No headaches, just wondered why
scrappy changed the stat. I always start by playing the episode straight through with no mods, to make sure it works, then I play with only this mod installed to see if that works, by then I have a feel for the dialog, or at least how I think it should flow, so I can make my edits to the episode files. This last go round had more spelling errors than usual, and the sentence structure sucks from a N.A. perspective. You have to remember that English does not have the same sentence structure as many European Languages. When you do a straight translation into English from most Euro languages you start to sound like
JarJar Binks Yoda to us Americans.
I have the same issue when I try to talk to my Carribean relatives, I think English in my head, then speak a word for word translation. They understand what I am saying, even though the grammar is wrong, sometimes even hilariously wrong.
I don't care for incest stories so I do not test with the incest mod.