I came into this game with rather high hopes, having looked through some screenshots of it before playing. The GUI, as well as the graphics in general, had a decent amount of polish, which immediately impressed me. Even the character art, while being nothing more than an excuse to show off female characters, was fairly detailed and done well. The number of items and upgrades offered a personalized playstyle, offering flexibility for each individual. The game even had an option to skip each h-scene before playing them, something which should be included in far more games.
However, the drawbacks to this game soon became apparent. While the option to skip certain scenes is present, many scenes are unavoidable if one wishes to progress. Often in this type of game, h-scenes are used to reward (or "punish") the player upon completing a certain task, especially if it's a more free-roam style of game. This game does not do this, instead forcing the player to experience a scene in order to progress. Thankfully the presence of a skip option mitigates how much this negatively affects the player's experience. There are also h-scenes that take place without any warning or indication whatsoever, which can get frustrating.
The major downsides in this game are the repetition and lack of balance. The game focuses around a questing system. These quests can be broken down into hunting and gathering. Once the initial quests are played through, the player comes to realize that all subsequent quests will basically be copies of the first ones, just with different items and enemies. Quests also don't deliver very much xp, with the only real rewards being gold and progressing the game's plot.
After getting used to fighting in this game, I quickly came to realize that I almost never had to use any skills. The only skill I ever used was heal, and that was only rarely. By the middle of the game, I was able to kill most enemies in one hit, and most bosses in at most four. Without the ability to change difficulty, I found myself quickly becoming bored.
Items are also not utilized to their full potential in this game. I found that I frequently had to sell items because I had reached the stack limit, and never really used any. Enemy drops have no other purpose than upgrading weapons or making armor, and since only a couple of each item are needed, the player is left with a plethora of unused items. This could easily be subverted if, for example, potions needed to be crafted, and different enemy drops would craft different potions.
Selling items would be a lot more useful if I actually needed the extra gold. Past the very start of the game, I found that I would never run out of gold, no matter how much I bought. I never had to ration gold or sell old equipment in order to get all the upgrades I wanted. This makes quests completely useless for anything aside from progressing throughout the game.
While this game is certainly a mixed bag, it is up to the player to decide whether or not they want to play it. If you're looking for an interesting story or challenging gameplay, this is definitely not the game for you. However, if you want something for your spank bank that you can wank to, you'll probably have a good time with this game.