Others No Trace Of Luck [Development Thread] [Godot]


Game Developer
Apr 20, 2018
Next release. There's a decent amount of content here when combined with the previous release. At this point, I'd say this is a sufficient amount of content that I can release it as-is on F95 and Itch next week on Feb 4.

However, I still have a few days, so I'm going to keep grinding away. I have the next 2 scene concepts prepared. One of them is very ambitious, probably the most complex sequence of events I will do so far in the game. So it may or may not be done in time for Feb 4.

For anyone choose to download this I have two questions:
  • How is the game performance? Is it laggy? One reason I picked Godot is because I HATE how laggy Ren'Py is. It seems like every game on here that uses Ren'Py is insanely slow. In my testing, I am able to run this game without any lag on my laptop, which is a 5 year old CPU and no GPU. But I am wondering if it performs the same for others.

  • How is the load time? Currently I try to do ALL the loading when you launch the game, so that there is minimal loading when you're playing the actual game. But I have a fast SSD in this laptop, so I'm wondering what the load times are like for other people. When launching the game initially, and when progressing between scenes.

Here's the download, you can get it here first before the F95 release next week:

Some screenies:

1738353291891.png 1738353591355.png
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Jan 25, 2018
I haven't noticed any bad load times myself, and I think I have the game being run on my external HDD which... I don't think was an external SDD, so...


Game Developer
Apr 20, 2018
I haven't noticed any bad load times myself, and I think I have the game being run on my external HDD which... I don't think was an external SDD, so...
Thanks that's good to know! Eventually I will probably need to make an Act 2 cut off where I load the 2nd half of the game to avoid the game initial start up from getting too slow


Game Developer
Apr 20, 2018
Working on the next scene, sneak peak it features Lisa. This is the complex scene I was mentioning. It will feature 1 date sequence and 3 back-to-back poker sequences as Lisa comes to terms with the fact that she's not going to get any better at poker unless she takes up the offer of strip-poker focused training. You will need to consistently beat her, on repeat, for an entire day, to finally make her realize that the strip poker is inevitable.

This art style is different from what I had in the original Lisa scene. That art was done very early when I was still learning and it was very labor intensive to get it to look good. If you look closely, you'll notice the face changes significantly throughout the scene, and there is very little consistency in Lisa's hair.

I am switching to this new method, which produces artwork that looks different from before, but it's much easier for me to produce in large quantities. And still looks pretty good in my opinion. I may replace the original art with new art for consistency. I'm still not 100% sure how to handle Ashely yet because she doesn't look at good with this new method.

I will post 3 images below.

  • Image 1 is how the art looks TODAY in the first scenes with Lisa
  • Image 2 is how the art looks with my new method but ZERO adjustments. This is what the AI generates directly.
  • Image 3 is how the art will look using the new method + facial adjustments

Image 1 (Old Method) -------------------Image 2 (New Method - NO adjustments------------Image 3 (face replacement)
1738440192170.png 2db7953c-fd1a-4d7a-b8fe-c46c2d4e13a2.png 02532ec7-8cc5-475c-aab6-3e42a82bc3ec.png

I do the facial replacement because I don't like the super low-detail anime style face that the AI produces by default.

Anyway, with that aside, here's a sneak preview at the new lisa art in her new scene
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Jan 25, 2018
I am highly looking forward to how the Lisa strip poker will go, and I can see I'll have to work for it. Which is fine, it probably makes sense when she actually Googles what that means, she won't just be all happy to accept it...

I forgot to mention it with my earlier post, as I just went to bed right after, but one problem with GODOT compared to Ren'py, is when it comes to replaying content. In Ren'py, you can just hold down CTRL and it'll hyper speed through text. You can't do that in GODOT, which can make replaying content pretty slow. The phone when you have to see text messages also seems really, really slow which doesn't aid in replaying.


Game Developer
Apr 20, 2018
I am highly looking forward to how the Lisa strip poker will go, and I can see I'll have to work for it. Which is fine, it probably makes sense when she actually Googles what that means, she won't just be all happy to accept it...

I forgot to mention it with my earlier post, as I just went to bed right after, but one problem with GODOT compared to Ren'py, is when it comes to replaying content. In Ren'py, you can just hold down CTRL and it'll hyper speed through text. You can't do that in GODOT, which can make replaying content pretty slow. The phone when you have to see text messages also seems really, really slow which doesn't aid in replaying.
Thanks for the feedback, I noticed this too, especially because I have replayed some scenes 100+ times at this point. I am working on some changes for this.

5 Changes I am planning, I will probably include all of these except the last one in the next Lisa update (the last one is harder because I need to make a UI for it):
  • I don't think it will be possible to add the CTRL hyper speed skip, but I have found a way to make spacebar 2x faster than what is currently possible. I just need to have it as an option in the settings, or bind it to a different button, because it makes it too easy to accidentally skip text even if you don't want to skip it.

  • For text message sequences, once you have completed it one time, I will add a button to speed up the typing animation by a large amount on any replays (it will apply across saves, so any time you start a new save, you will immediately get this option). This might break some things, I'm not sure, there's a lot of stuff hooked into the phone timing.

  • Once you successfully complete a poker sequence, any time you replay it, I will give the option to automatically win or lose a hand by just clicking a button. This will also apply across saves.

  • In poker, I am going to add an unlucky system, where if you constantly lose many times, you will gain access to an option to automatically win one or two hands next time you try.
    • In the latest update, I also made the Texas Hold Em style poker easier by giving the AI a 50% chance to not to fold their hand when they're in a bad position. (This doesn't apply to the Five Card Draw version because you can't even fold in that version)

  • I am going to add a scene select app in the phone, where you can instantly skip to any scene in the game that you've already beaten.
    • Scenes in this game are 3 things: "VN Scenes" which are just the normal text/talking sequences, "Date" scenes which are the date minigame, and "Poker" scenes which are poker. You'll be able to skip to any of these after you've beaten them.
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Jan 25, 2018
Gotta support stuff with strip poker as best I can!
I don't see any problems with those ideas, though don't try to put too much on your plate at once.
The fact the game doesn't keep the saves in the folder the game is in it handy sometimes. Though now my saves are all in a random mess, and I think I have 3 at Boa's Strip Poker for some reason...


Game Developer
Apr 20, 2018
Lots of great progress this weekend. Nothing to release yet, but want to write about some updates I made to my tools and post another screenshot.

Tool Updates:

Previously it was very very annoying for me to add new scenes to the game. Every time I added a scene, I needed to do all of these steps:
  • Generate all the art
  • Give all the art correct names and put it in the correct order (eg: image 1 happens, then image 2, then image 3, etc...)
  • Then I needed to create what I called a 'BackgroundList', this involves manually dragging every single image into the editor, and manually typing out a name. The editor is also very laggy during this process. Sometimes, I needed to drag 50+ images in, write out every name, and deal with the constant lag for over an hour.
  • Then I needed to create a 'Character' which is how I identify who the speaker is, their portrait, and all of their poses.
  • For characters, I again needed to repeat the manual typing, manual dragging of images, etc... 50+ times, once for each and every pose.
  • Then I needed to create a 'CharacterList' which determines which characters will be in a scene.
  • Then I needed to create a 'BackgroundListSet' which contains all the relevant BackgroundLists in a scene.
  • Then I had to create a 'DialogueData' which contains all the dialogue in the scene, which backgrounds are for which dialogue, and which characters are for each dialogue.
  • Then I needed to manually attach the CharacterList and BackgroundListSet to the Dialogue Data
  • Then I needed to create a GameStage, which is what contains information about the current scene. Eg: if the current scene is a poker match, it contains starting chip counts, etc...
  • Then finally I needed to associate the DialogueData to the GameStage

This was extremely annoying. Today I decided to do an experiment into writing a tool to do all of this automatically, and I quickly learned it was actually very easy to do! In less than 2 hours I made three different scripts:

  1. A script to select a directory of .png files, and turns it into a fully complete BackgroundList. This is 100x easier to use than what I was doing before
  2. A script to automatically create a characterlist, background list set, dialogue data, and gamestage, and automatically associate them all together correctly. Saving a lot of time
  3. A script to select a directy of .png files, and turn them all into poses for a certain character

These three scripts make it so much faster and easier to add new content.

Thanks for reading, here's a preview of the next scene. I am currently knee deep in writing out the script / story. All artwork is done (50+ images just for this scene alone). Just scripts scripts scripts to complete it

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Game Developer
Apr 20, 2018
Huge update just released! I put in so many hours to get this done. So many good fixes and features in here I am happy to share.

New Features:

In the menu:
  • Added ctrl text skipping like Ren'Py for scenes where you've already seen the dialogue.
  • Added a shortcut to open the save file folder on your pc
  • Made it so save files tell you where that save was, instead of just the time
  • Made it so wallpaper unlocks are now shared across saves.
  • Fixed a lot of issues with how the menu interacted with the UI like the dialogue box
  • 1738739238742.png 1738739397356.png

Skipping Features
  • Fast Forward for the phone messages after you've already completed it on any save file
  • Ctrl skip for dialogue after you have already completed it on any save file
(Actual speed)
wp25.gif wp26.gif

Fixed All Memory Leaks
  • I figured out how to identify memory leaks in Godot and learned that I had a huge memory leak from the Date sequence. It created like 3000 orphaned nodes from one date. (Which is a lot, the entire actual game is only like 190 nodes at most)
  • Now I have ZERO memory leaks, not even 1 single orphaned node after playing the whole game!
  • I don't know if anybody will actually notice these changes or not, I never had any performance issues before, but they're all fixed now

Poker Difficulty Adjustments
  • I made 2 changes to poker difficulty. 1: I made Texas Hold 'Em easier by making it so the CPU will sometimes not fold their hand when they're at a disadvantage.
  • And 2: I made it so I can configure how difficult the CPU is for Five Card Draw poker. Which I use to adjust the difficulty as you play against Lisa.

Lots of New Content
  • 3 new main story sequences.
  • ~3 new text message sequences
  • 1 new date
  • 3 new poker matches
  • Over 100 new pieces of artwork

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  • Yay, update!
Reactions: damian1313


Aug 6, 2017
Umm can someone explain why a pair of TENS loses to a pair of THREES .... also had a pair of ACES lose to a pair of FOURS .... edit: now my JACKS and FOURS lose to her FIVES and TWOS ..... how are you supposed to advance in the game if the game tells you your winning hand is a loser???


Game Developer
Apr 20, 2018
Umm can someone explain why a pair of TENS loses to a pair of THREES .... also had a pair of ACES lose to a pair of FOURS .... edit: now my JACKS and FOURS lose to her FIVES and TWOS ..... how are you supposed to advance in the game if the game tells you your winning hand is a loser???
Thanks, I didn't know this was happening. I played so many poker hands I barely even looked at the cards anymore. I always wondered why I lost so much :unsure:

I have a fixed version here:

I ran it through all these tests and it seems to be working now:

1. Pair of 2s vs Pair of 3s

  • Hand 1: 2H, 2D, 5S, 7C, 9D (Pair of 2s)
  • Hand 2: 3H, 3D, 2C, 4D, 9H (Pair of 3s)
  • Expected Result: Hand 2 wins (because 3s are higher than 2s).
2. Same Pair, Different Kickers
  • Hand 1: 5H, 5D, 8C, 2S, 9D (Pair of 5s; top kicker is a 9)
  • Hand 2: 5C, 5S, 7D, 2H, 8S (Pair of 5s; top kicker is an 8)
  • Expected Result: Hand 1 wins (9 kicker out‐ranks 8 kicker).
3. Two Pairs vs One Pair
  • Hand 1: 4H, 4D, 7S, 7C, 9D (Two Pairs: 7s & 4s)
  • Hand 2: 8C, 8D, 5H, 2C, 9H (One Pair of 8s)
  • Expected Result: Hand 1 wins (Two Pairs beats One Pair).
4. Two Pairs vs Two Pairs (Kicker Decides)
  • Hand 1: 9H, 9D, 2S, 2C, QH (Two Pairs: 9s & 2s, top kicker Q)
  • Hand 2: 9C, 9S, 2H, 2D, JH (Two Pairs: 9s & 2s, top kicker J)
  • Expected Result: Hand 1 wins (Queen kicker beats Jack kicker).
5. Straight vs Flush
  • Hand 1: 2H, 3H, 4H, 5D, 6C (Straight, 6 high)
  • Hand 2: 2S, 5S, 7S, KS, 9S (Flush in Spades)
  • Expected Result: Hand 2 wins (Flush is stronger than Straight).
6. Straight vs Higher Straight
  • Hand 1: 2C, 3D, 4D, 5H, 6S (Straight, 6 high)
  • Hand 2: 3H, 4H, 5D, 6H, 7C (Straight, 7 high)
  • Expected Result: Hand 2 wins (7‐high beats 6‐high).
7. Full House vs Flush
  • Hand 1: 3H, 3S, 3C, 9D, 9H (Full House: three 3s and two 9s)
  • Hand 2: 2D, 4D, 8D, TD, KD (Flush in Diamonds)
  • Expected Result: Hand 1 wins (Full House is stronger than a Flush).
8. Four of a Kind vs Full House
  • Hand 1: 5H, 5D, 5C, 5S, 9H (Four of a Kind: 5s)
  • Hand 2: 9C, 9D, 9S, 7H, 7C (Full House: 9s over 7s)
  • Expected Result: Hand 1 wins (Four of a Kind beats Full House).
9. Straight Flush vs Four of a Kind
  • Hand 1: 5D, 6D, 7D, 8D, 9D (Straight Flush, 9 high)
  • Hand 2: KH, KS, KC, KD, 2D (Four of a Kind: Kings)
  • Expected Result: Hand 1 wins (Straight Flush beats Four of a Kind).
10. Tie: Identical High Cards
  • Hand 1: AH, KD, QC, 7S, 4D (Ace, King, Queen, 7, 4)
  • Hand 2: AC, KS, QD, 7C, 4S (Ace, King, Queen, 7, 4)
  • Expected Result: It’s a tie (exact same ranks).
11. Tie: Same Pair, Same Kickers
  • Hand 1: 8H, 8D, 3S, 2C, AH (Pair of 8s; kickers A, 3, 2)
  • Hand 2: 8C, 8S, AS, 3H, 2D (Same pair, identical kickers)
  • Expected Result: It’s a tie.
12. Ace‐Low Straight vs 6‐High Straight
  • Hand 1: AH, 2D, 3C, 4H, 5S (5‐high “Ace‐low” Straight)
  • Hand 2: 2S, 3H, 4D, 5H, 6C (6‐high Straight)
  • Expected Result: Hand 2 wins (6‐high beats 5‐high).
13. Ace‐Low Straight Flush vs 6‐High Straight Flush
  • Hand 1: AH, 2H, 3H, 4H, 5H (5‐high Straight Flush)
  • Hand 2: 2H, 3H, 4H, 5H, 6H (6‐high Straight Flush)
  • Expected Result: Hand 2 wins (6‐high SF beats 5‐high SF).
14. Ace‐High Flush vs King‐High Flush
  • Hand 1: AH, KH, 8H, 4H, 2H (Flush, Ace high)
  • Hand 2: KD, QD, JD, 7D, 3D (Flush, King high)
  • Expected Result: Hand 1 wins (Ace high beats King high).
15. Full House vs Full House (Compare the Three of a Kind First)
  • Hand 1: 6H, 6D, 6C, 2C, 2H (Full House: three 6s & a pair of 2s)
  • Hand 2: 7H, 7D, 7C, 2S, 2D (Full House: three 7s & a pair of 2s)
  • Expected Result: Hand 2 wins (7s full beats 6s full).
16. Three of a Kind vs Three of a Kind (Kickers Decide)
  • Hand 1: 9H, 9D, 9C, AH, 2D (Trip 9s; Ace and 2 as kickers)
  • Hand 2: 9S, 9C, 9D, KH, QH (Trip 9s; King and Queen as kickers)
  • Expected Result: Hand 1 wins (Ace kicker outranks King kicker).
17. Two Pairs vs Two Pairs (Same Top Pair, Bigger Second Pair)
  • Hand 1: 9H, 9D, 5S, 5C, 7D (Two Pairs: 9s & 5s)
  • Hand 2: 9C, 9S, 8C, 8D, 4H (Two Pairs: 9s & 8s)
  • Expected Result: Hand 2 wins (8s pair is bigger than 5s).
18. Straight Flush vs “Royal Flush” (Ace‐High Straight Flush)
  • Hand 1: 9C, TC, JC, QC, KC (King‐high Straight Flush)
  • Hand 2: TD, JD, QD, KD, AD (Ace‐high Straight Flush, a.k.a. “Royal Flush”)
  • Expected Result: Hand 2 wins (Ace‐high Straight Flush beats King‐high).


New Member
Sep 23, 2023
Read through the thread, thank you for actually going through a bunch of generated images and not just picking among the first few images made like some others do. Thats one of my biggest gripes with AI art but you made yours look good. Looking forward to future content!

This might be a bit too soon to ask but do you have any other characters planned for the future or are the girls shown going to be what's available?


Game Developer
Apr 20, 2018
Read through the thread, thank you for actually going through a bunch of generated images and not just picking among the first few images made like some others do. Thats one of my biggest gripes with AI art but you made yours look good. Looking forward to future content!

This might be a bit too soon to ask but do you have any other characters planned for the future or are the girls shown going to be what's available?
Currently there are 4 main characters, Ana, Amy, Lisa, and Ashely. I don't have any immediate plans to add new main characters to the game right now. Mostly because every time I add a new character, it means all the other characters get less content. (Since I am just one person and can only work on one of them at a time.) Actually the game was originally only supposed to be 1 character, I don't even know how I let it increase all the way up to 4 :LOL: Once I have progressed the plots of these 4 characters pretty far, I will start looking at possible new characters.

However I do have some side characters, such as Tessa and Boa, they won't have significant extended plots, mostly just small plots and for sexy times. I will add new side characters in the future. Is there any particular type of character you're interested in seeing?


New Member
Sep 23, 2023
Currently there are 4 main characters, Ana, Amy, Lisa, and Ashely. I don't have any immediate plans to add new main characters to the game right now. Mostly because every time I add a new character, it means all the other characters get less content. (Since I am just one person and can only work on one of them at a time.) Actually the game was originally only supposed to be 1 character, I don't even know how I let it increase all the way up to 4 :LOL: Once I have progressed the plots of these 4 characters pretty far, I will start looking at possible new characters.

However I do have some side characters, such as Tessa and Boa, they won't have significant extended plots, mostly just small plots and for sexy times. I will add new side characters in the future. Is there any particular type of character you're interested in seeing?
Oh no I totally get it. Its why I said too soon to ask haha. Glad you made the change to 4 though even if its more work. As for a type of character, really Im just hoping on seeing someone blonde lol


Game Developer
Apr 20, 2018
Just for fun did a little timelapse video as I work on converting some of the older, inconsistent art to the new art style. This is about 6 hours of work condensed to 1 minute.

Example of old vs new:

---------------------------OLD -------------------------------------------------- NEW
3.png f1085b67-c15d-4e7c-9fb9-04b4e145e74f.png
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Game Developer
Apr 20, 2018
Finished up the last of the Lisa style rework for the original content and added it to the game.

Things replaced:
  • Her blue t-shirt art in the intro sequence
  • Her pre and post-date market sequences
  • Her date sequence

Date sequence

-------------------------OLD ART ---------------------------------------- NEW ART
1739054999548.png 1739054922342.png

Pre-market sequence
Including the reward for winning the date

-------------------------OLD ART ---------------------------------------- NEW ART

Post-date Sequence
-------------------------OLD ART ---------------------------------------- NEW ART

1739056754650.png 1739056724292.png

Blue t-shirt character art:

1739056821834.png 1739056860315.png

Also added a new feature to poker where it displays the full detail of what your hand was vs your opponent's hand


Download available here. There's no new story content here other than the reworked art and minor changes to dialogue.

Up next, I'm thinking of also replacing the Boa art + expanding the Boa poker scene, as her art is also inconsistent with the rest of the game.


New Member
Jul 26, 2022
Love the AI art and see the huge potential of this game! Im a fan of strip poker and dont know any strip poker game with an effort to make the story like this one.
I know this still in the early development stage and this game still have the "dating sim" tag but just want to ask are there any chance we can have the dominate / Bully route where you can be a jerk and make them do the humiliate forfeit after rip them of in the poker game. Yk the purpose of strip poker :devilish:


Game Developer
Apr 20, 2018
Working on updates to the Boa scene. Putting a lot more time into it than I did the first time around.

0685b387-67a7-4877-aeba-6ad8d44321d6.png fc6d4f1d-c2bc-4603-92df-20ccde163a65.png

Also making changes to the Ashely character. I did like her old art, but it was based on a different AI model than all the other art in the game, and I figured I needed to bite the bullet now and replace her with the new AI model before it causes problems in the future.

In some ways I still prefer the old art, but I just don't think it was going to work for the entire game. The new art may look better if I add back the tattoos and a design on the shirt, which I removed because they were really difficult to keep consistent last time. I'm still thinking about adding them back.

The old model also had this muted yellow color over every image, which you can see below. There is no way to get rid of that. The new model is capable of vibrant colors.

---------------------OLD -------------------------------------------- NEW--------------------
e7d8cf8f-8e9a-484d-aff0-373545bb61f2.png 3c98d610-1c65-46f1-bdb3-5d65a37653bd.png

Here is how she looks with a design on the shirt and a tattoo. I'll probably come back after I finish the Boa scene to decide if I want to try adding that into every single image and character art.


I also managed to get a decent video for this one. AI videos are still really hard and slow to create, so I'm surprised I got one this decent.

View attachment Professional_Mode_pulling_down_cloth_off_legs.mp4
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Reactions: H2Ooze


Game Developer
Apr 20, 2018
Art for the new Boa scene has just been completed, it took me I would estimate around 10 hours, and dang y'all are gonna like this one I think.

The amount of art has increased from originally only 8 images to now 40 (+2 videos). However, big disclaimer, 13 of those are variations depending on whether your character has lost clothing.

With these changes, I will have officially redone approximately 50% of the art in the game since the last major update (Lisa's market date, Ashely's park date, and the Boa poker sequence.) In my opinion, the Lisa scene looks 10x better. The Boa sequence is 100x better. And the Ashely sequence is arguably the same or even worse with the new art (but it was necessary due to art stye consistency.)

All of the remaining art in the game already uses my new updated process, so there are no more art reworks necessary after this point and I can continue on to strictly new content

I'm working on getting this scripted. It will take a surprisingly large amount of work due to how this poker scenes links into 2 other scenes, and with how the images play out, there will be some slight story changes necessary.

In the spirit of all the other posts, here is an old art vs new art comparison:

-------------------------------- OLD ----------------------------------------------------------- NEW
pok1.png 1.png
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New Member
Sep 23, 2023
Art for the new Boa scene has just been completed, it took me I would estimate around 10 hours, and dang y'all are gonna like this one I think.

The amount of art has increased from originally only 8 images to now 40 (+2 videos). However, big disclaimer, 13 of those are variations depending on whether your character has lost clothing.

With these changes, I will have officially redone approximately 50% of the art in the game since the last major update (Lisa's market date, Ashely's park date, and the Boa poker sequence.) In my opinion, the Lisa scene looks 10x better. The Boa sequence is 100x better. And the Ashely sequence is arguably the same or even worse with the new art (but it was necessary due to art stye consistency.)

All of the remaining art in the game already uses my new updated process, so there are no more art reworks necessary after this point and I can continue on to strictly new content

I'm working on getting this scripted. It will take a surprisingly large amount of work due to how this poker scenes links into 2 other scenes, and with how the images play out, there will be some slight story changes necessary.

In the spirit of all the other posts, here is an old art vs new art comparison:

-------------------------------- OLD ----------------------------------------------------------- NEW
View attachment 4562859 View attachment 4562858
Its looking really good! 40 images is a lot more than 8. Can we expect a full match or is it more like the original where only the breasts are shown? Either way looking forward to see the new content!