
Aug 17, 2017
Well, yes and no. Yes, in terms that other stores are available (even providing uncensored versions), and no, if we consider that steam gives way more visibility (even Nekonyan, Shirvune and Sekai Project sell their VNs there, despite having their own stores).
In addition, some poeple really like all-age versions of VNs.


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2017
What are you guys even arguing about? Well I guess it's not arguing, still... The "fully" uncensored version is sitting just a few posts above yours'.

That said, and knowing I've already stated it once; this amount of mosaic is WELL within operational parameters for me. I honestly would just flip a coin if I could (and needed to) choose bw the uncen and the little-bit-mosaiced version, here.
How I yearn everything to be "this much" censored.
Oh well.