heavy pockets).
    • There’s a lot to do in the main town as long as you can increase your desire. The more sexual harassment Raine faces, the more events you can do around the area.
    • The lag in the main town is so bad. Even with the recent update, there is no way to stop the frame drops and it hurts since it’s the main area you are walking in. This is not seen in the other areas in the city (west and east are back to a steady frame rate.) [IDK if recent versions fix this].
    • If there’s a sleeping enemy, the whole map freezes and becomes impossible to traverse. This happens in the second area with the sleeping goblins (which got fixed in the recent patch) and the fourth area with the sleeping thieves (which hasn’t been fixed). The fourth area is worse because there are areas where in order to avoid an ambush or a trap, you have to input whatever is shown on screen but the lag prevents you from doing it.
    • The game isn’t balanced around reason and desire. If you play well and only pick “reason”, you are not unlocking any of the hentai scenes. Since the story makes it clear that Raine has a strong will, it’s natural to always pick blue until the end of the game where suddenly it leads you to the worst ending. Pink bar fills every time you go to sleep by 5 percent and goes up more with every successful h scene that tends to occur during the story rather than sidequests. It’s easier to stay in blue as a result.
    • The ending requirement is bullshit because up until that point, the game makes you pick reason over desire.
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    • Meryl has no h scenes due to having a game before this one. Her design is so good, she shows up in this game, but it’s a waste that nothing happens to her (not even a consensual brothel scene). She needs at least one when her presence in the game is important.
    • A lot of underutilized areas. The high class bar is used once during the story. The beach bar is barren. The underground area with all the vagrants has nothing outside of going there during the story mode.
    • Most of the alchemy items are completely unused. Why make collecting items important when the ones needed to upgrade the sword and armor can be bought by the merchants in the main area? The exception is beating the bosses, wields their unique item needed for upgrades and can be farmed once a day.
    • The magic stat is useless. Raine’s magic slash is useless in contrast to her normal skills. Why waste MP and TP on a skill based on her lower magic when you can just max out her physical stats and be able to mow down the majority of the enemies? The only magic stat that matters is resistance.
    • The final area sucks. You go through the same womb level four times with the main difference being that it’s rotated differently and a different color. The bosses at the end are all the same with nothing to differentiate them. I feel like they should have utilized the theme of the color and made the boss use that specific element and punish Raine depending on what she has equipped or prioritizes.
    Its this company's first major game (second one overall), so if they keep giving high quality games like this, I am all on board.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game have all the good things who can expect from a H-RPG maker game :
    - a lot of H-content through all the game, and not only when you get a game over ;
    - some H content directly during the battle, and battle damaged clothes ;
    - different cotusmes available (but sadly only one for battle) ;
    - several side jobs quests ;
    - a solid corruption system, which is well design (not too fast or too slow)
    - an enjoyable and simple ingame gameplay and storyline.
    Likes: M.Ed
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Mintberry Crunch

    Overall rpg mechanics aren't really innovating but they offer more of a challenge than your typical rpgmaker h-game.

    What really sets this apart is the art, the story and, the "QTE" sections where you decide to lewd her or listen to reason. Rain is really cute and Inner Rain's dialogue was fun to read. Overall a really great game. Wish it got an official translation.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good art and scenarios. Lots of variety to the h-scenes. It's quite a slow burn so that's good if you like that kind of thing, bad if you just want to leap straight into harder stuff. The combat is good but there's an annoying focus on certain enemies binding you and destroying your armour which can massively weaken you and make it a bit of a slog. You can upgrade your weapons and armour but the parts you need for that can be very rare, and it can be unclear where exactly they are - though there's a book in your room that helps with this. It over all feels like a polished product - it even has some voice acting for certain things.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    great game. very standard story but its done well. reminds me of clymenia games. always nice to see corruption games that build up the action slowly with some nice repeatable/in-between content so the actual progresssion of the game keeps you interested in seeing more. hope to see more from this dev.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    It's rather fun, not too short, not too long (about ~8 hours).
    The main quest is fine and is easy to follow, but I get a little tired closer to the end of the game because of constant fighting.

    The fighting is mediocre at best. You don't really have to spend skill points to get to the best skills, I only upgraded two basic skills and the fights were very easy. I don't mind a few fights but there are just too many monsters in too lengthy dungeons.

    The CGs are fine, there are many scenes and those are pretty good. The requirements for the scenes are a little grindy and not fun in particular.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    An above average hentai game that follows the standard RPGM formula, but executes it well. For people unfamiliar to the formula, it's a woman who's employed by the government/kingdom/w.e entity in mind and has to go some town and gradually gets corrupted there because of some curse. Go through dungeons and progress in both combat and smut.

    Good art. Excellent QOL; skip button present throughout entire story and combat to avoid unnecessary time wasting, quest system is very linear and easy to follow through. Sex stats are tracked.

    Not much variety, specifically on fuckable characters. While there is lose scenes in dungeons, there's not many. Also, in town there are few places that don't have any scenes, such as the underground inn and beach.
    Having to grind some sex stats is also a pain as well. Wish some of it could be easier to train.