RPGM - Completed - Nightmare Knight ~Holy Knight and the Magic of Lust~ [v2.00] [urayama-ya]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    agus gines

    Its an excelent rpg, it may not be the best at anything, but is solid at everything, good art, good combat, good gameplay, just what you need to enjoy a h rpg.
    the scenes arent vanilla or super hardcore,there is some implied ntr but it doesnt have much impact on the game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    A culmination of greatest aspects of Japanese HRPG. Seriously, this is one of the best.

    Amazing artwork
    Great costume selection
    Slow burn corruption
    Full HD Graphics! Why is not all Japan RPGM atleast 1080p man??
    Good H Gameplay

    Not too great:
    The end game does not fully throw the FMC into debauchery, like gangbang, orgy that kind of stuff. Ruins of Luxoria is the best in this regard.
    Some costumes are not wearable like the brothel one, and it is the best one.

    Really, amazing stuff, one of the best HRPG, second maybe only to Sol Rui
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    A great RPGM female protagonist corruption game.

    I really like this game because of

    - Slow corruption. You can really take any decision at any time without worrying that after some event you are force to go all the way into fully corrupted nympho. You can even clean desire in certain way. And the event is blocked behind certain tagged keywords, meaning you won't be able to unlock all event at once when a higher corruption level is achieved. This is a good mechanism for slow corruption game. If you like slow corruption of FMP, this is for you.

    - Attractive Art and good animation. the MC looks absolutely gorgeous. Just take a look at the CG of bikini armor, you will understand what I am saying.

    - RPG element. It's not a new RPG skill tree for year 2023, but the H scene in the fight is well done. It's not too much to become annoying (you have ways to prevent it) and it's various enough to let you keep trying to get a bit more. However, I hope there are a bit more H fight scene or even be able to defeat enemy after they climax.

    The reason I am not giving it 5 stars.

    - a slum inn is in the game but there is no event related to it. an absolutely waste. I have tried so many times to trigger some event there, but no, there is none. I check the save file, there is no event for slum inn. I like the slum area in most of the FMP corruption games, but this one it feels lacking some content there.
    - a title system seems to be planned in the game, you can check the save file to have reserved slots for title. and on the desire log page, beside the "sexual", "desire", there is space designed for title. Not sure why it's not implemented in the game in the end. Hope we can see some future update related to it.
    - (this is not the reason why I am not giving it 5 stars, but I really want to see) please, more event in the shop where MC get the bikini armor, and more event on the beach.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    The map designs are interesting. Combat mechanics are decent with only tiny bit of balancing issue and pacing issue (though very simple and by no means challenging) Unfortunately, there is too much of a focus on sex with the streets rather than with monsters. And as I guy, I don't want to play as a woman deeply in love for her man and doing NTR with other men. Seriously, I have no interest in men. I only want to see the main protagonist to feel good from tentacle rape or masturbating in her bedroom. This game is too gay for me.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    The Onion

    If you not a fan of RPGM beacause these reason:
    - The map design so bad that made u lost all the time
    - It force you to read every single words or you may miss the piece to progress the story
    - You just wanna walk from A to B, but suddently trigger fight
    - You have to play like 30 mins just to see some flip skirt, no H scene
    - Wait wtf just happen, where i have to go now, what i have to do?

    If u face those problem, my friend, then this game perfect for you because it fix all the anoyyed thing in normal RPGM
    (NTR avoidable btw)
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great content (There are animation and internal view)
    Great gameplay (There is H restraint)
    Great story (Some optional choice)

    The character design is also top tier. Rain is very beautiful and f*cking hot

    Overall, Great game. Highly recommended. I finished this game in 18 Hrs
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    In terms of gameplay, a fairly standard RPGM female protagonist corruption game. The main difference from standard fare for me was that the protagonist already has some repressed sexual desires even before the events of the game. Otherwise the combat is fine but overstays its welcome. Enjoyed the art overall. What keeps this from being a 5/5 for me is that I didn't quite get the payoff I was hoping for from the building corruption throughout the plot, but I still found it enjoyable.

    I feel the game is trying to emulate Shimobashira Workshop games (Magical Girl Celesphonia, Ambrosia) and doesn't quite make it but still is worth a look. Overall recommend.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    A good game that is not quite great.

    This game is pretty much good but not great all around.

    The setup and progression is fairly normal in terms of structure for this type of game, but has a bit of an odd pacing for the corruption mechanic in my opinion. You get to max desire in the blink of an eye, but then are still locked out of a fair few scenes by other metrics that I needed to semi grind. Its not a big deal but it did feel like the corruption progression didnt allign that well with my game progression.

    Combat is pretty fast but there isnt much to it and there can be a bunch.

    Scenes and art are good but not spectacular.

    I think what I feel is the weakest aspect here is the character cast. To me it ended up a bit bland with the only distinguishing factor being the moments of our protagonist thirsting after her bf.

    As for the translation, its gotta be one of the best machine translations weve had so far. I don't know how much manual editing was in the version i played, but the issues were few. Only thing that comes to mind were untranslated graphics, which are obviously a different beast and not that autotranslatable. But I see in the notes that some of those have been added manually since. Very nice.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    While I feel it could have been even better with a few tweaks here and there, I had a lot of fun with this game. I did the corruption route all the way so got the "nightmare end" which was kind of what I expected, but I'd have preferred it if Rain could have gotten all the sex she (we) wanted and still saved the world from the bad guy. After I started this game, I saw a comment about one of the characters (Meryl) coming from an earlier game so I went and played that before continuing here. It took me about 30 minutes to finish it and was ok, but this game is much longer, better, and just overall a more developed product.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    This is just.. mid. Okay the art is pretty good, but overall? It's pretty mid.

    Story: Yeah, generic corruption game. I guess it's technically NTR, since you meet the bf at the start and she occasionally talks to him? Also there's an ending where she gets tentacled in front of him. But given it's from her perspective and you can sleep with half the town it's hard to call it an NTR game. So if that's what you're looking for, then try elsewhere. Regardless, the story is pretty basic. Knight girl goes on solo mission. Knight girl gets lewd magic in first dungeon that starts to erode her purity. Knight girl ends up sleeping with anything that has a pulse and a dick.

    Gameplay: Hey it has battlefuck, that's neat. It's not a very interesting battlefuck system but it's better then nothing. Still, this is a straight forward RPGM game. Complete with this hilariously overused 'Spend TP to hit two targets at random!' early game abilities.

    Art: You have eyes bitch, look at the previews. The quality is pretty good, I like all the character designs. Too bad some of the side characters don't get like any attention. You go and make this cute witch girl and then not have her get fucked? C'mon fam. At least the priestess/nun girl got a couple.

    Variety: Fuckin non-existent. It's basically all vanilla, or monster rape. No toys outside of the one obligatory scene where she uses a vibrator to masturbate, no predicaments like the old classic stuck in a wall, no bondage play. I mean all the scenes are fine, and the girl is cute but you can only do vanilla so much before it gets old. That said there are quite a few scenes.

    So yeah, the middest of games. But that's still better then like 90% of the RPGM games that come out, so if you're just looking for something new.. well you could certainly do worse.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Story - 7/10
    It's a stereotypical female knight being corrupted but they have some moments of brilliance with the character developments (i.e. Buster).

    Originality- 5/10
    Meh, As stated above its pretty straight forward. Knight chick who has a lover need to go to a different town to solve a problem alone. If you make her fuck, she gets fucked. If not then with the power of friends and a lack of being dicked in every fucking hole she overcomes the big bad.

    Renders- 8/10
    Arts good nothing to complain about but rather there is some pretty good art being served here. Grade A stuff for sure.

    Sound- 6.5/10
    It has a very average sound track and design except for the villain theme idk if its a stock sound but when the villains come up I jam.

    IDK what this means. You use your keys to play or you use your mouse if you are jacking off. Pretty normal stuff.

    Performance- 9/10
    I have a decent setup and it runs fine.

    Bugs- 6/10
    One thing I did not enjoy was when I accidently skipped some text because I had to play Wack-oMole with it to time my button presses right.
    Except for some clipping into walls that I see in most new RPGmaker game releases there don't seem to be many bugs.

    Animations- None

    Voice Acting- 6.5/10
    Pretty basic.

    Grammar- 4/10
    I know this is MTL (or maybe AITL?) so while I wasn't expecting awesome poetry like - "His meat went guchu guchu in her fluffy sandwich". It still was annoying to have to infer who was being referred to as the POV was just sporadic, There seem to be a lot of the use of "I" when referring to someone else.

    Amount of content- 8/10
    There is a lot of content as this is a battlefuck game. Even with that the scenes themselves are abundant.

    Nevertheless, this is a good game that I would never recommend to the people around me due to the porn it contains.

    Now, why do I have to write all that to give this a good review?
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is alright.

    i'll be straight to the point for the connoisseur :

    - Combat is relativeley basic. Classic ressource management with mp and tp to use either magical or physical abilities. Clearly most of the time you'll just spam one attack . Good thing is that there is a costume durability feature and molestation during combat, the bad thing is that the game is so easy that you have to lose on purpose to experience those.

    - Story is extremely classic for the genre. Protagonist has a love interest, they go separate ways at the start for their respective missions and you will either choose to "cheat" on him or not each time you reach certain points of the story.

    - Graphism are okay. Sex scene are sexy. It doesn't look like AI so that's a good point. The only think is that the heroine doesn't have much charisma since she looks a bit underaged.

    - the replayability is pretty bad 'cause there is unfortunately only one good way to play this game : choose every slut options. If you don't the game has literraly 0 interest 'cause there is almost no forced content.

    - an other good point is that the game isn't too short.

    So i think this game is average given everything i just explained, but in comparaison to most other hrpg i still feel obliged to give it a high note.

    That's not Karyn Prison but it's still worth playin'
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    I get why this game is highly rated, because it's been a while since we have some decent corruption.

    If you're here for the art and H scenes, then you won't be disappointed. But that's the thing, other than that this game is very average.

    The combat is very standard, in fact it's so standard it actually hurts to play. I just avoided combat in the mid~late game because it got annoying.
    Story is also a big meh that's not worth talking about.

    H stats are kinda...just there? They are just numbers and I don't feel like they have any impact to the scenes. The scenes are very linear so the H stats grind just feels like it is there to add pointless game time.

    I do like how you can go full slut mode and still easily get the true ending. This game is not worth replaying so this is a plus.

    Eh, overall very average game.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    A very well-made Corruption RPGM. The art and the Hscenes were high quality. I enjoy slow corruption games, but the Hscenes were very limited at the beginning and only start to pick up after the second dungeon. But even then... the Hscenes were quite thin. I was expecting a lot more variety given how many different sex stats there were. I was given the impression that this game was going to provide as much content as other heavy hitters like Magical Girl Celesphonia, because some gameplay mechanics shared a lot of similarities with that game. I was also expecting the beach village to have a lot of scenes, since you can sleep at night at the inn, but the only thing that area provides is the dungeon and one Hscene available at the beach. Overall, there was a lot of missed potential, and I wonder if that's because of how relatively short the game was.

    The main gameplay was lackluster, it was quite boring and the monsters were just copy/paste versions of each other in different dungeons. The MTL poetry was not bad either, but there are still some texts left in Japanese (like the Quest log or the Reminiscence zone). I got one of the two endings, but I couldn't figure out how to get the "normal" ending and I wasn't curious enough to find out. I would've liked the reminiscence area to have an "unlock all cg and scenes" option to circumvent that.

    Overall, an 8/10, The art and CG were very well done. However, gameplay was forgettable and the plot was generic and kinda short.
    Likes: Xaoyu
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    A true Gem among the RPGM HGames. Played it through and got two of the endings. Even while beeing tagged "Complete" the Dev still pushes updates to this.

    Art [9/10]: Beautiful drawn Scenes and Characters, the MC is a real beauty. H-Scenes are well drawn aswell. Resolution of the Game is very good for a RPGM Game.

    Gameplay [8/10]: Enjoyable RPG overall, nice little skilltree, no grind needed (Played it through without running past enemies but fighting them), everything works well, personally had no bugs at all.

    Sound/VA [8/10]: Nothing that will blow your mind either from music to effects or from the VA. But it is well done and the VA does a good Job in the H-Scenes.

    Story [7/10]: The weakest point of the game imo still good and enjoyable especially compared to other H-Games just do not expect peak story telling here.

    H-Scenes [8/10]: Their are a good amount of them overall imo but not too much kinks covered, still very enjoyable if you like the setting. Enjoyed some of them a lot beeing a fan of NTR and all :p Good art, nice Scenes (It will get more scenes with future Updates according to the dev)

    Overall [8.5/10]: For sure one the RPGM H-Games I enjoyed the most. If it gets a few more scenes maybe even covering a few more kinks or so it would be even a 9/10. If you enjoy RPG and H-Games you are doing nothing wrong by playing this one.

    Bonus[♥]: Thanks to everyone involved bringing us this game enjoyed it a lot and made my boyfriend insecure that I like the NTR aspect of it a bit too much as his Girlfried :D And for people who like the info yes it made me cum a few times playing the game :3
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Honestly not bad at all. Art definitely hard carries but combat H is relevant/varied and scenarios are well-done albeit pretty standard. Grinding EXP in the game actually feels really good since you get skill points for every enemy killed so it never feels meaningless.

    Netorare elements are pretty minimal so if it's the netorare keeping you away, don't worry about it. You can skip the intro and you'll basically hear maybe 2 sentences about it throughout the rest of the game.

    Definitely worth a play even if for just a generic scenario-based game and doubly worth a play if you're into corruption. It's basically Magical Girl Celesphonia/Ambrosia with better art and worse scenarios.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    gameplay: 7.5 (as of version 1.03)
    art: 10/10

    pretty good game considering this is urayama's second game. (his first game barely counts as one but does feature cg set of meryl (protag from his previous game Meiru no echii na majou shiken as it turns out)

    this game only loses points due to a few bugs that locks you out of scenes if you missed them. At the time of this review, there is no magic button to unlock all scenes post game.
    Likes: Daioh
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Art is good, slow corruption is 100% my kink.

    But grinding for events is boring, there are too few events and the plot is laughable generic.

    Totally worth falling to. This one deserves a good translation.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    It's just a good RPGM game, but nothing special.

    Fun: 7/10 - Really nothing special, but different jobs which I like (tavern/medcentre/brothel/etc)
    Gameplay: 8/10 - just cause I like event hunting and fighting is good, slow corruption which I like.
    HGraphic: It is a lot of funny things molesting, and groping, but the scenes are boring after some time in the game, CGs are good.
    Kink: 7/10 a little bit of monsters, and prostitution, but again not much.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Don't let all the bells and whistles fool you, this is a very standard and straightforward corruption RPG.

    The only thing that really stands out is the art, which is well done. Beyond that, it's a very typical entry into this genre. The plot is linear and the bog standard 'female protag (Rain) gets cursed to be lusty', the battle system isn't anything new, and there's about six or so dungeons to crawl through. The sex part of the game is your usual scene collector stuff wherein after you move along the story new events will open up around the city map, and the scenes themselves are almost always linear and offer no choices within them.

    The one thing that this game does somewhat differently than similar games is that most events have stat requirements -- i.e., Rain's oral stat will need to be level 2 to unlock a specific scene. While that may be an interesting concept the execution of it is pretty bad. You might be thinking, "If she has stats for various sexual activities then surely there's a number of ways to increase those stats" but, no, you'll just be grinding the same few scenes to up the stats, and those scenes also often don't change based on her stats, so you'll be repeating the same exact scenes again and again.

    I should emphasis 'few scenes' there because this game is fairly thin on the sex content. Most event chains only have 2 - 3 scenes, some only have one and feel like they just sorta stop, as if the developer got bored midway through development. The item shop owner, for example, asks Rain to model slutty armor and then... that's it. There's nothing after that. Likewise with the rich guy -- he'll ask Rain to clean his mansion and then offer to pay more for a titfuck and then... that's it, there's no more scenes there -- he'll never ask for anything more. The game even introduces a beach town midway through the game but it only has two scenes in it. There's also a slums area but outside of generic gropers there's nothing there. I can already hear the usual "quality over quantity!" defense but the scenes aren't anything special. Then there's the NTR but, like most of this game's sexual content, it's extremely undercooked. Rain has a guy she's interested in but he's only in the game for about 10 minutes, so the relationship is nearly nonexistent and outside of a few story scenes she'll never think of him as she's getting fucked by some random NPC. The are two things I'll give the game credit for in terms of sex content: 1) a lot of sex images will change depending on what costume is equipped; 2) occasionally throughout the story Rain will get the option of whoring herself out for info or an item but, unfortunately, those instances are few and far between.

    As for the translation, it's good. There's some Engrish here and there, plus about 5% of the text is still untranslated (mission descriptions, location labels, a few rare messages here and there) but it's playable and I never ran into any completely incomprehensible scenes.

    Overall it's a competently made hentai RPG with a good bit of polish but ultimately nothing spectacular or memorable. If you really like typical corruption RPGs with female protags and have a few hours to burn then you could undoubtedly do worse.